The only thing gay are your contributions.
I think your onto something and I can't believe you clicked on his links .. LOL
Seriously though I've been noticing that lately instead of seeing a thread they don't like and moving on you get these guys posting gay picks or links in a thread
If Armando likes taking dick so be it! Grosses me out ,but he's apparently comfortable with that lifestyle. These guys apparently need a "hottest guy they have ever seen thread" or something so they can relieve their tension or something.
See I'm a heterosexual male which means I find the "opposite" sex attractive. I imagine just about every guy who posted a cheesy line is as well as to a heterosexual man this is funny stuff. Now a GAY man wouldn't find this funny because he's interested in men and maybe they don't use cheesy p/u lines on each other. I don't know and never will as two men is just "nasty" and I can't think of any good coming out of it. Two chicks is different though ... that's hot!
Now being a heterosexual on my computer hd and book marks you'll find car stuff , female pics ( mostly Tyra Banks and Keeley Hazel ) , business stuff and games. I have no gay ( homosexual ) links or pics because as stated above it's not in the slightest bit attractive to me so why would I have something that turns my stomach.
I think it's unfair that gay guys go on straight guys threads and start posting their stuff. If I saw a gay thread I wouldn't click on it as it's nothing I would want to see or read. If Armando started a "Hottest guys" thread I would never click on it. I also wouldn't be rude and immature and start posting pics and links of big breasted women thinking I would "change" he and others by showing them these things.
If myself and other "straight" guys want to joke about cheesy p/u lines on one of the prime hotties as long as it's not offensive to her we should be allowed to do so in peace w/o threat of being blasted by "Homosexual" images. If homosexuals find this offensive they have the ability to just click out of the link. I guess the reason why they're here in the first place is because they were hoping Alix was a dude:biggrin:
Send who
Yeah I asked Ski to contact her and he said she'd be back. She mentioned something about military work so maybe she's on call or something.
Yeah that's more than the dealer charges you at Porsche for ceramics. Some guys have that kinda loot though.