
khappucino said:
haha perhaps she's a 'swimsuit model' at the Roxy Caberet Shower Show!! LOL!!

Funny you say that because I know she worked in a strip club as a "SIT", aka stripper in training. (she was serving drinks as a cocktail waitress and one step away from the stage) I think they are the alternate in case one of the other girls gets sick or something.
Allright, scratch everything I too just watched the clip and this is the cheesiest thing I have ever seen. Dude, I hope that really isn't you and if it was, I certainly wouldn't be bragging about it. :eek: :eek:
Schmitt, thanks for offering your "second hand" info to this chat thread. As the grape vine grows, so does your credibility. (Sarcasm) :eek:

As many of you know, I like a bit of drama every now and then. Some will not admit this, but most of you like it as well, or you wouldn't be in this thread making posts. :wink:
Oh boy, Elimidate, where you get to make a fool out of yourself to try to win a measly prize. How much is the appearance fee for this show? Or, do ppl do it for free just to be on TV?
#1: It's Shumdit, not Schmitt. If you would stop huffing glue you might know what it means, and would be able to see that I am pretty easygoing in general. I am not worried about my credibility, and apparently with your appearance on the show, neither are you. I also do not need the "(Sarcasm)" quotw as I am not so dense that I can not ascertain the context of your post.
#2: My info is not really "secondhand" in my opinion, since (and I can be pretty direct with the info provided if you like) the person you screwed over was telling about 15 of us some of the things you did, but he was fair enough to not make you out to be 100% bad, which contradicts the way someone who was just trying to slam you would handle things.
#3: Your comments made on the show do far more to hurt you then what I have said.
#4: I am all about the drama, I love the drama. So yes I enjoy reading the thread, and I enjoy seeing you further erode the public opinion of you, and also to see the things written about you substantiated by your own actions.
Shumdit said:
#1: It's Shumdit, not Schmitt. If you would stop huffing glue you might know what it means, and would be able to see that I am pretty easygoing in general. I am not worried about my credibility, and apparently with your appearance on the show, neither are you. I also do not need the "(Sarcasm)" quotw as I am not so dense that I can not ascertain the context of your post.
#2: My info is not really "secondhand" in my opinion, since (and I can be pretty direct with the info provided if you like) the person you screwed over was telling about 15 of us some of the things you did, but he was fair enough to not make you out to be 100% bad, which contradicts the way someone who was just trying to slam you would handle things.
#3: Your comments made on the show do far more to hurt you then what I have said.
#4: I am all about the drama, I love the drama. So yes I enjoy reading the thread, and I enjoy seeing you further erode the public opinion of you, and also to see the things written about you substantiated by your own actions.

Although points 1, 2, and 3 are good, #4 is really the nail that seals the coffin...
Ya so mean.

Everyone is beautiful in this world! Some may be more beautiful than others, but we all still hold a loving heart and soul.

I think Ashley is receiving some hatred fan not because of her beauty, but of her past and personality.

Ashley, keep on doing what makes you happy.
Shmuck- It's prime members like you that make me the celeb that I am on here. Thank you and keep it up. :biggrin:

It was SO fun, that is the reason I did it. If you do happen to watch the show you can see that I didn't do anything degrading or trashy at all. I enjoyed being able to share my sense of humor with the camera and had a good time with it. Not everyone can be as confident on screen as I am and I am proud to say I was the most professional considering the circumstances.

For those of you who don't know, it was a "pageant" style date. This doesn't say much for a show like Elimidate, but I do have experience in this field and the producers used my comments quite a bit because I am not only very opinionated, but a smart ass at times as well. Needless to say they all loved me. :tongue:
liftshard said:
Oh boy, Elimidate, where you get to make a fool out of yourself to try to win a measly prize. How much is the appearance fee for this show? Or, do ppl do it for free just to be on TV?

All I know, is that I personally would not want someone stating that the Q&A session was more of a, dare I even say it ?? ... a T&A session ?!?! :eek: How degrading !!

I would have slapped that producer upside his head. But, then again, I wouldn't have done it in the first place. :rolleyes:

But since you did, hope it was least fun.
vtec888 said:
Ya so mean.

Everyone is beautiful in this world! Some may be more beautiful than others, but we all still hold a loving heart and soul.

Ashley, keep on doing what makes you happy.

Will someone send me some of the "X" this guy is on? :biggrin:
ParisModel said:
Shmuck- It's prime members like you that make me the celeb that I am on here. Thank you and keep it up. <snip> ... but a smart ass at times as well. Needless to say they all loved me. :tongue:
gosh, for an unemployed lonely old guy like me, this is just too good to pass up.


* celeb is a relative term. to be a celeb on nsxprime is an oxymoron.

* shum may try to keep it up, but he can't keep up with my vyacura.

* a smart ass is better than no ass at all (and based on your posted pics, the latter applies)

finally, i believe it's unlikely that anyone loves you as much as you do... self love is a beautiful thing, so keep it up.
ParisModel said:
Shmuck- It's prime members like you that make me the celeb that I am on here. Thank you and keep it up. :biggrin:

It was SO fun, that is the reason I did it. If you do happen to watch the show you can see that I didn't do anything degrading or trashy at all. I enjoyed being able to share my sense of humor with the camera and had a good time with it. Not everyone can be as confident on screen as I am and I am proud to say I was the most professional considering the circumstances.

For those of you who don't know, it was a "pageant" style date. This doesn't say much for a show like Elimidate, but I do have experience in this field and the producers used my comments quite a bit because I am not only very opinionated, but a smart ass at times as well. Needless to say they all loved me. :tongue:

Man, where to start with this one?
Celeb? Uh, I guess in the same vein that Omarosa is a Celeb you could make that argument. I mean, I can post pics of a girl showing what the Good Lord gave her and she would be a "celeb" too if getting people talking about you is what that qualifies you for.

I am not sure your professionalism comes across, as I only saw negative comments in your clip, and even Joan and Melissa Rivers occasionally say something positive about the people they are critiquing. Maybe more camera time is what you were after, but to the uninformed viewer it looks like you are a "B".

PS- The shoes you were wearing were both trashy and degrading, in my eyes (and try the old hairspray trick on you bottom next time, pagent girl).
vtec888 said:
Is this show a fake/act?

It's pretty much "scripted".
Maybe not on paper but the producers definitley steer you to the right(what they want) things to say.
A friend of mine was a "recruiter" for one of these shows in L.A.
Its pretty funny what people will do to get on T.V.

vtec888 said:
Ya so mean.

Everyone is beautiful in this world! Some may be more beautiful than others, but we all still hold a loving heart and soul.

I think Ashley is receiving some hatred fan not because of her beauty, but of her past and personality.

Ashley, keep on doing what makes you happy.
The truth is that people on Prime have been more than kind to Ashley for what she is. Her repulsive, obnoxious, and narcissistic demeanor would have earned her a kick in the butt goodbye if she were a man. If she were a man, I am sure there would be no desperate woman cheering "him" on. Who said women don't get preferential treatment? Imagine another loser comes on Prime self proclaiming how hot he is, and all the ladies that are not attracted to him must be lesbians. Good work guys. Keep cheering her on and give her more opportunities to degrade her "celeb" popularity rating.
I like the FAT one! :smile:.......she is bootylishious!!

I like the part where he says that ashley needs to smile more....everybody on this site has told her that at least once.. :smile: