Easiest way to own a NSX

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Ok, so let me see if I got this straight........ 2-10 years he was 24 when convicted? and 28 now? so he probably JUST got out of jail..... and the first thing he does when he gets out is spam forums for poker? congrats Nick you are on a first class ticket back to jail..... Were you trying to feed your addiction of 15 year old girls? cause 2-6 years isn't that long..... and I doubt you "learned your lesson"
<img src="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i167/lilmiss_84/retard.jpg"></img>
Nick The SPammer ;)

Greetings from CO. Not a NSX owner, but got wind of this at http://www.rmftc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4491, and have to say thanks for the great read(all 22pgs.) And thanks to NSXPrime for the own4ge. Maybe this will stop the spammers from trying to hit our auto sites. Hats off to you all........

And the sicko child molesters...............Keep up the great work(isn't public record a great thing?...........LOL)
Look, I found another picture of Nick

Hello Everyone,
I'm here from twoplustwo.com, an online poker forum. We have a thread discussing this situation Here: http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthread.php?p=2037180#post2037180

Interesting, in that thread, a brand new user, "JFN28," posted the following:
I personally know nick, he is a good friend of mine. And I will tell you guys this, what they are doing to him is not cool, he is one of the nicest people I know, and is far from a pedophile and I am willing to bet you all that he takes legal action, and he has alot of money to spare.

Not only that but I read some of his posts on NSX PRIME or whatever and he has 100 legit posts with NO SPAM, so they are just jealous of nick and are trying to make a fool out of him, I talked to him yesterday and the admins there are even editing his msg's for him.....he said he mentioned one link to a spades site and they are calling him a spammer, that my friend is not spam.

In checking that user's IP address, I found it tracked to the same hometown as your Nick. Further, the IP address matched the IP addresses of about dozen banned spammers who have been spamming twoplustwo for the last several months for, you guessed it, the spadesrush website. So your Nick is alive and well and posting on our forums. I hope this information is useful. Oh, and the other usernames he's used on our forum are:

Hello Everyone,
I'm here from twoplustwo.com, an online poker forum. We have a thread discussing this situation Here: http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthread.php?p=2037180#post2037180

Interesting, in that thread, a brand new user, "JFN28," posted the following:

In checking that user's IP address, I found it tracked to the same hometown as your Nick. Further, the IP address matched the IP addresses of about dozen banned spammers who have been spamming twoplustwo for the last several months for, you guessed it, the spadesrush website. So your Nick is alive and well and posting on our forums. I hope this information is useful. Oh, and the other usernames he's used on our forum are:


what is that ownage #15 16?
Over a thousand posts since my last one on this thread.

I have nothing else to add to this one.

Happy new year NSXprime!
Hope we dont blow it up!:biggrin:
Hello Everyone,
I'm here from twoplustwo.com, an online poker forum. We have a thread discussing this situation Here: http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthread.php?p=2037180#post2037180

Interesting, in that thread, a brand new user, "JFN28," posted the following:

In checking that user's IP address, I found it tracked to the same hometown as your Nick. Further, the IP address matched the IP addresses of about dozen banned spammers who have been spamming twoplustwo for the last several months for, you guessed it, the spadesrush website. So your Nick is alive and well and posting on our forums. I hope this information is useful. Oh, and the other usernames he's used on our forum are:


Gee, I wonder who kevin1965 is now after seeing this list. Don't worry Nick, I'll keep your nifty trick on the down-lo. Er wait...
Hey Nick!! Just wanted to throw in the support of www.corvetteforum.com we've been enjoying the fireworks. We've had the opportunity to own a few people in our time, but wow.. just wow... this is unreal.

Keep up the good work guys!
Found this thread on G35driver.com, I live on Hilton Head Island (immediate neighbor of Bluffton). I am familiar with every address posted in this thread, he has a mortgage on 77 Pine Ridge (the others must have been rentals, 77 Pine Ridge is the only address coming up under his name). At some point I'll drive by not to harrass, just out of curiosity since he is now an internet celebrity. LOL
I don't think Nick is even going to be able to leave his house without being recognized by someone driving down the street.

This is great. Finally, coverage of a bigger douche than Britney Spears!

Wow! talk about a traffic overload! LOL!!

Greetings from LS1TECH and SRTConnection and congrats on such a legendary ownage...

eddierox...man shut up! I agree with you but please leave that shit for our forums....

Proceed NSXers! i may get a NSX after this!
Hello Everyone,
I'm here from twoplustwo.com, an online poker forum. We have a thread discussing this situation Here: http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthread.php?p=2037180#post2037180

Interesting, in that thread, a brand new user, "JFN28," posted the following:

In checking that user's IP address, I found it tracked to the same hometown as your Nick. Further, the IP address matched the IP addresses of about dozen banned spammers who have been spamming twoplustwo for the last several months for, you guessed it, the spadesrush website. So your Nick is alive and well and posting on our forums. I hope this information is useful. Oh, and the other usernames he's used on our forum are:


and the ownage continues.....

he's a gluten for punishment
He was convicted under VIRGINIA STATUTE 18.2-63 which involves a child older than 13 and younger than 15.

§ 18.2-63. Carnal knowledge of child between thirteen and fifteen years of age.
If any person carnally knows, without the use of force, a child thirteen years of age or older but under fifteen years of age, such person shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony.

According to the date of his conviction (8/9/03), he was 24 years old at the time. That means according to his sex offender registration he has a felony conviction. Sentencing guidelines in Virginia call for a sentence of 2-10 years in prison plus a fine up to $100,000. I do not know what his sentence was but the guidelines for this felony would indicate that this is a serious offense.

And, yes, it would be inappropriate to label him a "baby rapist" but how would you feel if your high school freshman daughter was dating a 24 year old man? Coincidentally, Dateline did a rerun of its To Catch a Predator shows last night and included the guy who got "owned" on the cobra forums for trying to sell the car he drove to the sting on their site, apparently to raise money to pay his legal bills. He was 27 and the "girl" was 13 so the age difference is similar to Nick.

Here is the cobra guy's file from that case: http://www.perverted-justice.com/?archive=hot95cobraguy After seeing things like that, you can see why Virginia treats this as a felony when it involves a girl between 13-15.

Again, I’m not DEFENDING Nick, I’m merely trying to put this in perspective. I’m certainly no legal expert though I was in Law Enforcement for 15 years, but the felony statute you quote has as one of its elements the requirement that the child be 13 years of age or older but UNDER 15 years of age (emphasis mine). Nick’s SC Sex Offender page puts the age of the victim at 15 years. This must be a mistake, or they quoted the wrong statute, because according to the verbiage of the statute she would have had to have been UNDER 15 to meet the specification of that charge. Perhaps she was 14 at the time of the offense. Nick was 24 when he was CONVICTED, he was almost certainly younger when the relationship occurred.

In any case it was at best a grievous error in judgment, at worst a manipulation of a young teen without the sophistication & judgment to give appropriate consent. It was not a violent or forcible act, not that this makes it OK, it just puts it into a different category of crime.

how would you feel if your high school freshman daughter was dating a 24 year old man?
I have 2 daughters both of whom are well past the age of 15, but had this occurred in our family I would have been pretty angry to be sure, but I would still have weighed the offense differently than the forcible rape of an infant.

I will say that it appears that Nick’s lack of good judgment seems to be continuing what with the spamming & lying. At one point I was almost feeling sorry for Nick, but then I see that he’s continuing to spam forums with his gambling scam garbage, using different aliases & generally acting like an ass so I have no sympathy for him in that regard.
Found this thread on G35driver.com, I live on Hilton Head Island (immediate neighbor of Bluffton). I am familiar with every address posted in this thread, he has a mortgage on 77 Pine Ridge (the others must have been rentals, 77 Pine Ridge is the only address coming up under his name). At some point I'll drive by not to harrass, just out of curiosity since he is now an internet celebrity. LOL
As I mentioned in another post, I drive by Nick's house regularly because I have a friend who lives in the Pine Ridge community off of Buckwalter Pkwy. I drove by his house Sunday, saw the new gray Honda Civic he bought from Nalley (according to the temp plate on the car) & his two dogs outside, including the cute Dachshund type dog he had a picture of on his MySpace page before it was taken down.

What this reinforced for me is that Nick is a real person with a real house & a real life. I dislike intensely what he's done on this & other forums, I think his manner of making money is reprehensible, but I would hate to see consequences far outweigh the behavior. In other threads he mentioned having kids as well, I hope none of this affects them.
Hello Everyone,
I'm here from twoplustwo.com, an online poker forum. We have a thread discussing this situation Here: http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthread.php?p=2037180#post2037180

Interesting, in that thread, a brand new user, "JFN28," posted the following:
I personally know nick, he is a good friend of mine. And I will tell you guys this, what they are doing to him is not cool, he is one of the nicest people I know, and is far from a pedophile and I am willing to bet you all that he takes legal action, and he has alot of money to spare.

Not only that but I read some of his posts on NSX PRIME or whatever and he has 100 legit posts with NO SPAM, so they are just jealous of nick and are trying to make a fool out of him, I talked to him yesterday and the admins there are even editing his msg's for him.....he said he mentioned one link to a spades site and they are calling him a spammer, that my friend is not spam.

In checking that user's IP address, I found it tracked to the same hometown as your Nick. Further, the IP address matched the IP addresses of about dozen banned spammers who have been spamming twoplustwo for the last several months for, you guessed it, the spadesrush website. So your Nick is alive and well and posting on our forums. I hope this information is useful. Oh, and the other usernames he's used on our forum are:

Dayum, looks like one more user name should be added to that list . . . sociopath.

Just when you think this "pwnage" has gone too far, a post like this comes along and makes it quite clear, it could NEVER go far enough.

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