Body weight workouts

Oh before I go lift heres a pic of me with vato zyzz... lol this guy went form murdering on the streets to murdering weights in the gym... No more po-po on his ass :tongue:


Now its time to make those calves grow...
Jaysus.... Were you in 300? I dont want to post my progress pic now, haha
Jaysus.... Were you in 300? I dont want to post my progress pic now, haha

Ha'ha! I apologize, because intimidating someone from posting was truly not my intention... My process stopped over a decade ago and this is where I am stuck! :p

We're all at different stages of our fitness journey, so post up! :cool:
haha. Not intimidating, I just have a long way to catch up.

So this is my progress. A little less then 7 months, gym (weight) routine everyday with biking to work (14Km) round trip 2-3 times per week, with more biking done on the weekends.

Started off at 240lbs since being posted to Germany and I am now down to 225lbs.



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haha. Not intimidating, I just have a long way to catch up.

So this is my progress. A little less then 7 months, gym (weight) routine everyday with biking to work (14Km) round trip 2-3 times per week, with more biking done on the weekends.

Started off at 240lbs since being posted to Germany and I am now down to 225lbs.

Sorry, poor choice of words since you're probably a half of a foot taller than me! Ha'ha!

Nice work! It takes a lot of dedication and you seem to have it! :)
This has probably already been posted.. but to keep yourself honest on your dite, you need to have proper accounting. You'll be surprised how many "more" calories that particular food has, and how far less you've burnt in a typical exercise.

MyFitnessPal is excellent for that.
My new gym has one of those Jacob's Ladder machines. Talk about as ass kicker.
They are doing a climb Mt Everest challenge. I only have 26,xxx more feet to go. hahaha.
. Bulked up a little compared to last year.

Leg progress is always slowest for me. Finally catching up.


It really is a marathon and a lifestyle, you have to be in it for the long haul to see results.
CRAP!!! After seeing this pic, makes me wanna throw a way my soda can and start picking up a milk jug. This is Prime' inspiration....if you don't mind, how tall are you and much work daily you have done?

I'm 5'-9", 195lbs., and I've been training for 25 years, 90 mins a day, 5-6 days a week with extreme dieting in the summer months. It's become my lifestyle with small goals set and reached every year! :)
WTF ! wow many of you nsx guys are JACKED. very impressive (i am saying this in the straightest way possible) :smile:

Ha'ha! I apologize, because intimidating someone from posting was truly not my intention... My process stopped over a decade ago and this is where I am stuck! :p

We're all at different stages of our fitness journey, so post up! :cool:
25years .....90mins a day, and 5-6 days a week. .......where's my soda can? lolz

I'm 5'-9", 195lbs., and I've been training for 25 years, 90 mins a day, 5-6 days a week with extreme dieting in the summer months. It's become my lifestyle with small goals set and reached every year! :)
Danm and I was impressed with myself for starting to see a slight four pack. Thanks guys for ruining that. LoL
No progress, I still look the same... :D


Man we have the same dimensions and im 200lbs, but you look like a rippled nestle water bottle. I look like a red folgers plastic coffee can. Its hard to eat right working offshore. I guess i need to lay off the french fries!! Props to you bro. Wait, can i eat french fries and look like that?
Dude I can't NOT eat French fries and look like that.

LMAO @ nestle water bottle hahahah so true. Hard work pays off, clearly.

Payam you are kicking ass my friend, nice work.
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Sorry guys, I didn't mean to discourage anyone... :redface:

I have two hobbies, the NSX and lifting! :smile:

And, I like to look a little intimidating when on my bike! :D
