Comptechs Best NSX not near good enough (C&D)

unlike allan, i love a good marathon--i definately think threads, like sex, should last more than five minutes

by the by, allan, i loved that attorney joke. pretty funny and sadly true. at the very least a nsx kit car or rolex knockoff would instill some confidence in the attorney's client.


quit blowing me off, i think everyone should say what they would do if they were in the honda driver's seat.

i like mr's, wouldnt compare it to a nsx or pinto for the obvious reasons.

FOR THOSE OF YOU DIEING TO KNOW, here is why i am qualified to post my opinions and why my statements are superior to all of yours...

i dont even own an nsx. i just have a tubi exhaust sitting in my garage though. i hook my air compressor up to it, sit in a chair(you know the folding type with the beverage holder--its more comfortable than the nsx's seats), and play garage racer. the sweet sound of the air compressor surpasses the underpowered vtec noise. And the tubi exhaust really sings when that air compressor is full bore. My garage queen gets more looks from passing cars than any ferrari or lambo. Nobody even knows that i paid less for my baby than a top of the line MRII. And my one of a kind exotic really attracts the babes. Just the other day two girls stopped their car and started yelling at me....
Originally posted by MAKO:
I'm sorry boosted boy, but the NSX isn't in another league when it comes to the MR2. It's on a whole other planet.
That's the current pecking order, at least how SANE and UNBIASED people see it.

.. and a good cheerful Sunday morning to you too ...

Oh, and please consider me insane and highly biased. I drove the wheels off a '91 NSX, I got back in my MR2 and it felt better.

I must be loony.

But wait, I attended two grueling track sessions and a couple of autocrosses with NSXs running against my MR2 and crazy me thought I was passing them and turning better times. Of course, I'm loco and was probably imagining it all. After all, sane people know that the NSX is from a whole different planet.

.. man you guys are just brimming with etiquette and oozing class… thanks for the mental diagnosis.

-- DavidV
Originally posted by TheSwishh:
OK, I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!! I have been following this from day one and now I am getting pissed off!

MR2... I dont give a flying F*** about your car! Please stop posting pics and looking for some form of recognition. Save it for the MR2 forum. Sure you have a modifed car... BFD, I do too! Guess what??? It is still an NSX just when I first bought it. I dont go to the Ferrari/Lambo forums and whine to them that my NSX is comparable to their cars. Who F-ing cares???

Make NO mistake, you own an MR2. Nothing more, nothing less.


What compels people to post here if they do not, or have never owned an NSX? I thought this was still NSX PRIME.

Oh, and thanks for that little gem of brilliance, Swish.

Heaven forbid that someone should attempt to make an informed comparison of a comparably configured car to your mighty NSX. I can't imagine your reaction on the Bimmer board is someone dared to try to discuss the value of a chipped A4 against the M3 or on the Vette boards if someone commented that their Z28 shared the same chassis dynamics and could be made just as quick with a bit of tuning.

Boy, you have every right to be steamed.

Where, pray tell, did I threaten your feelings of security about your beloved NSX? For that matter, how did I hijack a thread that for five previous pages had been comparing a fantastic mid-engined Japanese sports car against every other automobile under the sun, but the other mid-engined Japanese sports car.

What is with you guys?

-- DavidV

[This message has been edited by BoostedMR2 (edited 18 August 2002).]
well this thread has really branched out. we're now also critisizing watches!

this thread seems to be settling down now, so to liven it up, lets see if we can come up with anymore good lawyer jokes!
Originally posted by 8000RPM:
That's exactly the problem!

And that is why I feel that the value-proposition of a new sample is less than that of a used one.

By making the NSX highly reliable and top quality from the factory, Honda is indirectly hurting the sale of new samples. The NSX's strengths in terms of reliability and impeccable build-quality are its own worst enemies... when it comes to moving that brand-new '02 model out of the showroom!

Honda's ability to deliver a highly reliable and top build-quality product in the NSX is indirectly screaming the following advertising slogan at the marketplace: Why buy new when a relatively-new used one is just as good?

Oh the irony...

You took these words right out of my mouth. Thank you!

Now I can go back loggin' in more flight time in my F16-on-4-wheels than wasting my life away looking for excuses in defense of my ownership of the #50 Zanardi.
Originally posted by MAKO:
I'm sorry boosted boy, but the NSX isn't in another league when it comes to the MR2. It's on a whole other planet. And the Ferrari 355/360 are the same magnitude better than the newest NSX in my mind. And the upcomming baby Lambo "Stella" or whatever they end up calling it will be the same step up over a 360.

That's the current pecking order, at least how SANE and UNBIASED people see it.


Well, you can debate whether I'm sane or not, and just who on earth is unbasied?

That said, some credentials: I've owned an MR2 ('91, non-turbo), driven a 355 Spider extensively, own a Zanardi NSX and a 360F1 (if you want to read about all the other cars I've driven, as well as the tracks, etc., the post is in another thread).

The NSX is most assuredly in a class far above and beyond the MR2.

The 355 is NOT in a class above the NSX, unless you're just looking at the marque, exhaust note, and looks (the latter being debatable, although I like the Ferrari better).

The 360 IS in a class above the NSX, but NOT by that much... the 'delta' certainly isn't anywhere's near the difference between an MR2 and an NSX.

Anyway, don't group the 355 and the 360 together, especially in terms of performance (HP, road handling, etc.)... nobody else does.

As for your prediction about the new Lambo being that much better than the 360, I doubt it and it would be a first in, what, 30 years? (I remember seeing a show where they compared an early 70s lambo and said it was competitive with a Ferrari (in the same class) in terms of overall performance at that time... something that hasn't happened since).

My rear end is numb after reading this beauty.(no bum jokes.)I'm a believer in rambling free association posts,its just a nightmare for those who like to review posts based on topic headers.Anywho,just so you all know there are many more of us(who lurk) who can afford most of the cars we are arguing about,but choose the nsx modded or not.I've done this for the same reason mr mr2 did what he did.He loves his ride and has fun on track.Me to!My one undeniable contention based on my track experience in the northeast is that most of the f cars I see at track events are challenge cars.Occasionaly I see a stock 360 or 348 in slower(novice)groups.I have seen 3 esprits.I've never seen any lambos except at club touring events were it is much less stressful than regular open track events.I routinely see on average 3-4 nsx's at open track events and we go the entire day at speed,just like the porsches.Why I love the nsx so much is because it can go all day at speed,and is a hand built alluminum car that was the zenith or pinnicle that a manufacturer ,in this case Honda, could build.Plus it resembles the cars I dreamed about growing up.Mid engine low roofline cab-forward.Thats why I don't spend time posting to other car-make forums,but when I do add to the s2000 forum its about the s2000 not how the nsx is better,just different.To disscuss cars beyond magazine numbers that you don't own is folly.I like trying to guess what kind of people are behind the posts,but sadly this is impossible.I know this because I do know some of you from my travels; nsxpo ect. and it just dos'nt work,so character asassination is like shooting at shadows.My only observation (I don't know you) Allen, is that you are nsxprime's Howard Stern and the nsx is your Robbin Quivers.IMHO.
Originally posted by ALLAN:
whats important are the sales figures...why do soo many more people choose the porsche over the nsx? lets see, your going to spend 75,000,85000, whatever, of your hard earned dollars, and one car is supposedly superior to the other. why do so many people choose the supposedly inferior automobile to the superior one? dont most logical people want the best for their money?

I will jump in on this one.

Advertising and prestige. Plain and simple. I work with lots of people that went the Boxter/911(not Turbo) route. Here in SoCal The Porsche is like the Honda Civic for young middle class guys. They buy it because everyone else has one and they want one too. The NSX never even entered into their minds when purchasing the car because most don't know anything about it. There were more than a few guys I know that after driving my '00 were having serious second thoughts about their purchase decisions. Personally the #1 reason I didn't buy a porsche is because I see at LEAST 50 a day.

ok z18 man. lets get into this one. lamborghini has not been competitive with ferrari in 30 years? wow, thats funny. being as im a fan of both marks, driven both and owned both. the only ferraris that could outperform the lambos are the mega dollar f40 and f50. both cars that are more race cars than street cars. pretty much every single magazine favored the countach to the testarossa, the diablo to the 512 and the 550, and now every single test favors the murcielago to the 575m.
heres the last paragraph from the autocar 2002."we want speed,style, and a bottomless pit of raw dynamic ability. we want the PINNACLE of exuberant bent-twelve mototring. we want a bona fide supercar. and theres only one car among this trio thats worthy of this title: the murcielago.
this was a test of the murcielago,575m, and the aston vanguish.
quick compro between an f50 and diablo 6.0
0-60 tied@ 3.6 sec
quarter mile 12.1 for f50 12.0 for diablo
braking from 80mph f50 213ft diablo 203ft
slalom speed f50-65.7 diablo 66.4
id list the 550 maranello, but its acceleration #'s were miles off, as was the slalom speed being over 4mph slower.
the new lamborghini L140, is going to be miles ahead of the 360. with 500hp,allwheel drive,abs,traction control, a target weight of 3100pds,6speed, aprice of 130-170,000, there will be no ferrari competition at all.
thats why i wont buy a regular porsche. dont like to see myself coming and going.

as far as the cartier watches go, never been a fan of them. too feminine looking for me. i like big,heavy,masculine watches. plus i always seem to make money on the rolex's. last one i sold was a two tone submariner, bought it 2 years before for 3000. sold it, broken, for 3800.
come on now allan take that talk over to the supra forums. I am sick of hear lamborghini this and lamborghini that. I am sure you dont even own one and those pictures are your cousins or someone lese. Get with it this NSX PRIME not lamborghini prime. Hell my yugo handles better than the boat you claim to have
Originally posted by ALLAN:
ok z18 man. lets get into this one. lamborghini has not been competitive with ferrari in 30 years? wow, thats funny. being as im a fan of both marks, driven both and owned both. the only ferraris that could outperform the lambos are the mega dollar f40 and f50. both cars that are more race cars than street cars. pretty much every single magazine favored the countach to the testarossa, the diablo to the 512 and the 550, and now every single test favors the murcielago to the 575m.
heres the last paragraph from the autocar 2002."we want speed,style, and a bottomless pit of raw dynamic ability. we want the PINNACLE of exuberant bent-twelve mototring. we want a bona fide supercar. and theres only one car among this trio thats worthy of this title: the murcielago.
this was a test of the murcielago,575m, and the aston vanguish.
quick compro between an f50 and diablo 6.0
0-60 tied@ 3.6 sec
quarter mile 12.1 for f50 12.0 for diablo
braking from 80mph f50 213ft diablo 203ft
slalom speed f50-65.7 diablo 66.4
id list the 550 maranello, but its acceleration #'s were miles off, as was the slalom speed being over 4mph slower.
the new lamborghini L140, is going to be miles ahead of the 360. with 500hp,allwheel drive,abs,traction control, a target weight of 3100pds,6speed, aprice of 130-170,000, there will be no ferrari competition at all.

Ok, IF, and that's a big IF they put out a 500hp, AWD car that weighs approx 3100lbs AND handles well, yes, it will be better than the 360. My bet is that they can't do it, but being a fan of all exotics, if they do, I'll not only buy you dinner, I might buy one of the cars

All that said, I should have qualified my statement earlier a bit (although, I admit... I might have been baitng you a bit
-- this is a completely hijacked ludicrous almost flame-ridden thread anyway, so what the hell, right?

But seriously, when I compare cars what's important to me is overall performance, and the metric that is most important to me is how the car handles on a road track (say Willow Springs, or Sazuka, or the Nurburgring... etc.) 0-60 and quarter mile times don't mean that much unless you're just drag racing in a straight line, in which case I might as well pour an additional $40k into some Supra or RX-7 and make it do a 10-11 second 1/4 mile (and then blow up afterwards, heh).

And, while you can quote 0-60s and 1/4 mile times to me all day, the fact of the matter is the Countach and Diablo suck on the track... they're big, stable, fast boats that look really cool.

Now, what I HAVEN'T seen, so please do bring me up to date if I've just missed it, is how well a Mercialago does on the track... and I HOPE it does well, seriously... I WANT Lambos to kick ass, believe me -- I do NOT have a bias against any exotic -- I love 'em all.

But Lamborghini's priorities have NOT been to make race cars that are street legal (which has been Ferrari's)... rather, they're to make incredibly exotic, fast straight line, rediculous top speed GT cars. If the Mercialago changes this, or the new smaller car, that's awesome.

And I also have to respectfully disagree that you have to go to F40/F50 levels for a Ferrari to smoke a Lambo... NOT on the track. The Countach was a joke, and while I don't have any data, I'd bet a comperable regular Ferrari (348 maybe) would beat it on the track. And a 355 would probably take a Diablo, and I KNOW a 360 does. (And, because I figure you'll bring up a Diablo GT... 360 challenges drive right by them too


[This message has been edited by Z18 (edited 18 August 2002).]
your right bill! i'm a fake. all those cars i claim to have belong to my grandmother. i feel soo stupid now!
bill, when you going to come over to the viper forums with me to set the vipers guys straight on your lotus race?
My only observation (I don't know you) Allen, is that you are nsxprime's Howard Stern and the nsx is your Robbin Quivers.IMHO. [/B][/QUOTE]

Just curios , Please expound.
why what have they been saying? I have missed it. All I know was he was shocked that I kept up with him I wouldn't say lost by a car's length.
Fwiw, my na motor 96 flexable flyer targa with r compound tires is similar in speed and lap times to 355 challenge cars on slicks.That is my observation,only the 360 challenge is another level of speed and easily passed me.I don't want to give the Stern analogy away too quickly,think about Howards' brand of humor and ask yourself why it's ok for him to say the things he does.
geez, am i not funny or are you guys just too busy arguing to appreciate my humour???

(i really do own a tubi exhaust---i'm planning on building a nsx kit car--only several thousand parts to go)
first off comparing a countach whose chassis was designed in the early 1970's to a late 1980's early 90's car isnt really fair. there was a recent article in a magazine, i beleive classic car, where they tested cars such as the f40, early 80's countach, a mclaren f1, and a bunch of other cars. derick bell was the driver. out of all the cars he drove, he said he was most suprised with the countach and at how well it handled on the track. the countachs biggest downfall on the track, and the early diablos, would be its brakes.
i too have been to the track and have seen ferraris passing lambos, but ive also seen lambos passing ferraris. ive spoken to the owner of both a 360 challenge car and a diablo gtr. he stated they were 2 totally different cars, both having different positive and negative values. again he stated the diablos straight line speed was miles ahead of the 360's.

i can assure you on the stats of the new lambo, ive got my deposit in, will be here between may and july next year.

i have driven a 360 6 speed. the engine noise at full cry is awesome! just for me, the style is a little too bland and the acceleration is just not there.