Changing demographics of NSX owners?

I am now 65 and was able to buy my 95 NSX about 4 years ago, after waiting for over 10 years after seeing it at the Los Angeles auto show in 94. I started with TR3, then TR4, TR-6, 944, 300Z, MB SLK 320. One of the reasons I love my NSX is the future value. With the extremely low production numbers and the rate at which they are dissapearing. Some day soon, the depreciation will turn to appreciation. Hope my grandson will appreciate it after I spend another 20 years driving it on lap days.
I have been at Prime forum for over 10 years. 10 years ago, Prime is very different compare to now. There were a lot of information posted by the doctor (forgot his name) who started this website. I learned a lot about NSX from this website. One thing I really like is that there is a section to compare different mod. on the market.

I noticed the same thing RACERnsX has mentioned, there are a lot more younger NSX driver now. I want to find out why people in the 20's would want to get NSX than other cars out there.

When I tried to get a NSX 10 years ago, it costed about the same as now. Back then, there aren't a lot of choices in the 35K range. I was picking between a M3 and NSX. Now at the same price range, there are a lot more to pick from. Though a new M3 is twice as much, there are still a lot of options from japanese sports car.

The dr.'s name was Wen if I recall and he raced/tracked his. This is my 3rd NSX (91 and 94 before). I'm 46
I'm slightly older than dirt.(61) Bought my 95 red t 3 1/2 years ago after totaling my 93 tt RX7. I raced production scca alfa spyders for years. Those cars including my RX7 was very tail happy. After driving an NSX I realized it handled like it was on rails was about as reliable as a civic and the cost was well inline for a car with this performance and quality. Not to mention the rarity. Just like everyone else I get looks everywhere I go. There are about 2-3 in south Alabama where I now live. I think the car is actually an investment if kept as stock as possible. I've only added headers and a AIS. I am thinking about selling my 95 and updating to a 2002 or newer. The Yellow one for 55k mentioned in another thread sounds pretty good.
I have been at Prime forum for over 10 years. 10 years ago, Prime is very different compare to now. There were a lot of information posted by the doctor (forgot his name) who started this website.

I believe you are confusing the old NSX e-mail lists and website created by Dr. David Hwang in the mid '90s with this website. This site site did not have message forums 10 years ago, and it has always been run by the same person.

As for this discussion in general, it makes me chuckle now. The same exact discussion has been going on for 10+ years. I remember people having this discussion in person at NSXPO 1998. And it comes up every year or two here. Most of the people involved in the discussion these days are the very "new owners" people were talking about in previous iterations of the discussion.
I owned my first NSX since 2004 when I was 24 years old, a black 70K miles '92 NSX. The reason why I got into the NSX was because it was a natural move from the s2K. Both cars are great, but seeing more s2k than the NSX on the road was one of the many reasons why I finance the NSX in the first place :smile:
2 years of ownership at 27 :smile: than again my subcontractors say I'm closer to 40.

All I know is I feel like a 10 year old in a candy store every time I step into the NSX. Is that not that what dives us all as owners? The grin from cheek to cheek? Who cares how old people are. A NSX owner is generally mature regardless of age. Thats why the NSX is still a more prestigious car than Supra, Evo, Rx7, GTR whatever. Ricers are generally in the under $10K Cash car market or sub $400 /mth. which is way far from us.
We need more girls :D
54 years. Have owned for 4 years plus. Felt then and more now that Honda got it right from the very start. Too bad there wasn't a "second act". Best balance automobile I've found. Come to think of it, I haven't driven my motorcycle in 4 years too. Guess that's how good it feels to drive the X.
hello has all, here in Europe, the NSX were very expensive, the NA2 cost € 106000 ($ 164813), this is why they are so rare here, after a life of motorcyclist filled well (36 years of motor bike), I have to wait so a long time to be able to me offrire a beautiful NSX, my first idea was to buy Ferrari (F 348 or F 355) but, Honda is quite higher in any point, I bought it at the same price until Ferrari of occasion (€ 34000 = $ 53000)! :eek:
you include/understand better why they are so rare here in Europe and especially in Belgium, here, the taxes are very high! my dream is finally carried out and I am happy to roll on our road with a car so rare and so beautiful that everyone is turned over on its passage! :tongue:
but that, you know it very well!:smile:
64 years old, original owner of white/black '93 now with all of 14,148 miles on her. Box stock. Can't say anything more about the car that hasn't already been said here on Prime. I love it more every day and if I didn't work 2 miles from where I live I would have many more miles on her. I will be buried in the car. Great to see younger owners and their enthusiasm for the car. It just reinforces the fact that in spite of all the terrific choices one has today for a car, the NSX remains timeless.
i bought mine for my 26th birthday :biggrin: i started backwards. got the car...married my girlfriend of 8 years...and had our son a month ago. next up for us...the house..we've got everything thing else. a nice car and the rest of our lifes together...doesnt get much better than that! (till my son turns 16 and wants to take the nsx out lol) i'll be posting in 16 years and letting you all know how that goes

I'm 39 (actually will be 40 in a few weeks -->:eek:), been a member here since 2002 when I started seriously looking into nsx ownership, but have owned my 1992 since Jan/06. I have wanted one since they first came out, had a poster of a black NA1 on my wall all throughout college and professional school (good to have clear goals laid out in front of you), and went for my first test drive of a Brooklands NA2 in 1996 on the first month post-graduation!

Being a member of a more than a few automotive forums and actually owning and running a big one devoted to Nissan Skylines, I have to say I absolutely love and cherish NSXPrime. Lud, if you ever need a mod, let me know! I can supply a good CV! :wink: People here are great, there's more info here than you can ever get anywhere else in the world, and thankfully the owners in general behave in a way that gives the car the special respect it deserves.

I was offered a 996TT trade for my boosted NSX this year, and refused because I just couldn't fathom a life without the camaraderie of Prime.

Yes, I need help.


Since the thread's been resurected:

Chalk up another 26 year-old owner. I've had my '92 for about 3.5 weeks now (Prime member, and regular troller since '05), and I am in the process of restoring the 213,000 mile car to, initially, fully functional stock configuration. I can't promise that it won't get modified at all, but I can promise that it will be tasteful if and when it does. To give you an idea, my MR2 has no visual mods, but does have a sway bar upgrade, adjustable shocks, and a couple of subwoofers (which have quick releases for autox & track use). That thing is still rolling on the stock 14"s (I keep them clean though :D)

I grew up appreciating cars. My father bought and restored three different DeTomaso Panteras by the time I was 16. He kept the last one as a show/track car for about 20 years. In that span he also had a Ferrari 308 GT4 (which we sort-of caught on fire at Road Atlanta...but did save in the end), a Testarossa, and most recently a 996 GT2. I've been to every type of car show and track day from Shelby club (Pantera has a Ford engine, for those not familiar) to Ferrari Club to NOPI (lots of nice NSXs there last time I went).

My first car, which my parents did buy for me, was a '91 MR2 Turbo which I then bought them out of when I graduated. I still have that car 10 years later, I have autocrossed it for 2.5 seasons, and taken it to several track days/HPDE, so I'm now pretty well versed with the ins and outs of mid-engined cars. My NSX fascination started with a couple of Road & Track articles that I read when the car was launched (I say "read", but I mean "looked at the pretty pictures" since I was 8 at the time). My favorite car growing up was the Testarossa, and lets be honest, the NSX silhouette is fairly similar...

I'd be lying if I didn't say that I rekindled my interest in the car earlly in College with a little Gran Turismo. From about my sophomore year, I decided that I'd buy an NSX as soon as I had money, so i started following the market to see if they might be attainable. I graduated in '05, started a career, and also started seriously looking for an NSX. I got distracted a little with buying a house and racing my MR2, but only for a little while.

My MR2 blew up over the summer. One week after clinching the regional B-Stock autocross championship, it puked it's water pump out at a stop light while idling... Long story short, I "rescued" this NSX from New York and have been driving it daily while fixing both it and the MR2.

At least I'm not bored :biggrin:
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57. Brought my ’94 in 95. Original owner. Car just turned over 50,000 miles.
Most reliable car I ever have. Replaced the water pump, head gasket, new CV boots, slave clutch cylinder and all the hoses in the engine bay area at 45,000 miles. Autowave did a nice job. The bill was a little bit steep at about $5,000.00. Considering that this is the only bill I had for repair in 13 years, this is not bad. Still have no urge to replace my NSX yet.
Bought mine when i was 23 or 24. I told myself this when i was 11 (1991) that i needed to get one as a life goal when i turned 25. now i'm 28 and i've owned it for almost 5 yrs. But, yes i do noticed there is a lot of "flaming going on back and forth" but it sometimes the demographics are across the board that are doing this.
I am 23 and an avid enthusiast. I too am saddened to see this forum going through the stages of collapse so to speak. I am very mature and came here to learn as much as i can and to see AWESOME cars. I am a mechanic and machinist, not just another daddy's boy.It's sad to see Honda tuning feature "how-to" articles on the NSX now. And now with F&F 4 featuring an NSX we can only pray it doesn't become the next big Supra fad.

All i can say is please keep em' clean and i will see ya at a meet.
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nothing wrong with daddy's money. people who make a big issue of it, are jealous and wish they had some of that easy money.

wish i had a trust fund or two.

25 years young. 4 years ownership.
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Hi Everyone.

I'm 20 and have owned a '92 for 4 months now so I'm pretty new to this whole thing... Completely my own money and everything, I just had to/ have to be real smart with how I spend my money on a monthly basis.

Being in the Air Force, basic amenities (housing, utilities, food, etc.) are taken care of leaving me with some discretionary spending money :)
