Cheesiest line to Pick up Alix with

if "hey baby i drive an nsx" doesnt work, im sure

"i have a spare black nsx in my garage" would work :tongue:

you guys take things too seriousley, im sure she'll get a kick out of this thread, its just for laughs but maybe you guys left your sense of humor at the nsx dealership

Thank you! This thread is pretty funny. Of course every party has it's wet blankets:rolleyes:
Lame, you guys have way too much time on your hands, go and put a new coat of wax on your NSX to get it ready for driving season and leave the ladies alone. If they wanted to get hit on, or hear cheesy pickup lines they could do better than the ones that are being posted here!
Lame, you guys have way too much time on your hands, go and put a new coat of wax on your NSX to get it ready for driving season and leave the ladies alone. If they wanted to get hit on, or hear cheesy pickup lines they could do better than the ones that are being posted here!

Oh yeah such as:biggrin:
OK ready...remember this is a joke. Think of Austin Powers dressed up in a 70's suit. He has a Grinch like grin on his face. He jumps from 5 feet away to right in front of her. He slicks his eyebrows back on each side with his tongue and then says..(first word really fast, then a shake of the head and a long pause)Baby, I got a LIFT in MY garage.
"Hi Alix. Huh? I thought you said you had no cup holder?"

(beautiful women, and where you find one smart one with a great personality (judging by Alix’s posts), you will find another. They often go in pairs.)

no pun intended
Your parents must be flies cause you're the s#it!!


Your parents must be terrorists cause you're the BOMB!!
"F@*k me if I'm wrong, but is your name Grezelda?"

OK ready...remember this is a joke. Think of Austin Powers dressed up in a 70's suit. He has a Grinch like grin on his face. He jumps from 5 feet away to right in front of her. He slicks his eyebrows back on each side with his tongue and then says..(first word really fast, then a shake of the head and a long pause)Baby, I got a LIFT in MY garage.

Sounds like a line that will get you maced .. LOL

Your parents must be flies cause you're the s#it!!


Your parents must be terrorists cause you're the BOMB!!


::Yawn:: -----> Pass :rolleyes:

I like MiamiMermaid better :tongue:

1. We love all our Prime ladies
2. Didn't ask you all that you could've just kept rolling.
3. Could kept that to yourself
4. That's just downright rude and the sh*t is unappreciated
5. Just cause you like Snipes you don't have to act like him

I was just kidding.

You know we're cool man!

"F@*k me if I'm wrong, but is your name Grezelda?"


That's just off the chain!

Keep'em coming fellas the laughfest continues to grow
1. We love all our Prime ladies
2. Didn't ask you all that you could've just kept rolling.
3. Could kept that to yourself
4. That's just downright rude and the sh*t is unappreciated
5. Just cause you like Snipes you don't have to act like him

1. Well, some more than others. I have my reasons, don't be so quick to judge
2. Isn't #2 and #3 kinda the same? I posted my opinion, don't take it personal
3. I'm being rude:eek: ?! A thread devoted to vulgar cheesy pickup lines and I'm being rude? :tongue:
4. Well........I paid my taxes, but yeah..I can be an *ss at times.:redface:
1. Well, some more than others. I have my reasons, don't be so quick to judge
2. Isn't #2 and #3 kinda the same? I posted my opinion, don't take it personal
3. I'm being rude:eek: ?! A thread devoted to vulgar cheesy pickup lines and I'm being rude? :tongue:
4. Well........I paid my taxes, but yeah..I can be an *ss at times.:redface:

My apologies to Blade. He's one up one me as I'm an @ss most of the time:biggrin:
"Why did you sell your NSX ?" There's lots of beautiful women around, but not that many that are REALLY into sportscars....Why waste time w/ flattering comments if they're just a superficial way of getting from point A to point B ?
heres one.
Whats your moms phone number? Id like to call her and thank her or I'm sorry, were you talking to me? (No.) Well then, please start.
here i'll just give her the rest of em too

gotta wax the car, its been in the garage for weeks!

No fair you had a list!

I can't believe this worked 30 out of 30

[Look at her shirt label.] When they say, "What are you doing?" You respond: "Yep! Made in heaven!"

Damn and people say I'm shallow :confused:

"Hi I'm Gregg how are you, is this seat taken"? :biggrin: :tongue:

Well that one's only cheesy if your name isn't Greg , but hey if your gonna lie anyway why not use a different name. Never thought of that one. I'll have to try it.

Of course mine will go more like

"Hi my name is Greg scoot over B*tch"
How about this novel approach:
1. Say “Hello, my name’s ________.”
2. Listen to her response, and then
3. Formulate your reply based upon what she actually just said, all the while treating her with the respect due a classy lady.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary. You should now be in a meaningful conversation. Continue until she signals that you are dismissed or you get to the next level, whatever that may be.
all of these are oldies but goodies...

-do you mind if I check the tag on your blouse? <check it> yup, I knew it... "made in Heaven"
-do you believe in love at first site or should I come back later?
-hi... I noticed you don't have a drink in your hand, can I buy you an NSX?
-that outfit looks great on you but it'd look even better in a pile next to my bed
-I seem to have lost my phone number; can I have yours?
-if I were in charge of the alphabet "U" and "I" would be closer together
-your pants must be reflective because I keep seeing myself in them

How about this novel approach:
1. Say “Hello, my name’s ________.”
2. Listen to her response, and then
3. Formulate your reply based upon what she actually just said, all the while treating her with the respect due a classy lady.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary. You should now be in a meaningful conversation. Continue until she signals that you are dismissed or you get to the next level, whatever that may be.


Dude this is a joke thread. All answers are intended to be humorous not that your approach isn't funny , but were looking for comical.

Now if your being funny ( which I hope you are ) you gotta let us know with some LOLs or :biggrin: 's or something

"Meaningful conversation" :rolleyes: get outta here.. LOL
all of these are oldies but goodies...

-do you mind if I check the tag on your blouse? <check it> yup, I knew it... "made in Heaven"
-do you believe in love at first site or should I come back later?
-hi... I noticed you don't have a drink in your hand, can I buy you an NSX?
-that outfit looks great on you but it'd look even better in a pile next to my bed
-I seem to have lost my phone number; can I have yours?
-if I were in charge of the alphabet "U" and "I" would be closer together
-your pants must be reflective because I keep seeing myself in them


-that outfit looks great on you but it'd look even better in a pile next to my bed

Now that's what I'm talking about PURE CHEESE! Good one!