
This thread really makes me sad looking at how so many people are so full of anger and hatred on here....is there really any benefit to this?? I would encourage all of you to look back at yourselves and think if you would be proud of your child/brother/whoever if you saw them acting this way towards someone else?? :frown:
Meeyatch1 said:
This thread really makes me sad looking at how so many people are so full of anger and hatred on here....is there really any benefit to this?? I would encourage all of you to look back at yourselves and think if you would be proud of your child/brother/whoever if you saw them acting this way towards someone else?? :frown:
No hatred, just plain old anonymous amusement. :smile:
Meeyatch1 said:
This thread really makes me sad looking at how so many people are so full of anger and hatred on here....is there really any benefit to this?? I would encourage all of you to look back at yourselves and think if you would be proud of your child/brother/whoever if you saw them acting this way towards someone else?? :frown:

I think you mistake disgust for anger and hatred. There is a big difference.
steveny said:
Tub of jelly
Five gallon belly
Greasy layers oh so smelly

Oh man... I nearly horked. That's seriously nasty. :eek:
Come on... I know all you guys are going to TIVO it. LOL

zahntech said:
I think I'm going to open my own strip club!...... just for Chunky strippers....It will be called.....BOOTYLAND!

open one up here in so cal, i'll manage it for you!
Meeyatch1 said:
This thread really makes me sad looking at how so many people are so full of anger and hatred on here....is there really any benefit to this?? I would encourage all of you to look back at yourselves and think if you would be proud of your child/brother/whoever if you saw them acting this way towards someone else?? :frown:

I tend to agree. I've cut some people up in my day but it's been do to things they say, to me, that I can respond to. I don't believe in personally attacking people I don't even know..especially based on things other people tell me. Not that I'm defending her cause I don't know her at all..but some of the people here are acting like they are in high school again and it's pathetic. You guys don't seem to understand that she's laughing at you more the harder you try to cut her up. We just got a bunch of people that think they're better than other people over the internet...sheesh.

satan_srv said:
I tend to agree. I've cut some people up in my day but it's been do to things they say, to me, that I can respond to. I don't believe in personally attacking people I don't even know..especially based on things other people tell me. Not that I'm defending her cause I don't know her at all..but some of the people here are acting like they are in high school again and it's pathetic. You guys don't seem to understand that she's laughing at you more the harder you try to cut her up. We just got a bunch of people that think they're better than other people over the internet...sheesh.


Lighten up people. :rolleyes:
No one here takes this stuff seriously, especially her. If she did she would have left here several completely meaningless threads ago...
We could all disappear off this thread tomorrow, nothing lost, nothing gained, except a little entertainment(both sides).
Don’t git yer panties all bunched up. :biggrin: :biggrin:

satan_srv said:
I tend to agree. I've cut some people up in my day but it's been do to things they say, to me, that I can respond to. I don't believe in personally attacking people I don't even know..especially based on things other people tell me. Not that I'm defending her cause I don't know her at all..but some of the people here are acting like they are in high school again and it's pathetic. You guys don't seem to understand that she's laughing at you more the harder you try to cut her up. We just got a bunch of people that think they're better than other people over the internet...sheesh.

i have a different perspective: my sense is that most posters to this thread have read ashley's multiple threads & postings and have come to their own conclusions as to her character. my own interpretation is that nobody here - except ashley - thinks they're better than anyone else.
Meeyatch1 said:
This thread really makes me sad looking at how so many people are so full of anger and hatred on here....is there really any benefit to this?? I would encourage all of you to look back at yourselves and think if you would be proud of your child/brother/whoever if you saw them acting this way towards someone else?? :frown:

Yep, a lot of these posts surprised me.

People need to relax, she's just having fun. I can imagine what people would write if one of the guys on here went on Elimidate.
AutoVation said:
Yep, a lot of these posts surprised me.

People need to relax, she's just having fun. I can imagine what people would write if one of the guys on here went on Elimidate.

Okay....I will go on Elimidate and see what happens.... ;)
jimmycinla said:
Don’t git yer panties all bunched up. :biggrin: :biggrin:


I like bunched up panties..like on my floor :biggrin:

yeah I know..I just it's a a little silly..although I do admit I don't really read her posts..cause I hardly care. I'm here for the NSX... :wink: