ESM 004 (BBS LM replica)

The end of the month is approaching.
Perhaps time for a follow-up?

Hi king_victor, any chance you can contact ESM?

Spoke to Otti... He said the shipment is still on the boat and will arrive within a week. It's been delayed from what he heard. I will call next week again.
Thanks for the update king_victor.
Gorgeous bangbang!!
Hopefully, the wheels will be shipping out this week!
Hey guys,


I just spoke to Otti.

He said that they anticipate receiving the wheels in about a week and a half, and that we should be receiving them a few days later (approximately two weeks from today).
Guys, I am waiting on a set for a customer, I spoke to Otti last week. The wheels are in the states and should be shipping out by end of the week.

Im excited to get these! Too bad they are going on my fiancee's VW cabrio :biggrin:
I called earlier this morning and spoke with someone (Otti wasn't there). He said the wheels are currently at the port, awaiting customs clearance. He anticipates that they will receive it any day now, and should be able to ship them out starting Monday.

Can't wait!
hey guys, i just saw this post right now. I WANT A SET. who do i need to contact here on prime to put my name to the list?

Please reply
