Body weight workouts

This is your best friend. Without this. failure comes much easier. Meal Prep

Yup... I live the cubicle life, so meal prep is a must...... and damn those fatties for always cookin popcorn around me... ugh

This is your best friend. Without this. failure comes much easier. Meal Prep

Wierd to read threads like this. I have uncles in there 60s that are skin and trim and eating everything you shouldn't eat. Then I see younger people that have a HARD time stay under 200lbs. Grandmother is 90 and cooked with lard, high school classmates dropping at 40 with gym memberships posting workouts on Facebook. Hard to put it together. I know my problem is diet, but it's hard to keep a good one working offshore. My co workers(the ones looking like EAC) bring Tina and other stuff to eat from home.
I think it's all in the genetics... if I eat bad for a few months, I turn into a fat cow....
Wierd to read threads like this. I have uncles in there 60s that are skin and trim and eating everything you shouldn't eat. Then I see younger people that have a HARD time stay under 200lbs. Grandmother is 90 and cooked with lard, high school classmates dropping at 40 with gym memberships posting workouts on Facebook. Hard to put it together. I know my problem is diet, but it's hard to keep a good one working offshore. My co workers(the ones looking like EAC) bring Tina and other stuff to eat from home.

I have chocolate ice cream before bed every night. I eat chipotles 3-4 times a week after workouts when i'm lazy to go home and cook. I eat out with my girl for most meals on the weekends.

I'm not telling you that doing what I do is gonna get you diced up but there are better ways of getting in shape and not having to eat "healthy" foods. lol I hate that bro food stuff
Wierd to read threads like this. I have uncles in there 60s that are skin and trim and eating everything you shouldn't eat. Then I see younger people that have a HARD time stay under 200lbs. Grandmother is 90 and cooked with lard, high school classmates dropping at 40 with gym memberships posting workouts on Facebook. Hard to put it together. I know my problem is diet, but it's hard to keep a good one working offshore. My co workers(the ones looking like EAC) bring Tina and other stuff to eat from home.

It depends on what somatotype (body type) you are. Generally there are three categories:

Ectomorphs: hardgainers, like you're uncle. Extremely high metabolism. Have a hard time gaining muscle or weight.

Mesomorphs: possess solid muscle structure. Generally have the natural V-taper and puts on muscle very easily. Also has a high metabolism but not as high as Ectomorphs.

Endomorphs: round body type with lots of fat storage. They have an extremely hard time with losing weight due to a slow metabolism.

Most people are a combination.
It depends on what somatotype (body type) you are. Generally there are three categories:

Ectomorphs: hardgainers, like you're uncle. Extremely high metabolism. Have a hard time gaining muscle or weight.

Mesomorphs: possess solid muscle structure. Generally have the natural V-taper and puts on muscle very easily. Also has a high metabolism but not as high as Ectomorphs.

Endomorphs: round body type with lots of fat storage. They have an extremely hard time with losing weight due to a slow metabolism.

Most people are a combination.

Agreed. I know for a fact I'm a mesomorph, but if you aren't you will have to put in more work. Don't let that discourage you as the results will always be worth it. Also. Stay natural.
I've lived and breathed this lifestyle ever since I was 18 and it's mostly about diet, but weights are must in my book.

This is me @ 42 and still kicking strong! :D

I've lived and breathed this lifestyle ever since I was 18 and it's mostly about diet, but weights are must in my book.

This is me @ 42 and still kicking strong! :D

that is AWESOME. ideal body type, hope I look like that at 40+. Good work sir.
that is more of an elite physique,with competitive fat levels and a bit of dehydration...wonderful to be able to achieve ..but for the average human..improbable....but not impossible.
My new favorite shruggin shirt. NSXPRIME. :biggrin:


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big weight ......hows your form:eek:
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big weight ......hows your form:eek:

Form is good, straight up and down, none of that rolling of the shoulders nonsense, my last two sets are usually 675lbs for 4. I don't use weight belts or anything else to increase my lifts. If I can't do it raw, then I don't bother....
Personally I see no harm in using "belts"......but heck if your core is balanced,you breath well ,and you don't cheat ...more power to 280lbs and 6'2" you are nearing worlds strongest man territory....albeit one of the smaller dudes:wink:
Personally I see no harm in using "belts"......but heck if your core is balanced,you breath well ,and you don't cheat ...more power to 280lbs and 6'2" you are nearing worlds strongest man territory....albeit one of the smaller dudes:wink:

Yeah, I don't know. It seems belts are good for most, but everytime I used one when I was younger, it would give me a false sense of being stronger than I really was, then I'd try and do something stupid and pull something in my lower back. Probably more my fault than the belts fault..

I only lift heavy when I'm eating alot. :biggrin:

When it's time to lean out, I become a weak little woman. :eek:
so then what is your goal ?
Can we actually make a fitness progress thread? It would be cool to have in this forum. Transformations, tips, what not
you can try anything you want in OT ...within reason. .....biggest issue will be getting updates.Heck with all you guys going mobile it should be easier.
I've lived and breathed this lifestyle ever since I was 18 and it's mostly about diet, but weights are must in my book.

This is me @ 42 and still kicking strong! :D

Whats up bro? Was wondering when you would post in here :D

- - - Updated - - -

that is more of an elite physique,with competitive fat levels and a bit of dehydration...wonderful to be able to achieve ..but for the average human..improbable....but not impossible.

really? competition BF% is a lot drier and shredded than that.

Everyone is average, you turn your body into what you want it to look like. This type of lifestyle just doesn't sound like it's for you.

Yeah, I don't know. It seems belts are good for most, but everytime I used one when I was younger, it would give me a false sense of being stronger than I really was, then I'd try and do something stupid and pull something in my lower back. Probably more my fault than the belts fault..

I only lift heavy when I'm eating alot. :biggrin:

When it's time to lean out, I become a weak little woman. :eek:

I thought the same. But when I broke in my inzer belt it is so damn comfortable to squat in. Best gym accessory I have ever bought. I use belts, straps, and chalk LOL(depending on lift). But I'm not lifting for strength.

Can we actually make a fitness progress thread? It would be cool to have in this forum. Transformations, tips, what not

That'd be cool. I talked about it with jlsnyder on the bb misc before but we thought no one else on prime really was into this sorta thing.
that is AWESOME. ideal body type, hope I look like that at 40+. Good work sir.

Thank you! :cool:

Wow, well done. Ideal for sure. I need your training Obie Wan.

Thanks, and there's no special training techniques, just years of consistency...

that is more of an elite physique,with competitive fat levels and a bit of dehydration...wonderful to be able to achieve ..but for the average human..improbable....but not impossible.

Ha'ha! I kind of like that although I would never consider myself anywhere close to elite in that picture, however I do go to extremes to be contest ready in the summer time. (If I should ever get the courage to step on stage) :redface:


My new favorite shruggin shirt. NSXPRIME. :biggrin:

I wish that I could fill that out like you do! Ha'ha! :D

Whats up bro? Was wondering when you would post in here :D

Not much, and this is the first time I've seen some interest in fitness on Prime so I decided to join in... :cool:

really? competition BF% is a lot drier and shredded than that.

Everyone is average, you turn your body into what you want it to look like. This type of lifestyle just doesn't sound like it's for you.

Yes, the picture above would be several weeks out for doing a show. This might be a little closer walking on stage in a 'men's physique' class.

That'd be cool. I talked about it with jlsnyder on the bb misc before but we thought no one else on prime really was into this sorta thing.

Yep, fitness just doesn't seem to be a big interest to most NSX enthusiast.
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