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    Caveat Emptor!

Prospeed rdx injectors & ecu rom tune kit

Hi everyone! Kaede and I have been in contact and he told me he's been updating everyone. I see many people are calling me a scammer and other things and you can say what you believe it's up to you. I've created products to help NSX owners and I've done my best to do what I can to help everyone. I stand by what I do and I'll take care of the few customer orders I have left and provide them the updated tune as promised. You guys don't care but I just don't have time to provide NSX aftermarket parts any longer. People don't realize that it cost thousands of dollars for dyno tuning and hours for every update. It's not worth it any longer and just like you guys I have a family and bills to pay. Everything must come to an end and this is it. Thank you for everyone who has supported me and have stuck in there. Again the updated tune I have is for pending orders only. Thank you! If you guys want to get ahold of me email me as I am not on prime much anymore. Maybe one day I'll be back on a regular but I can't right now cause of personal reasons.
Y'all neighbors' to the north are way too nice! Waiting on a PAID FOR product for more than a year is BULLS&%T!

I must have been one of the lucky ones (in some sense) I got mine within 2 weeks. But, then had issues and hardly any help from Brian. I had to have someone here re-work and solder my ECU because of the poor workmanship. Then we were promised the "New" tune and then heard ZERO.

Somewhere in one of these threads he states that he is done with school and he will attend to everyone's issues, but now it sounds like he is telling people the same BS again. Like Nero said, if you are going to be a business owner and take peoples money, then you need to provide customer service to the people who are giving you money (Responding every 3-6 months is NOT customer service). If you don't, then like Neon said...YOUR A SCAMMER!

Yes, we are quite nice here up north ;D

But then again, I understand the struggles of Brian and he is taking responsibility and getting us the now "updated" tune + kit out. If he is a scammer he would've simply walked away with our money no? He did continued to communicate with me when I emailed. Although he always gives me false hope of the tune being ready "soon," at the very LEAST he tried to comfort me and give me reasons why. I was upset about the delay, but in no way did i once think he is a scammer (want to know the scammer? he who should not be named - T*m*ske xD)

Brian and Prospeed offered some of the best aftermarket products for the NSX while being very competitively priced (and obviously, he is probably a 1 man team operation). I give him props to that for juggling Prospeed (and the amount of money spend on R&D), school, work, family etc as it is not an easy feat. All of us makes mistakes and procrastinates once in a while whether its work, relationship, and or other things in our lives. I am sure he will learn from this and for whatever ventures into the future he pursues, it will be of valuable experience for him. Give the kid a break and honestly, i respect him for stepping back here on Prime and updating us once more (i would be very ashamed and defeated after all the hard work and then be called a scammer...).

As for Brian, thank you very much again. Hope to see you back on prime in the future! Cheers!
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I met Brian last year in California and spent a very pleasant 1/2 hour - 45 minutes with him. He is not a scammer. IMHO he probably has too many balls in the air at one time. I, for one, hope he gets control over his life again, returns to the NSX business and is very successful. I wish him, his family and his future well.

Without sounding like "cranky old guy" I've met a lot of really good and personable people who have been willing to take my money and never delivered. End of the day, same as a scammer... different intent, same result. Until money refunded or product delivered as promised, all the same.
I met Brian last year in California and spent a very pleasant 1/2 hour - 45 minutes with him. He is not a scammer. IMHO he probably has too many balls in the air at one time. I, for one, hope he gets control over his life again, returns to the NSX business and is very successful. I wish him, his family and his future well.

Nice guy, Scammer, etc... What ever you want to call him, bottom line is that he had/has a business and offered products that people paid for and took way too long to deliver the product. All the while not providing the basic customer service that any business owner needs to provide. I was happy with the product until I dyno'd the car and found the AF ratios all over the place. Tried to contact Brian by several methods and never heard back from him. Then on Prime we were promised a "new" tune and again never heard from him.

People here that have actually talked to him say he is a nice guy, I hope so. My problem is that no matter how busy your life is (school, other...), if you run a business you need to provide your customers with: 1. Timely product delivery 2. Reliable means of contact. 3. Basic customer service. If you can not do these basic, day one of business school services, then you need to not take peoples money and not be in business until you can.
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Man, this sucks. I'm on my way to California now and was planning on meeting with him to go over what I wanted to do with my car and send him parts once I got home.

What a bummer!
Hey Brian,

I'm one of the pending orders from Feb 2013... We were corresponding via e-mail but have not heard from you since the summer. Will give you a ring later today. If a kit is not readily available, I'm happy to just get a full refund via F&F Paypal at this point. Thanks.
Wow, shame to see this thread go down like this. I've had this kit since early 2014 and its been great on my car...I hope Brian gets back to those that are waiting. The kit really is great and Brian was quite responsive when I bought my kit.
Wow, shame to see this thread go down like this. I've had this kit since early 2014 and its been great on my car...I hope Brian gets back to those that are waiting. The kit really is great and Brian was quite responsive when I bought my kit.

Same here. I had some idling issues at first but they went away. However my kit will be for sale soon as I am going CTSC.
Good news to all considering this update. I just installed my rdx injectors and stage 3 kit with a revised intake manifold from oldmnsx. The intake manifold seals the injectors properly so there are no leaks. Initially I had a problem with my car 'choking' so I contacted Brian and he was very responsive. I sent him my ecu and he did an update since my chip was one of his earlier batches. Problem now solved and the car revs smoothly. Feels like it gained 20% more across powerband. Will Dyno soon.
Reviving an old thread.

Is the RDX injector upgrade still available for a 1998 through Prospeed? Or is there any other vendor providing the service now.

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