Anyone know why GIRLS don't look @ NSX's

15 July 2007
Just wondering if anyone of you have asked any girls why girls don't notice or even like the NSX. I just bought mine and like everyone says, only little kids on bikes or adults in Caveliers seem to drool over the car. I have yet seen or notice one girl looking towards myway. I got more stares with my BMW 325 from women then my NSX.
NSX = WTF is that..... They really just have no idea what it is.....[/QUOTE]
Ya man, the women at my work thought it was a Ferrari. I live in a small town in Canada full of truckers. They all started gossiping that I made too much money then I said its a Acura. They were shocked its a Acura.
I've had my '02 for almost two years now and have determined that the NSX is more of a guy magnet than a chick magnet. I think girls like nice cars, but do not know the difference between an NSX, Corvette, Ferrari, Porsche or Lambo. Now I don't know what kind of age you're inferring when you say "girls", but I think girls most recognize BMW, Mercedes and Lexus - you know - cars their daddys drive. Face it, a lot of people don't know what an NSX is. Just this weekend I heard Ferrari from a cop, and another person said they didn't know Acura "just came out" with a sports car. I owned a Corvette before the NSX and DID get more attention than I do in my NSX. I prefer it the way it is now - less attention BUT when someone recognizes the NSX, the attention is much better. Quality over quantity. So I think they're not impressed because they don't know what the hell it is - even though it looks expensive. My two cents for ya.
Ding Ding Ding! we have a winner!:biggrin:

BMW = $ (or atleast they think so lol)

NSX = WTF is that..... They really just have no idea what it is.....

That why i have both.
90% of girls don't give a crap about cars...especially one they've never heard of. My girlfriend had no clue what an NSX was until she dated me. She now notices them and when she sees one, I'll get a text message saying she saw one.

Funny thing someone mentioned BMW's because my girlfriend thought I should have gotten an M3 lol... She's in love with those cars.

Every girl I've ever associated with never cared what I drove....personality then looks always came first. I don't even bring it around them on first dates to show off because I'd MUCH rather them notice ME first. Not my car...

Just my $.02 :)
Over an NSX? Yes I do. Even a girl that can recognize a Ferrari probably wouldn't be able to recognize - or describe - an NSX.
Women who would be interested in the car that guy drives is when the car "announces" a lavish lifestyle is in full effect.

Essentially their interest piques is when the car states that the driver has *and* is willing to spend big resources having a good time. They really aren't interested in any car, it is just an appliance to them. It's a clue pointing toward the high resource lifestyle that the driver can provide them with....just like them advertising off their hawt body.

Personally, I find nothing wrong with that at all. Women want the best guy+resource package they can find and the guys want the best girl+physical package too. Each is showing each other what they can provide...sounds fair to me.

The problem is that there are a lot more hawties than there are guys than can provide the lifestyle they seek. TV, beauty mags and movies state there is an endless number of such guys and you just have to wait until they come along. They will hold out for the "right guy" and fill their waiting time with "a-hole temps". Often the women out her in Sol CA will hold out their entire life (all of it) rather than hook up with anything less than the top .001%. It would be such a negative thing to throw in the towel and put up with anybody less than your dreams!

In short: The NSX isn't trendy and was *nowhere* near expensive enough to generate the attention with the ladies. It is not even close.

/even an inexpensive "trendy" car will get you attention...because you obviously have your finger on the pulse of fashion.
Thats funny. My ex also wanted me to buy an M3. I came that close to buying it but the inspection showed some flaws so I back off. I bought the NSX after and now I see the M3 everywhere. It's really common but a great car thats why everyone has it.
I actually work in Grande Prairie. Its definitely full of truckers and a few red necks if I can say the word. Edmonoton is not like that.
90% of girls don't give a crap about cars...especially one they've never heard of. My girlfriend had no clue what an NSX was until she dated me. She now notices them and when she sees one, I'll get a text message saying she saw one.

Ditto. My wife don't care either. My 11 year old daughter know more about exotic sportscar than my wife. I play Gran Turismo with my 11 year old. She know the difference between a NSX, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Lotus, Vipers....
I'm just lucky enough that my wife allowed me to get a NSX after wanting one for over 10 years.:biggrin:
Hey who gives a shit if "girls" notice your car? I bought my car because"I" wanted one, and I modify my car the way "I" want it modified. If you want attention, go buy a metallic purple BMW ragtop with fur seat covers.And don't forget the spinning 22" wheels........:rolleyes:

P.S. It's always nice if someone notices anything about you:hair, shoes, car, whatever, but don't get hung up on it.....Enjoy your NSX for you.:smile:
Just wondering if anyone of you have asked any girls why girls don't notice or even like the NSX. I just bought mine and like everyone says, only little kids on bikes or adults in Caveliers seem to drool over the car. I have yet seen or notice one girl looking towards myway. I got more stares with my BMW 325 from women then my NSX.

Try putting this on the back:

women and cars dont mix :tongue:

i always say that cars are guy magnets.

never had a girl come up to me and say

"WOW love your car, its been my dream car since i was ___ "


"sweet ride, love all the carbon fiber parts on it"

:biggrin: keep dreaming. If your lucky, you'll find a lady that takes some interest in your car and can get the name right. NXS SNX NSS XNS .... why is NSX so hard to remember?! :confused:

Happy motoring.

Hey who gives a shit if "girls" notice your car? I bought my car because"I" wanted one, and I modify my car the way "I" want it modified. If you want attention, go buy a metallic purple BMW ragtop with fur seat covers.And don't forget the spinning 22" wheels........:rolleyes:

P.S. It's always nice if someone notices anything about you:hair, shoes, car, whatever, but don't get hung up on it.....Enjoy your NSX for you.:smile:

thumbsup to you sir.
Had my car at a dealership checking on a friends repairs. The service co-ordinator girl comes out and says "What a CUTE car, too bad it's not a convertible. What is it anyway?" That's about the extent of the female interest in the NSX. There are always guys hanging out of Ford Taurus windows flashing "thumbs up" and yelling nice car. Problem I have is, cute blonde wife drives it. HMMMMMMM might have to rethink where I leave the keys!:wink: