
whiteNSXs said:
The truth is that people on Prime have been more than kind to Ashley for what she is. Her repulsive, obnoxious, and narcissistic demeanor would have earned her a kick in the butt goodbye if she were a man. If she were a man, I am sure there would be no desperate woman cheering "him" on. Who said women don't get preferential treatment? Imagine another loser comes on Prime self proclaiming how hot he is, and all the ladies that are not attracted to him must be lesbians. Good work guys. Keep cheering her on and give her more opportunities to degrade her "celeb" popularity rating.

You, and those at your side, are the perfect example of why I enjoy nsx prime so much! :tongue: Is that wrong? :confused: If it is, I don't want to be right. :biggrin:
whiteNSXs said:
The truth is that people on Prime have been more than kind to Ashley for what she is. Her repulsive, obnoxious, and narcissistic demeanor would have earned her a kick in the butt goodbye if she were a man. If she were a man, I am sure there would be no desperate woman cheering "him" on. Who said women don't get preferential treatment?

Well, when the police stopped my ex the other day, she was about falling down drunk. They let her take a cab home. Her story was that just realized she was drunk and pulled over immediately. Hey, "A" for effort, right? Hah. I'da been face down on the pavement w/ my car gettin impounded. Of course women get preferential treatment.

Imagine another loser comes on Prime self proclaiming how hot he is, and all the ladies that are not attracted to him must be lesbians.
Good work guys. Keep cheering her on and give her more opportunities to degrade her "celeb" popularity rating.

Does she even drive an NSX? I don't respond to women who don't drive NSXs.

BTW, they pick strippers and porn chicks for Elimidate too. Who knows, perhaps that's the case here. Nutso chicks w/ a little looks trying to be semi-famous are about a dime for 2 baker's dozen, you know, inflation and all.
liftshard said:
BTW, they pick strippers and porn chicks for Elimidate too. Who knows, perhaps that's the case here.

Someone doesn't have to take their clothes off to think like/act like a stripper, if you know what I mean.
Parismodel, nothing personal as i do not know you. I would suggest you get out of the trashy-slut rut which elimidate encases you in, and try to get things in life by using your mind instead of your body. I can promise you it will hold up better over time than your body will.
If you are the type that thinks this show is cool or better yet would go on the show, there is no amount of explaining that is going to show you how ridiculous the contestants look. Usually people think they act cool until they see themselves on TV, but it looks like you missed that part. God help you. :tongue:
jlindy said:
If you are the type that thinks this show is cool or better yet would go on the show, there is no amount of explaining that is going to show you how ridiculous the contestants look. Usually people think they act cool until they see themselves on TV, but it looks like you missed that part. God help you. :tongue:

BINGO...had I not busted that chair over Geraldo's head and been able to see myself as I was, I may never have changed.
smite said:
Parismodel, nothing personal as i do not know you. I would suggest you get out of the trashy-slut rut which elimidate encases you in, and try to get things in life by using your mind instead of your body. I can promise you it will hold up better over time than your body will.

If I may paraphrase: Looks are temporary, but stupid is forever.
To the OP:

Go away. You have no interest in the NSX, and are clearly just using this community for your own amusement. I don't care what happens to your life, as long as it happens somewhere else.
No hatred from me. I just want the Jerry Springer crowd to find another forum.
Damn... I must have missed something because despite the recent rash of hostile threads this kind of focused ire is unusual for Prime.
Attention seekers...thrive on more attention. I don't really care either way but if you guys really dislike the person put them on your ignore list and get over it, it's that simple.

Otherwise, laugh cause elimidate is a fluff show, at least she can laugh at herself and put it up here for you guys to rip on...she obviously doesn't care either way...so why do you?
I am aware of the stereotypes made of those who participate on Elimidate. I am also aware of the stereotypes about those who own an NSX. :eek:

Don’t doubt my love and appreciation for the NSX. Just ask my neighbors. They see a different one in my driveway every week. :tongue: