
steveny said:
What are you doing oil changes? :confused: :confused:

Is that a euphemism that I have not caught yet, or did you miss the interesting part of SNC?
Ahemmm! cough! cough!

Wow! :eek: It's getting "HOT" in here!!... :biggrin:
Now I need my popcorn! :wink:
ParisModel said:
I am aware of the stereotypes made of those who participate on Elimidate. I am also aware of the stereotypes about those who own an NSX. :eek:

Don’t doubt my love and appreciation for the NSX. Just ask my neighbors. They see a different one in my driveway every week. :tongue:

A stereotype is based on pre-judging without any knowledge. In your situation we have more than just a first impression to work with. We have seen you in action on the show and with your comments on prime, none of which go beyond the stereotype so you by definition fit the mold perfectly...hey, you may be the mold. :smile:

Seriously though, I feel bad that everybody is bashing you, but you do bring a lot of the heat down on yourself. Why is it that the young and immature tend to confuse confidence with gloating. One is an attractive quality and one is not, so learn the difference and you will be a much better person in the process.
zahntech said:
soo..about this fat girl...hillary......she is smokin hot... :smile:

ROTFLMAO!!!! I almost spit my water out. Fuck all the critics, i'd hit all of them except the little big head girl in the red. :biggrin: :biggrin: Especially that Hillary(I do drink a lot of Makers Mark) :biggrin: :biggrin:

The one in the red looks like that little girl in that movie total recall(arnold schwarz-a-sumthin). Remember? the one in the secret rebel strip club/bar. Ok for the cheap seats...............the bar with the girl with the 3 tits!!!! :biggrin:

There is a forum on prime for eveything now!!!!!!! If prime we keep getting other useful info AND all the cracking on each other, we are going to DEFINETLY need more smiley's!!!!
ccns23 said:
We really need a popcorn smiley........

this thread can only get better :biggrin:

This one calls for 2 servings! :biggrin:

Yeah Hillary is the kind of girl you could take home to momma!......she has them "childbearing hips"!

.....mmmmmmm and thoes......Mamma...Mammas! :smile:
zahntech said:
soo..about this fat girl...hillary......she is smokin hot... :smile:

Dude...she's not that fat! You're going to give her a complex!
BTW- wtf is Miss Blue Lake? Sounds like a title you have to show skin to win.
"Everyone knows where grandma hides the cookies, and Hilary's definitely got a top shelf."
The Best line from the video clip, that is one of the cheesiest things I have ever heard. That friggin rules.
ccns23 said:
How long till we hear about how she hooked up with Scott Baio? Cause you know that's what comes next.... :biggrin:

"Right now, somewhere in this world, Scott Baio is plowing a woman he doesn't even love" -Peter Griffin, Family Guy

God, I love that show.
ccns23 said:
Wow....this thread perked up.

How long till we hear about how she hooked up with Scott Baio? Cause you know that's what comes next.... :biggrin:

She has a terrible secret

Her last boyfriend was Fabio
I think we all need to know exactly what happend to veronica's hair?

Is it just me or does it look like she cut it herself and then sprayed only the roots with hairspray? :confused:
Sorry..i forgot about this incident.

For those who missed this....


Originally Posted by kclements
Just thought I would let you all know. I am a little bit jaded and have reason to be. As some of you know Ashley was at one point my girlfriend. We had been seeing each other for the better part of a year until a week ago. After spending $8,000 on her wardrobe to help get her modeling going, and 3 trips to Vegas at $3,000 plus a pop, 8 trips to Vancouver B.C. to go shopping and partying and numerous other excursions, dinners, etc etc. I am now over $30,000 in the hole and in the process of selling my house and my car to get out of the debt I am in. She loves material things and theres nothing more to her ploy here then to find someone to facilitate her greed. I wish anyone who encounters her the best of luck and to not make the mistakes I made otherwise come with deep pockets.
vtec888 said:
Sorry..i forgot about this incident.

For those who missed this....


Originally Posted by kclements
Just thought I would let you all know. I am a little bit jaded and have reason to be. As some of you know Ashley was at one point my girlfriend. We had been seeing each other for the better part of a year until a week ago. After spending $8,000 on her wardrobe to help get her modeling going, and 3 trips to Vegas at $3,000 plus a pop, 8 trips to Vancouver B.C. to go shopping and partying and numerous other excursions, dinners, etc etc. I am now over $30,000 in the hole and in the process of selling my house and my car to get out of the debt I am in. She loves material things and theres nothing more to her ploy here then to find someone to facilitate her greed. I wish anyone who encounters her the best of luck and to not make the mistakes I made otherwise come with deep pockets.

Ashley's them song?
I just find it hard to believe that someone is so blind sighted by their own ignorance that they can't see what they've done to themselves.

Ashley, by coming on this forum and asking for "dates" to meets, you've done nothing more than declare yourself a whore for hire. And it just so happens you've done so on a site that promotes a relatively expensive car that few can afford. So naturally, that makes you a gold digging whore for hire.

I'd be willing to bet that you haven't "advertised" your services on any civic or s2000 forums, have ya? Subarus's or Mitsu's? Going for the gold are we?

Girls like you are a disgrace. At times when I look back at all the shady, not so moral stuff i've done to some girls in the past, I feel bad. However, coming in contact with examples like you allows me to rationalize putting someone in their place every so often. Thanks for that, btw.

There is no problem with a woman being attracted to a man because of his car. Selecting the purchase of an NSX shows above all that a man has good taste, refinement, intelligence, a passion for recreation and the overall good sense for items of quality. It shouldn't be attractive because it can denote the size of his money-bin. ( let's all take a swim in mine this weekend btw gang :wink: )

Take this for what its worth. The high school kids that run around in car clubs here in Ohio have a name for women that display similar qualities as you. They call them car sluts. I don't think any self respecting woman would want that name labeled on her forehead.

Good luck in your modeling career.
Now, of course, I am not Ashley's biggest fan, but I will say based on what I have heard, she is not a Whore. My understanding is she uses men for their money or the things it can buy for her, but she is not "giving it up" to all these guys. So, that might be one redeeeming quality (unless your the sexually frustrated guy with the massive Credit Card Debt she is seeing :biggrin: )
For those of you who have taken and interest in Hilary; she is a stripper down in Federal Way, Washington.

Veronica's hair is a wig because she recently had cancer and was being treated for it over the past year.

Now, as far as I know, here in Seattle it's not a crime to be a fan of sports cars and enjoy being around that kind of crowd. If that makes me a car slut I really don't give a damn my dear. Anyone who knows me, on the other hand, can testify that there is no "giving it up" going on here. But then again, I do enjoy the posts from some of you in which you go on and on about how you think you have me figured out. Really though, you have no idea. :wink: