Easiest way to own a NSX

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True, he didn't rape the girl, BUT he did pursue her enough into being boyfriend/girlfriend. Thats way to slimy and being 24 is no excuse, sorry. Maybe if he was 17-18, but in his 20s, there is NO WAY he couldn't have known she was too young, I don't care how dressed up a girl gets to look older, anything after the first or second "look over" you'd know.

As the father of a 15 year old daughter, all I'd have to say is 'I own firearms, I own a shovel and I own property with a big field next to it.'

How do you know the circumstances of his conviction?

Regardless - As far as I'm concerned his conviction is between him and the state and if he's 'paid his debt' then fair enough. I think he's a dumbass based purely on his Bagdad-Bob mentality to denying stuff in the face of overwhelming evidence. That, and being an unmitigated spammer who spammed the wrong forum and found that the internet can be both his best friend and his worst enemy at the same time.
Sorry - this references a different Nick - who was in the Peace Corps and is in Colorado - not our guy - Imagine TWO Nicks in the world - wait! Nick says there are two in his hometown so three Nicks in the world - just like John Smith - a common name (for a common offender!)
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The market was pretty hot here as it was in many areas during this period, but that still seems like a lot for that house.

Of course with all the money Nick says he has, paying too much for just the right little house would not be a problem.

The local market began to slow down and even drop in mid-2006. $230,000-270,000 is a lot for the house but welcome to southern Beaufort County.

Illegal source of income so I'd love to know what he reports to the IRS and state, especially since he likes to say he makes so much money.
Just wanted to say great job of ownage from Iraq ... I also posted up a like to www.austinareastangs.com. Reminds me of a thread on another bored where some clown posted up a street racing VID and subsequenty DARED the board members to find his info. Trouble was the idiot forgot to black out his license plate .. owned x 2 LOL! this however I think is owned x 4 ... well done
I just wanted to show what info i found and how i thought it was diff sitko as well sorry If anyone got affected neg.
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The PhD candidate from Colorado clearly is not the same Nick Sitko so how about giving that guy a break and deleting the references to him and his email account.
Hello again from PraetoriaGuard.com, of the best and friendliest gaming sites on the net!

I'm coming back because I wanted to share with the works of one of our members on the board, so I present you the dramatic reading of this situation!


And stop by sometime and say hi if you like any type of gaming!
Hi all,

Had to make my presence in what is probably one of the most, if not the most pwnage thread ever on the net.

Thank you all for your truly great entertainment.

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Hello again from PraetoriaGuard.com, of the best and friendliest gaming sites on the net!

I'm coming back because I wanted to share with the works of one of our members on the board, so I present you the dramatic reading of this situation!


And stop by sometime and say hi if you like any type of gaming!

LOLOLOL.... That was great!!!

Yall dint no I had a drall... dit ya?

Hello NSX Prime! Another member from the Taurus Car Club of America!

I've also linked to this topic in 3 gaming forums I go to on occasion:

http://www.nintendocity.com/forum/older-members-board/5429-funniest-thread-i-have-ever-seen.html - You probably won't have access to this topic


All I gotta say is, this was downright the most hilarious forum topic I have ever read. I went through all 23 pages and aside from skimming over a few posts, I have read the whole thing. Absolutely brilliant. Loved all the photoshop stuff as well. I can't even believe how much it's spread across the internet.

Great job bringing this guy down and entertaining so many people in the process!
Hello again from PraetoriaGuard.com, of the best and friendliest gaming sites on the net!

I'm coming back because I wanted to share with the works of one of our members on the board, so I present you the dramatic reading of this situation!


And stop by sometime and say hi if you like any type of gaming!

That is hilarious! "NSX Rocks!" :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
You're in the news! (Sort of)

Spammer/Pedophile Punished By Enterprising Online Forum Users

Each time the average person opens up their email, they are bombarded with spam. These unsolicited and generally unwelcome advertisements promote everything from penis enlargement to ways to win at online casinos. Most of the time, this spam is computer-generated and further response will not yield any result. So when a new user registered by the name NSX_Nick began promoting an online gambling site on the Acura NSX forum http://nsxprime.com, veteran members questioned his motives...


good find!

Thanks for tolerating this ungodly number of hits on your site. It is truly appreciated.

I wonder if Nick will now go the way of Stacey Snyder. http://chronicle.com/wiredcampus/index.php?id=2029

So what? She drank and was of legal age at the time. Just because she wants to teach doesn't mean she can't have fun once in a while??? So for the school say that it is unprofessional doesn't really hold water.
I work in a professional office and I know plenty of people that drink and go to happy hours.
I'm not saying she is right or wrog or the school is right or wrong, just saying my opinion.
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