Easiest Way to Look at Timing Belt?

@Spoolinfool @Honcho Regarding the B-series caps...they didn't fit. I got the part number recommended above from Amazon, so they could be counterfeit, but they clearly had a larger OD than could fit in the hole even with the o-ring removed.

I don't understand why, either...there are plenty of people on that item page showing them installed in motors and lots of positive reviews, so if they mine are counterfeit, they are the first counterfeit set.

Additionally, I ordered both generic ($13 each) and Skunk2 ($42) billet caps meant for B-/D-/H-/F-series motors from Amazon because they were 1-day shipping, and they a) are identical except for color and b) fit just fine. So....I don't know why those plastic cups didn't fit.

In the end, I am going to go with SoS caps ($22.50 each) because they look nicer and appear to be better made. They will be here Wednesday. (Plus, Amazon is easier to return and I would rather give SoS my money.) I am aware of their propensity for leaking if installed as instructed, so I am just going to slather them with Hondabond. I suspect that they will be a permanent fix installed that way, which is ultimately what I am looking for. They won't shrink with age like the stockers and properly applied Hondabond has been proven to be a permanent seal many times over. I think it is dumb that we have to go through the effort/risk of pulling the cams every time we do the TB/WP simply for an oil leak.
Im not sure why they didnt fit but the 4 prongs/ retaining tabs are actually bigger than the inside diameter of the cam cap journal and to install you have to kind of get it in cocked eyed to get 2 tabs inside then push the other 2 tabs down manually with a screw driver or push harder enough until all 4 can go into the hole.Those caps are one of the most likely fake unless they are from the dealer. It ones of the most common seals thats being sold on ebay and all of them are fake. They print honda labels on them and everything but the plastic sealed bags are usually white or clear vs opaque red which honda uses to package their seals.
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Im not sure why they didnt fit but the 4 prongs/ retaining tabs are actually bigger than the inside diameter of the cam cap journal and to install you have to kind of get it in cocked eyed to get 2 tabs inside then push the other 2 tabs down manually with a screw driver or push harder enough until all 4 can go into the hole.Those caps are one of the most likely fake unless they are from the dealer. It ones of the most common seals thats being sold on ebay and all of them are fake. They print honda labels on them and everything but the plastic sealed bags are usually white or clear vs opaque red which honda uses to package their seals.
I removed the o-ring and just tried to set it into the rearmost cam cap, out of the car. OD of the plastic part itself is definitely larger than the cap. I understand the concern of them being counterfeit, but normally they at least get basic dimensions correct. They came in a Honda bag, and as mentioned, plenty of other people on that page used them successfully. I am stumped.
Who knows it may have been a design change. The last time I used one was years back and they always fit loose but I never paid it anymind since they never leaked and seemed to go 100k before they leaked again.They may have made a change in diameter since then? You should be fine with any seal you end up using as long as you put some hondabond in the saddle of the seal before you install them.