Cheesiest line to Pick up Alix with

WOW talk about a 'just for fun thread' going downhill FAST!:eek: I guess it's a good thing that guy Gregg posted some non-offensive line's or this thread would have been toast 2 page's back :biggrin: :tongue: !

Also why not go with what you originally sent out? Armando was a man at least in his response and didn't b*tch out like a little punk

For the rest of you philly said this

If you don't care why post?

Lol... I like the "whatever". And if using trying to use a little discrestion is "B*tching out like a little punk" well then consider me a beeotch. :rolleyes:
Just thought maybe I was making it as bit too harsh, like personally to you instead of just making it general. But if you want it up, more power to you. I took it back down 20 seconds after I posted it. You must be a thread ninja or something.
WOW talk about a 'just for fun thread' going downhill FAST!:eek: I guess it's a good thing that guy Gregg posted some non-offensive line's or this thread would have been toast 2 page's back :biggrin: :tongue: !

Sorry guys I should've pm'd Armando and Philly! My bad.

Don't know if you fellas still feel like making jokes anymore ,but your more than welcome if you want.
The only thing gay are your contributions.
If Armando likes taking dick so be it! Grosses me out ,but he's apparently comfortable with that lifestyle.

If Armando started a "Hottest guys" thread I would never click on it.

You are right, I can't read, how can these be viewed as personal attacks?

Wow yet again you jump on the band wagon of anyone saying something negative. Nice!

Lol, Wing I'm not on anyone's band wagon. And I even see that it's just a "joke" thread. What seems kind of stupid is making it about a "specific" girl, posting pics of her and then writing things like

"Also Ski did you tell her to take a look yet? Be great if she commented" :rolleyes:

Oh god, it would be great if she knew all this was being done in her honor. Lol.
Sorry guys I should've pm'd Armando and Philly! My bad.

Don't know if you fellas still feel like making jokes anymore ,but your more than welcome if you want.

It's the internet what can you do! I would like to hope we can get back on topic and if I thought I was anxiously awaiting Alix's replie's 2 page's back I cant wait to see what she has to say now! Hell she may just read this thread and say "what a bunch of tool's" and not even reply now?

Sorry guys I should've pm'd Armando and Philly! My bad.

Don't know if you fellas still feel like making jokes anymore ,but your more than welcome if you want.

No, I think it's good that you call me a punk b*tch in front of everyone, and tell everyone you think Armando is a fag and that you think he likes taking the cock. I think you pretty much proved our point on who starts a dumbass thread like this.
Lol... I like the "whatever". And if using trying to use a little discrestion is "B*tching out like a little punk" well then consider me a beeotch. :rolleyes:

Believe me I do. That's not discretion. The moment you submit a reply it sends out an email. As a man you either own up to what you sent out or apologize.

Armando feels a certain way and expressed that. I did as well. Neither of us are willing to change positions so we agree to disagree. As men you respect that. I don't respect changing to save face which is what it seems like your doing.

Just thought maybe I was making it as bit too harsh, like personally to you instead of just making it general. But if you want it up, more power to you. I took it back down 20 seconds after I posted it. You must be a thread ninja or something.

If that's how feel fine be as harsh as you want just expect it in return. I was not being harsh in the slightest or mean spirited. He spoke his mind I spoke mine. It's out there we deal with it.
You are right, I can't read, how can these be viewed as personal attacks?


Hey I said "If" . Oh this you choose to read.

Damn NO ONE can take a joke these days!!!!

ALL IN FUN!!!!!!!!!

True we all have different things we find funny and when it's not funny you don't laugh.

No, I think it's good that you call me a punk b*tch in front of everyone, and tell everyone you think Armando is a fag and that you think he likes taking the cock. I think you pretty much proved our point on who starts a dumbass thread like this.

No name calling done just implication same as you. Nice how you try to ride Armandos jock on this. You had plenty of time on your on if you were so bold. You sat back saying "just kidding" before ,but as soon as you here someone else willing to say something there you go again. Cowardice plain and simple! As proven by your own replies.
I think the only jock anybody is trying to ride is Alix's... and I think you're the one pulling that off.

Check out my new thread in the off topic section. It won't put Alix on a pedestal, so maybe you won't take part... but for everyone else.. it will be the MOST FUN THREAD EVER in the history of the internet! :biggrin:
This thread is shit. Stop posting stupid ass threads like this. Why are you all licking some chicks ass on the internet? Go out much?

WTH are you talking about? Do you even know? Damn I start a thread making fun and some of you think this is serious and get all bent out of shape.

How tough is it to read a the original post in a thread before making a comment?


See actions prove it Little b*tch

Lol ?????????????????

Apparently you found your valium
Wingz if that NSX is not getting you any sex maybe you need to step up to a F-car? Or maybe get off the web and learn that being a dork on the internet does not = chicks come knocking. This is like 5th grade, why don't you PM her and have her check the "yes" "no" box? If this was a bar, Wingz just bought her a drink and she turned her back and walked away.
I think the only jock anybody is trying to ride is Alix's... and I think you're the one pulling that off.

Check out my new thread in the off topic section. It won't put Alix on a pedestal, so maybe you won't take part... but for everyone else.. it will be the MOST FUN THREAD EVER in the history of the internet! :biggrin:

Along as you not posting pics of guys why not. I hope your not making fun of her though as she never did anything to you. But hey some guys are small like that.
Wingz if that NSX is not getting you any sex maybe you need to step up to a F-car? Or maybe get off the web and learn that being a dork on the internet does not = chicks come knocking. This is like 5th grade, why don't you PM her and have her check the "yes" "no" box?

Little early to be hitting the pipe man. Sigh if you read the original post you'd see I'm not trying to pick Alix up in anyway. Please show me where wrote that. For everyone following the thread that has actual reading comprehension you look stupid. Plain and and simple. Keep trying through stuff out there if you wish ,but you just make yourself look worst.
since Armondo wanted to hijack this thread and turn all eyes back on him:wink: I figure I should just come clean and let you all know that he has a custom blow off valve that goes: pffft pooof pooof, and he also is the first to use Amyl Nitrate to cool his intake charge:eek:
since Armondo wanted to hijack this thread and turn all eyes back on him:wink: I figure I should just come clean and let you all know that he has a custom blow off valve that goes: pffft pooof pooof, and he also is the first to use Amyl Nitrate to cool his intake charge:eek:

I do not know of what you speak, you track rat :)

The member's who dont like this thread for one reason or another have once again ruined a fun time, that's all it was meant to be. If you did not have a 'cheesy pickup line' to add why did you even bother posting? I dont recall anyone asking for anything other than that, internet/keyboard warrior's constantly ruin a good time. Hold on while I check to make sure I'm on NSXprime and not !
since Armondo wanted to hijack this thread and turn all eyes back on him:wink: I figure I should just come clean and let you all know that he has a custom blow off valve that goes: pffft pooof pooof, and he also is the first to use Amyl Nitrate to cool his intake charge:eek:

You are SOOO Gay Armando!
The member's who dont like this thread for one reason or another have once again ruined a fun time, that's all it was meant to be. If you did not have a 'cheesy pickup line' to add why did you even bother posting? I dont recall anyone asking for anything other than that, internet/keyboard warrior's constantly ruin a good time. Hold on while I check to make sure I'm on NSXprime and not !
