
Move to Irvine? negative ghost rider..... the pattern's full.

Gonna fly by anyways, the plaque for the alternates is in the ladies room.

Never mind your up north.
Downside, Florida has no mountains and hurricanes.

I will take a hurricane (with days of advance notice) over an earthquake (with no warning whatsoever) any day. I survived the 1967 Caracas earthquake (just barely) which was a magnitude 6.5 and destroyed many buildings in Macuto where I was staying.

California is a gorgeous place but unfortunately it is governed by complete morons.
I will take a hurricane (with days of advance notice) over an earthquake (with no warning whatsoever) any day. I survived the 1967 Caracas earthquake (just barely) which was a magnitude 6.5 and destroyed many buildings in Macuto where I was staying.

Having advance notice does not stop the miles and miles of damage by hurricanes that happen every year. Earthquakes in Cali that actually do any real damage happen maybe every 20 years. The damage is isolated to small areas with little or no deaths. That can't be said of hurricanes.

California is a gorgeous place but unfortunately it is governed by complete morons.

The moron has been gone for a couple of years.:wink:

BTW For everyone that thinks our gun laws are so bad, I have an AR 15 that will blow your mind and 30 rounds in about 3 seconds that is 100% legal here.
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Having advance notice does not stop the miles and miles of damage by hurricanes that happen every year.

Huh? Only 14 Category 3 or higher hurricanes have made landfall in Florida since 1950. And only 22 in the preceding 100 years.

Compare that to the 40 quakes that have hit California since 1952.

Sorry but I'll stay on the East Coast. Zombies notwithstanding!
Huh? Only 14 Category 3 or higher hurricanes have made landfall in Florida since 1950. And only 22 in the preceding 100 years.

Compare that to the 40 quakes that have hit California since 1952.

Sorry but I'll stay on the East Coast. Zombies notwithstanding!

Compare the damage done in that same time frame. Of those 40 quakes most did little or no real damage.
Compare the damage done in that same time frame. Of those 40 quakes most did little or no real damage.

Are you a politician? If not you should be because you are long on diatribe but short on facts. :)

The Loma Prieta quake in 1989 killed 63 people and caused approximately $6 Billion in property damage. And that wasn't even your "big one"! Should I continue with the other San Fran quake in 1906 that killed over 3,000 and caused incalculable property damage?

Our "big one" was of course Hurricane Andrew in 1992 that killed 44 and caused $25 Billion in damage.

I'll take my advanced warnings over the instant apocalypse scenario anytime. :)
Are you a politician? If not you should be because you are long on diatribe but short on facts. :)

The Loma Prieta quake in 1989 killed 63 people and caused approximately $6 Billion in property damage. And that wasn't even your "big one"! Should I continue with the other San Fran quake in 1906 that killed over 3,000 and caused incalculable property damage?

Our "big one" was of course Hurricane Andrew in 1992 that killed 44 and caused $25 Billion in damage.

I'll take my advanced warnings over the instant apocalypse scenario anytime. :)

Compare the size of Cali and use that same square miles for an area in the southeast or the east coast and now do the numbers going all the way back to 1906. Did you forget Katrina just to name one?

The BIG ONE. I have been hearing about that for the 50 years I have lived here, still waiting in total fear:tongue:

You love living where you do and I love living where I do so let's leave it at that.
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Compare the size of Cali and use that same square miles for an area in the southeast or the east coast and now do the numbers going all the way back to 1906. Did you forget Katrina just to name one?

I don't think anyone lived in Florida prior to 1950 so you do the math. :)
Katrina was little more than a fart when she blew through here. As far as New Orleans goes, that would be a toss up between California for me. Only the French would be stupid enough to build a city below sea level so close to the damn sea! It's right up there with building skyscrapers along the San Andreas Fault. :biggrin:
Wow, I knew California had a lots of NSXs but seeing that ^2005 map brings it home. In 2005, my NSX started in Florida. It was in Chicago, Illinois when I bought it in March 2009, and has been home, in CA, for over 3 years now.


^It's happy here as you can see in this photo from yesterday (6-3-2012). Another weekend, another drive arranged by Les (LMR: Lead Master Royale). :smile:


^While it waits for the next big earthquake, it gets to go places with it's friends. :biggrin:
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^While it waits for the next big earthquake, it gets to go places with it's friends. :biggrin:

Another person/NSX in Cali enjoying life while waiting for the BIG ONE.:biggrin:

And boy do we have lots of friends/NSX's here.:smile:
The odds you'll be hurt in an earthquake are tiny. Even so,
I made wide solid wood ramps to drive the NSX up onto for
service. One feels vulnerable while working underneath a car.

One of the largest earthquakes in California history was near
where I live. It's a package deal: the mountains here
were lifted up by sesmic activity. If you like living near
these mountains, earthquakes are part of the picture.

If you don't get hurt, earthquakes are kinda fun -- individual ones,
anyway. For me it's been the repeated ones, like aftershocks
or swarms, that have grated on the nerves.
Do you realize it's the people that makes the economy grow. More people = more economic activities = more jobs and so forth.

yeah sure if those people are prosperous hard workers but if not well......................
I LOVE living in Silicon Valley but what is up with the smell?! Milpitas stinks (huge landfill), San Jose smells like skunk and Fremont smells like pungent curry. :mad:

I guess I'll take skunk :biggrin:
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It's easy..... have an aptitude to make disgusting amounts of $$$$ so that you can reside in a almost ZERO crime area like where I reside (look under my avatar for coordinates).

Nice neighborhood -- was in the area a few days ago. How much does the typical ~4000sq/ft home cost there?
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It's easy..... have an aptitude to make disgusting amounts of $$$$ so that you can reside in a almost ZERO crime area like where I reside (look under my avatar for coordinates).



Looks like an empty lot right now, did you bought this land trying to build a house yourself? If you custom build a house there it's going to worth a lot $ and can have a 4+ car garage :smile:
Had another earthquake a couple weeks ago. Not too big, centered in Yorba Linda. Took a drive today... :biggrin:


^Big Bear Lake, 6-20-2012.

Looks like an empty lot right now, did you bought this land trying to build a house yourself? If you custom build a house there it's going to worth a lot $ and can have a 4+ car garage :smile:

See Bat's response on post #38.