Body weight workouts

A blood test for what?
I love my weekly testosterone injection. Makes me feel like a kid again. Works wonders in the gym for men over 40. It even changes the way you think. It is truly the male building block. I think every man over 40 should get their test checked. It's simple and ins. picks up the tab. You'll want to trust me on this.:wink:
i work in Brazil. Most of the expiates i work with trade steroids, testosterone and all that for american supplements. Then they have bad side effects from all that stuff. Maybe prescribed testosterone is not so detrimental. Some big fuckers on my rig and i turn there collars up because they are too big to reach behind their heads. Props to the clean guys in this thread. Makes me want to get out of the drive thru at whataburger right now!!
I love my weekly testosterone injection. Makes me feel like a kid again. Works wonders in the gym for men over 40. It even changes the way you think. It is truly the male building block. I think every man over 40 should get their test checked. It's simple and ins. picks up the tab. You'll want to trust me on this.:wink:

That's not always the case. My levels (137) dropped off in my early 30's.

and you're lucky if you're getting injections... my general practitioner only supplies me with andro gel.
Just so it's clear, My test is prescription. Not black market.

I wasn't implying anything towards you. I had a coo worker have prostate issues from the injections. Again I'm not sure what the d difference is between three prescribed and the stuff they use. I guess it's over the counter in Rio.
I wasn't implying anything towards you. I had a coo worker have prostate issues from the injections. Again I'm not sure what the d difference is between three prescribed and the stuff they use. I guess it's over the counter in Rio.

Difference is, if you have a script (like myself), you're most likely doing it for medical reasons. If you're using a underground lab, then you're most likely doing it for other reasons or because you can't afford prescribed medicine.
I wasn't implying anything towards you. I had a coo worker have prostate issues from the injections. Again I'm not sure what the d difference is between three prescribed and the stuff they use. I guess it's over the counter in Rio.
Oh I know you weren't, LOL. But I guess for legal reasons and posting on the internet I wanted to be clear. I do have bloodwork every 6 months to keep a check on my prostate and test levels.
Not everyone with Low T should be taking testosterone injections or androgel. You need to figure out if you are primary or secondary and go from there. Most GP's have no clue seemingly about how to treat low T and shoot from the hip and just prescribe androgel or test injections. Problem is if you are only secondary you wil shut your natural production down by doing this, when instead it may just need some "rehabilitating" my taking the right medications. Stress, lack of sleep, diet all affect T, so you need to figure out if it's permanent or just a lifestyle issue and go from there. Finding a good doctor is the hard part...
I don't really care for crossfit as most people that do it don't really have a belief system in fitness. They just want "Olympic style training" and swear by it. Sure it burns fat, but I feel like if one is really interested. They should do their research and find out what methods work for them vs being another blind sheep following the crossfit crowd. Crossfit doesn't really build strength. It builds endurance. If that's what you're lookin for then the crossfit cult is a good starting point.

I think this is a very correct. I started crossfit because I need discipline when I work out. It also didn't hurt that living social had a deal for $40/2 months introduction. It also helps to have a few others suffering with you during the AMRAMP workouts, to push you to do a few more reps. I think once the technique, the understanding of how to pair workouts, and the drive is there, crossfit is something you can easily do on your own with little invested in equipment or space for a 'gym area'.
nothing is a free meal in life....taking exogenous testosterone ,especially in unregulated ( think illegal dude at gym) doses can and will stimulate your prostate to grow and if there is cancer in there it can promote more rapid development.Hormones also can affect your veins,heart,skin..ect......also talking about and promoting one method of weight loss and fitness does not translate well to everyone because of difference in age/metabolic rates/ Race/gender/.........but as I have always said on all these general the average Joe grossly underestimates the total amount of calories being consumed daily.Biggest culprits are sugary drinks.
Difference is, if you have a script (like myself), you're most likely doing it for medical reasons. If you're using a underground lab, then you're most likely doing it for other reasons or because you can't afford prescribed medicine.

Doubt anything is underground. Dinner stuff is cheaper there, except electronics. Braces, breast jobs, cheaper in Brazil:)

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I admire the dedication it takes to look good. With so much info around how do you know who is right?
I look at this guys website quite a bit
Doubt anything is underground. Dinner stuff is cheaper there, except electronics. Braces, breast jobs, cheaper in Brazil:)

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I admire the dedication it takes to look good. With so much info around how do you know who is right?
I look at this guys website quite a bit

I'm not sure who's right, I just know that I feel a lot better since my levels were normalized. I've always been a pretty fit guy, so we never figured out why my levels were that of a 13 year old girl.
From 190

To 147 last month on vacation
Viet boy, amazing transformation!! Job well done my friend! It takes a whole lot of dedication and discipline to accomplish those kind of fitness goals. I'm still not even close to where I want to look physically... Also guy always remember, friends dont let friends skip leg day!! Haha, seriously though.. Working out your legs promotes natural test production. I have found out on my own that when I don't squat or dead-lift at least once a week, my whole upper body feels a slight drop in strength/ endurance.
I just don't think it's fair if you guys all transform your cars, but don't transform yourselves as well!

For all you guys that have posted pics of your transformation, congratulations! I know it definitely takes a lot of hard work and dedication. However, I would like to know how tall are you guys? The reason I ask is because I'm 6'3" and even eating right and working out, it seems to take much longer to see those types of results. I have friends who are much shorter than me and when they follow the same regimen, results seem to show much faster. I was told height does play a role in how quickly definition begins to appear. Is this true?
you have more volume of fat to burn that's why it takes longer. You might need to work harder than your shorter friends but the results will come. It really takes patience. That's why most people give up after a few wks when they see no results yet.
For all you guys that have posted pics of your transformation, congratulations! I know it definitely takes a lot of hard work and dedication. However, I would like to know how tall are you guys? The reason I ask is because I'm 6'3" and even eating right and working out, it seems to take much longer to see those types of results. I have friends who are much shorter than me and when they follow the same regimen, results seem to show much faster. I was told height does play a role in how quickly definition begins to appear. Is this true?

I'm 6'2 @ 280 lbs. It's definitely harder for us taller guys.
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Well, What types of food are you guys eating? Other than choosing smarter foods(as of a week ago) like grilled chicken and rice vs fried I am drinking a lot more water. What do you guys eat?
Well, What types of food are you guys eating? Other than choosing smarter foods(as of a week ago) like grilled chicken and rice vs fried I am drinking a lot more water. What do you guys eat?

Depends on what I'm trying to achieve. Right now, I'm trying to grow.

Lots of
Grilled Chicken
Turkey Breast
Brown Rice
Almond Butter

and a shit load of protein powder.... w/ ice and water. I go through 10lbs a month.

Lots of water and a diet coke before my work outs, lol..
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EAC is right... depends what your fitness goals are... what are you trying to do? some guys want to be jacked and shredded, others just want a slim and shredded more "fit" physique like payam... And Payam yes that is correct, gotta hit those macros ;)
whatever practices got you young guys to look the way you do now....keep them going into your 50's and beyond....but it does get harder....and love handles are just an injury practice a long term calorie budget.
Depends on what I'm trying to achieve.

General rule of thumb, if you want to grow you have to be in a caloric surplus and you want to lose you have to be in a caloric deficit. It takes about 3,500 calories to burn 1 lb so don't expect over night results. Consistency and time are your friend.