
You know, you are right! :rolleyes: I didn't even notice, but thanks for pointing that out. That outfit was shot on the photographer's boat. Here are the ones I was thinking of. Those of you who appreciate boats may want to know that this is a 65 foot Marquis. :biggrin:


  • BlackFull.jpg
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  • BoatG2.jpg
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  • Black.jpg
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Meeyatch1 said:
This thread really makes me sad looking at how so many people are so full of anger and hatred on here....is there really any benefit to this?? I would encourage all of you to look back at yourselves and think if you would be proud of your child/brother/whoever if you saw them acting this way towards someone else?? :frown:
Do you remember that Brady Dorkman on the good old David Hwang's mailing list? When a dumb fart trash talks all day long, do you think people will cheer him/her on or will just give back the same dose of medicine? Respect is earned. If an idiot/troll comes on Prime acting disrespectful, insulting, stupid, trashy, and with that "I am all that" delusion and so far still has not been banned, I think the moderators have been more than forgiving.
whiteNSXs said:
Do you remember that Brady Dorkman on the good old David Hwang's mailing list? When a dumb fart trash talks all day long, do you think people will cheer him/her on or will just give back the same dose of medicine? Respect is earned. If an idiot/troll comes on Prime acting disrespectful, insulting, stupid, trashy, and with that "I am all that" delusion and so far still has not been banned, I think the moderators have been more than forgiving.

Who did I trash talk in this thread? I never said anything bad about anyone. The purpose of this thread was to spread the word of my show, not to cause any hurt feelings. Seems to me that is what some of YOU have turned this thread into. Eat your own words Stevey.
Shumdit said:
Enough said (I added the bold part of the quote)
buahahahahaha - that's **exactly** what i was thinking as i read that post, too.

the good news?

LUD's getting some good traffic for the site, which should translate to some $$'s (ok, pennies ;) in his pocket.

yup, it's all about me. me. me. me.

ok, i gotta run and clean the pond - the fish have hooked up hooka's so they can get some good oxygen ;)
Ok...Read the thread....here is my take....

1.) This girl obviously has the drive to make to the big leagues. She is relentlessly pursuing any form of publicity, whether good or bad....As they say, there is no such thing as bad press.

2.) She is obviously self absorbed, which is a good thing for what she is trying to do because confidence is something they look for in the camera...

3.) Her biggest asset is her drive but her worst asset is honestly....her looks...she is just plain jane looking at best. I believe her win on Elimidate is actually not good for her, because she thinks she has propelled herself a notch up when in reality....she was the 'best of the worst'. It is setting her up for failure when she is actually faced with real competition.

4.) Unless she has some amazing thespian skills which I am not aware of, I think her best bet to make it in front of a camera and achieve some sort of fame would be the pornography industry. Its an industry that will except mediocre looking girls with drive and make them into stars...stars in their world.

5.) If her ultimate goal is money and not fame, that is a much more achievable goal for her because many wealthy older men, are attracted and prey on younger mediocre girls...Though she maybe mediocre to the average male her age, to a man 40 or 50, she would be looked upon as an attractive younger female....a trophy of sorts...

I don't know if she posses inner depth, because she is always talking about more superficial topics. She may have a lot of depth, but choose not to show it, although I would find that high unlikely...but not impossible....

On a side note, I have had many 15 secs of fame....I was filmed on MTV's Spring Break Undercover (the one where the follow around for the weekend) in Panama City...I have been on CNN, ESPN, NBC, CBS, ABS, MTV, E!, and many other T.V. networks for various '15 sec of fame' notables....I've been approached by modeling companies such as Elite (in Atlanta, GA) as well as numerous other small agencies....I chose not to make that my lifestyle and instead went into private business....but I know how the industry works...

and thats my take, it's worth what you payed for it.
I agree with everything except your Prime name. I feel you should change it ASAP. :mad:

NSXersPissOnDeadGI said:
Ok...Read the thread....here is my take....

1.) This girl obviously has the drive to make to the big leagues. She is relentlessly pursuing any form of publicity, whether good or bad....As they say, there is no such thing as bad press.

2.) She is obviously self absorbed, which is a good thing for what she is trying to do because confidence is something they look for in the camera...

3.) Her biggest asset is her drive but her worst asset is honestly....her looks...she is just plain jane looking at best. I believe her win on Elimidate is actually not good for her, because she thinks she has propelled herself a notch up when in reality....she was the 'best of the worst'. It is setting her up for failure when she is actually faced with real competition.

4.) Unless she has some amazing thespian skills which I am not aware of, I think her best bet to make it in front of a camera and achieve some sort of fame would be the pornography industry. Its an industry that will except mediocre looking girls with drive and make them into stars...stars in their world.

5.) If her ultimate goal is money and not fame, that is a much more achievable goal for her because many wealthy older men, are attracted and prey on younger mediocre girls...Though she maybe mediocre to the average male her age, to a man 40 or 50, she would be looked upon as an attractive younger female....a trophy of sorts...

I don't know if she posses inner depth, because she is always talking about more superficial topics. She may have a lot of depth, but choose not to show it, although I would find that high unlikely...but not impossible....

On a side note, I have had many 15 secs of fame....I was filmed on MTV's Spring Break Undercover (the one where the follow around for the weekend) in Panama City...I have been on CNN, ESPN, NBC, CBS, ABS, MTV, E!, and many other T.V. networks for various '15 sec of fame' notables....I've been approached by modeling companies such as Elite (in Atlanta, GA) as well as numerous other small agencies....I chose not to make that my lifestyle and instead went into private business....but I know how the industry works...

and thats my take, it's worth what you payed for it.
steveny said:
I agree with everything except your Prime name. I feel you should change it ASAP. :mad:

Put in the request to NSX Prime already...just waiting for a response or it to be changed...
NSXersPissOnDeadGI said:

4.) Unless she has some amazing thespian skills which I am not aware of <snip>

5.) If her ultimate goal is money and not fame, that is a much more achievable goal for her because many wealthy older men, are attracted and prey on younger mediocre girls...Though she maybe mediocre to the average male her age, to a man 40 or 50, she would be looked upon as an attractive younger female....a trophy of sorts...


and thats my take, it's worth what you payed for it.
overall, i agree with your post.

re her thespian skills, i bet many models enhance their income by using their, ahem, "thespian skills" - seems there's a big interest in that kinda thing :eek:

as for "to a man 40 or 50, she would be looked upon as an attractive younger female....a trophy of sorts..." all i can say is, i don't know how "bad" you think being "40 or 50" is, but let me assure you, it's **great** and **by no means** should you or any other young pup (said with **great delight**! :biggrin: think that just because you're "40 or 50" means you've somehow lowered your standards... just the opposite, i think. (in re-reading this, i see where what i've written could be construed by some as a flame... not the case at all, just a point of reference).

be well,
btw, loved your *that's my..."
steveny said:
I agree with everything except your Prime name. I feel you should change it ASAP. :mad:
NSXersPissOnDeadGI said:
Put in the request to NSX Prime already...just waiting for a response or it to be changed...
Don't forget, the site adminstrator is at NSXPO, so requests may take a bit longer than normal.
FuryNSX said:
Don't forget, the site adminstrator is at NSXPO, so requests may take a bit longer than normal.

Ah, I was wondering why it has been taking so long! Doesn't he know I'm gonna get my azz kicked soon if he doesn't change this thing! :)
queenlives said:
overall, i agree with your post.

re her thespian skills, i bet many models enhance their income by using their, ahem, "thespian skills" - seems there's a big interest in that kinda thing :eek:

as for "to a man 40 or 50, she would be looked upon as an attractive younger female....a trophy of sorts..." all i can say is, i don't know how "bad" you think being "40 or 50" is, but let me assure you, it's **great** and **by no means** should you or any other young pup (said with **great delight**! :biggrin: think that just because you're "40 or 50" means you've somehow lowered your standards... just the opposite, i think. (in re-reading this, i see where what i've written could be construed by some as a flame... not the case at all, just a point of reference).

be well,
btw, loved your *that's my..."

Definitely not taken as a flame (from me at least)...As someone who can't speak from the mind of a 40 or 50 year old, thats very re-assuring to hear. My biggest fear when I was 10 was thinking that one day I wouldn't be allowed to play with Transformers....
My biggest fear now is thinking that one day, it won't be socially acceptable to party and do keg stands (haven't done one of those in probably 8 years
Is it me or is that a Gallardo on this chicks "myspace" page??

My $.02: Not hot. Like a 12 year old girl trying out for the basketball team. For you Seattle people... go to Jillians on a friday night to find the real hotties... for you that like 'em plumper, try the pink elephant car wash :)
orbusrex said:
Is it me or is that a Gallardo on this chicks "myspace" page??

My $.02: Not hot. Like a 12 year old girl trying out for the basketball team. For you Seattle people... go to Jillians on a friday night to find the real hotties... for you that like 'em plumper, try the pink elephant car wash :)

FYI-The Gallardo does NOT have the Lambo doors. Thanks for your two cents anyways. :biggrin:
queenlives said:
overall, i agree with your post.

as for "to a man 40 or 50, she would be looked upon as an attractive younger female....a trophy of sorts..." all i can say is, i don't know how "bad" you think being "40 or 50" is, but let me assure you, it's **great** and **by no means** should you or any other young pup (said with **great delight**! :biggrin: think that just because you're "40 or 50" means you've somehow lowered your standards... just the opposite, i think.
Well said . . .

I wasn't going to post on this thread until I saw the reply by NSXersPissOnDeadGI, which I find condescending towards men above 40. Wealthy men of all ages can get any girl or woman they want - especially if the chick is a gold digger. I'm sure there are plenty of whipper-snappers under 40 that think these "Plain Jane" types are "looked upon as an attractive female....a trophy of sorts".
ParisModel said:
Who did I trash talk in this thread? I never said anything bad about anyone. The purpose of this thread was to spread the word of my show, not to cause any hurt feelings. Seems to me that is what some of YOU have turned this thread into. Eat your own words Stevey.
No, you just trash talk everywhere period, not just on this thread or this website. You never said anything bad about anyone???!!!! Now you are lying too. What does this "eat your own words" thing mean? Is it in the same line as "NSX: screw one when you can. Ferrari: screw one when you can. Lambo: there you go baby." stuff? :rolleyes:
How about the the way she treated the other girls on the show like dirt...the scene where the girls are sitting along the side of the pool was very telling...just from her sitting in the chair ABOVE the other girls shows her attitude..of superiority..how about saying that the stripper looked like a blimp?..is that what Jesus would say?
zahntech said:
How about the the way she treated the other girls on the show like dirt...the scene where the girls are sitting along the side of the pool was very telling...just from her sitting in the chair ABOVE the other girls shows her attitude..of superiority..how about saying that the stripper looked like a blimp?..is that what Jesus would say?

Who is "she"? Did I miss something on TV or something here...is this the homely girl who can't afford the NSX?