Body weight workouts

really? competition BF% is a lot drier and shredded than that.

Everyone is average, you turn your body into what you want it to look like. This type of lifestyle just doesn't sound like it's for you.
Ya think......For a million reasons only a very few people out of every 1000 have the genetic mix/build coupled with mental dedication to achieve these results.....and in his current condition he could easily be a fitness model.
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I've lived and breathed this lifestyle ever since I was 18 and it's mostly about diet, but weights are must in my book.

This is me @ 42 and still kicking strong! :D

I didn't know you were still around. I was on one of the bodybuilding sites months ago and saw your NSX and was like wait, I know that guy!! LOL...

Anyway good to see you on the forum. That's an ideal physique man, must have taken a lot of hard work. Congrats.
so then what is your goal ?

My goals are always evolving.....

I more so just want to be a monster, but I can only do this so long....

Although my BP and blood work is in check, I know it's not healthy to carry a lot of weight around....
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I didn't know you were still around. I was on one of the bodybuilding sites months ago and saw your NSX and was like wait, I know that guy!! LOL...

Anyway good to see you on the forum. That's an ideal physique man, must have taken a lot of hard work. Congrats.

Thank you! I'm still around, but I haven't posted much lately...
My goals are always evolving.....

I more so just want to be a monster, but I can only do this so long....

Although my BP and blood work is in check, I know it's not healthy to carry a lot of weight around....
nothing wrong with wanting to be fricken seem to know the risks..ect......but maybe you should consider doing some local strong man comp....
Sucks when you have that much bulk and it goes away... My dad was a big time bodybuilder and now that he's about to turn 60 he's developing a mega set of man boobs.

I just stick to cycling, every time I get on that bike at least 1000 calories are burned (usually more)
Sucks when you have that much bulk and it goes away... My dad was a big time bodybuilder and now that he's about to turn 60 he's developing a mega set of man boobs.

I just stick to cycling, every time I get on that bike at least 1000 calories are burned (usually more)

The only reason that happens is because people they keep consuming the same amount of calories when they stop lifting. Therefore fat is added on when muscles atrophy. Either you should never stop working out or decrease the amount of calorie intake.
Ya think......For a million reasons only a very few people out of every 1000 have the genetic mix/build coupled with mental dedication to achieve these results.....and in his current condition he could easily be a fitness model.

Agreed he could def. be a fitness model, compete if he so chooses to put himself thru contest prep.

It doesn't take genetics to build a great looking body. It takes your second part of your post. Dedication. :biggrin:

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The only reason that happens is because people they keep consuming the same amount of calories when they stop lifting. Therefore fat is added on when muscles atrophy. Either you should never stop working out or decrease the amount of calorie intake.


payam it sounds like we have similar thoughts on fitness/health/exercise. You on
Either you should never stop working out or decrease the amount of calorie intake.

Easy to say when you're not 60, plus he was able to eat like garbage his whole life just due to his sheer amount of muscle mass. Those habits aren't going to be broke now.

I don't have any pictures of him from his prime years in his late-30's, but here's him at 28 or so. But he maintained this well through his late 40's until he had back surgery.

For me, going to the gym regularly is not a big problem. The problem is diet. I don't cook so I mostly eat out and eating healthy stuffs day in and day out is not easy. I would eat healthy for a week then eat craps for a few days then recycle. I want to keep a lean body so I try not to consume too much carbs.
Agreed he could def. be a fitness model, compete if he so chooses to put himself thru contest prep.

It doesn't take genetics to build a great looking body. It takes your second part of your post. Dedication. :biggrin:

From a pure body fat content and muscle size yes training and diet can produce a very lean muscular physique...but to say that those things alone can produce the estheticly pleasing shape and proportions that we see on jlsnyder is denying what you see in the gym everday.Not everyone has the thin waist , V taper , proper triangle between nipples and navel,and shoulder width to look that appealing....just sayin.
I was in the situation where I was a scrawny stick and bones type of guy and I wanted to get big. I went to the gym almost everyday and lifted weights, assuming that's the ticket. Never, ever, in my 5 years wasted, did I take the time to learn how to eat correctly. My assumption (and also being 100% stubborn) assumed I just needed to eat anything, and keep lifting.

It wasn't until I stared into the mirror one day and told myself I need to stop being an idiot about this. I need to stop wasting time my time and really take the time to understand how to eat correctly, otherwise I'll be throwing away another 5 years, and back at the same situation. I browsed through tons of articles on and many forum threads on how to count the numbers in food. I learnt to track it all down using And now, in one years time, I am very happy with how I look.

IMG_2108.JPG IMG_0650.jpg

Eating right is KEY to success. I can't wait to look to grow and look like jlsnyderNSX one day :)
From a pure body fat content and muscle size yes training and diet can produce a very lean muscular physique...but to say that those things alone can produce the estheticly pleasing shape and proportions that we see on jlsnyder is denying what you see in the gym everday.Not everyone has the thin waist , V taper , proper triangle between nipples and navel,and shoulder width to look that appealing....just sayin.

Exactly what I posted :D

triangle nipples you say? LOL

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I was in the situation where I was a scrawny stick and bones type of guy and I wanted to get big. I went to the gym almost everyday and lifted weights, assuming that's the ticket. Never, ever, in my 5 years wasted, did I take the time to learn how to eat correctly. My assumption (and also being 100% stubborn) assumed I just needed to eat anything, and keep lifting.

It wasn't until I stared into the mirror one day and told myself I need to stop being an idiot about this. I need to stop wasting time my time and really take the time to understand how to eat correctly, otherwise I'll be throwing away another 5 years, and back at the same situation. I browsed through tons of articles on and many forum threads on how to count the numbers in food. I learnt to track it all down using And now, in one years time, I am very happy with how I look.

View attachment 101933 View attachment 101934

Eating right is KEY to success. I can't wait to look to grow and look like jlsnyderNSX one day :)

Keep up the good work, you're headed in the right direction. Feel free to message me if you would like to get help with a bulking diet.
For you lucky folks with amazing physiques, are you able to stay on a consistent/regular routine in terms of preparing food and/or visiting the gym? Is the regular routine itself comforting and self motivating?

I have not been lucky enough to have that luxury and I suffer from a bit of adult A.D.D. (sarcastically speaking). I'm able to get on routines for maybe a week at a time then I get stuck traveling and have irregular workload where on some days work late and others I leave early. Sometimes I have a whole week to myself and sometimes i'm working 60-70hr weeks. I don't have a problem with my schedule but it's makes it a lot of effort to stick to a diet/workout regimen. The best i've been able to do is to visit the gym for at least 30 mins each day at 6am in the morning which alternates between machines/weights/swimming. It just ends up simply being the most convenient but by far the most difficult is staying consistent with food. When you're busy it's so easy to find food that's horrible for you and its much more difficult to find healthy good food.

Got any suggestions?

I've used and it helped me better monitor my caloric intake but it's not been the answer.
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Ryu- my fitness pal IS the answer but you have to take it to the next level and "mind your macros" to fit your goal. You can customize your macros on my fitness pal to track/meet your goals.

Honestly you really have to commit the time to learning and meal prep./recording. It takes alot but once you start doing it you, you do it in less and less time.

Here's my current battle:

You guys think it's possible to go from 32% body fat down to 15%...?
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Genetics does play a huge role in someones physique. Some folks just don't have the structure for it.

I benched 450 lbs for 2 this morning. I think it's about time for another max....
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I'm sure a lot of us weaklings are reading on the sideline. We take way better of our NSX than ourselves...something is wrong there so we need to make a change-definitely lots of motivations in here.

Well, it's very good to hear and while my NSX is probably too high up on my priority list, I hit the gym first...

When the most common phrase out of your mouth is : 'I can't, I've got to hit the gym' you know you're doing it right! :D
1-2-3-4....times your weight with that is quite a goal....
Agreed he could def. be a fitness model, compete if he so chooses to put himself thru contest prep.

It doesn't take genetics to build a great looking body. It takes your second part of your post. Dedication. :biggrin:

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payam it sounds like we have similar thoughts on fitness/health/exercise. You on

no, ive been thinking bout joining the "brah" world though!
no, ive been thinking bout joining the "brah" world though!

Come on in brother! Just avoid posting in the 'misc' for while and let us know so we can keep you out of the red... :D
Come on in brother! Just avoid posting in the 'misc' for while and let us know so we can keep you out of the red... :D

Whats a good welcome post? The typical this is my transformation type post?

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Come on in brother! Just avoid posting in the 'misc' for while and let us know so we can keep you out of the red... :D

On now, send me a friend request on there, same for you vi3tboy!