Anyone know why GIRLS don't look @ NSX's

What Dave is leaving out from his side of the story is that his thong was blue with little gemstones on it.

No that would be Perry. I bet he has blue undies on when he goes to the track. Its part of his suit... lol...
No that would be Perry. I bet he has blue undies on when he goes to the track. Its part of his suit... lol...

Sigh. Just keep digging the hole deeper and deeper:tongue:

is this tread still going?!???! :confused:

Dave (Turbo2go ) won't quit till he makes a funny......Hmm yeah we'll be here awhile:frown:
What Dave is leaving out from his side of the story is that his thong was blue with little gemstones on it.

I drive you to the airport in the middle of rush hour traffic and this is how you treat me?!! you side with tinkerbell?
I drive you to the airport in the middle of rush hour traffic and this is how you treat me?!! you side with tinkerbell?

It's a little suspect when an investment banker in Toronto wants his "exotic car buddy" from Boston to drive to Canada just to get a lift to the airport. Did Bio get all teary eyed when you sped off in a cloud of dust at the terminal? :biggrin:
TURBO! Coming on strong... poor Wingz is wimpering in the corner like a little girl.

I think there's a term for owning someone like that. What is it? "Smurfed" I think it is.


Ah yes and the grey fairy from the other side of the pond chimes in. As usual he see's the conversation through beer goggles and unleashes a stinging verbal his dreams:rolleyes: Oh well somebody has to help Dave as he's dying as usual.

Good to hear you made the trip safely.

"Smurfed" Once again thou hath skewered me with thy wit:rolleyes:

It's a little suspect when an investment banker in Toronto wants his "exotic car buddy" from Boston to drive to Canada just to get a lift to the airport. Did Bio get all teary eyed when you sped off in a cloud of dust at the terminal? :biggrin:

What's suspect is that you sound jealous:confused: :confused: Apparently the bond between the grey boys starts between the butt cheeks:tongue: Ewww
It's a little suspect when an investment banker in Toronto wants his "exotic car buddy" from Boston to drive to Canada just to get a lift to the airport. Did Bio get all teary eyed when you sped off in a cloud of dust at the terminal? :biggrin:

He did... it was a very sad moment for him...

WingZ, was it sunny in your kitchen when you took that "I'm cool" photo or do you wear those glasses all the time to filter the hideous out of your car?
Silver and Blue.... Sorry, black rule!!!
He did... it was a very sad moment for him...

WingZ, was it sunny in your kitchen when you took that "I'm cool" photo or do you wear those glasses all the time to filter the hideous out of your car?

Still trying buddy? That's good nobody likes a quitter...even when it's hopeless:biggrin: Bro I'm cooler w/o the glasses. I have to keep glasses on in the NSX so as not to make eye contact because then people want to talk to me or women start smiling. You know you talk a lot of trash for a brother that has been using the same avatar pic for how amny years now? Come on Dave show us a's okay mullets are making a comeback:biggrin:

I was thinking about this thread the other day as I was in my NSX and no lie two seperate instances where women couldn't walk straight because they kept doing double takes. The first was just amusing as this one girl kept trying to act like she wasn't looking ,but couldn't keep eyes out of my direction and almost walked of the curb. The next about twenty minutes later as I was leaving a stereo two women were jogging by on the sidewalk. The first did a double take and I smiled she gave me this big grin and pointed the car to her girlfriend who was pushing a a baby in one of those three wheel strollers that have the big tires. Then no lie she ran the stroller off the sidewalk into the grass!!!! I was laughing so hard I dropped my cellphone ..LOL They were okay of course but it was too funny.

Silver and Blue.... Sorry, black rule!!!

The black is tight I cannot lie. This car was the one that pushed me over the edge and into getting a NSX-R hood:biggrin:
(most) Girls care about luxury brands. You know..Louis Vitton, Gucci, etc. In the car world they know of BMW, Mercedes, and maybe Ferrari. It's not so much how the car looks. I'm sure an NSX would have them wondering, but if they don't recognize it as a Merc/bmw/etc, they won't care.

If you *really* want a car that is guaranteed to get women's attention, get a lamborghini. ;-)

trust me, its still a sausage fest
freakin meeyatch drove my Lambo for 30 mins and hes getting propsition while driving onthe highway!!! what the hell!!
oh well lol

you want girls, get a Beetle or Mini Cooper
or lifted truck :frown:
I wonder whatever actually happened to that NSX? Does anyone know what VIN# it was so that we could track it?

its an auto, gonna make a pretty shatty track car

though Im sure ur bro would love it :biggrin:
well girls always turn twice after thy see the nsx...But when they see the Acura/Honda badge they lose diggers they think its just another commercial car or soemthing some people ask if its some sort of body kit on a honda! haha ignorant ppl!
Just wondering if anyone of you have asked any girls why girls don't notice or even like the NSX. I just bought mine and like everyone says, only little kids on bikes or adults in Caveliers seem to drool over the car. I have yet seen or notice one girl looking towards myway. I got more stares with my BMW 325 from women then my NSX.

sounds like its the driver not the car...just playing. iv met very few people that the nsx didnt steal their eyes...those few ppl were stuck up rich, certain exotic car owner (no names).
Nah! on the contrary! i think that the NSX takes attention alooot from the rich people that own porsches and whatever...coz they know its something they can't get easily, and if they wanna get it its hard work! hahaha plus it looks amazing! plus on the track it can beat most of their cars...
Girls all love my Jeep(s)... want to drive it, ride in it, let their hair down, climb up and sit on the rollbars and hang out, whatever. They could care less about my NSX and I really don't care one way or another.

But all the hype from teenager and 20something guys gets a little tiring.
This thread has gone downhill in a hurry. :frown:

Can't we all agree that depending on the woman they may or may not be impressed with the NSX.

The first few people I took for a ride in my car were women...they asked me for a ride. They were impressed with the car and approached me at work. I must say that they were either engineers or in finance. They had an appreciation for the design of the car and were impressed with how its held its resale value.

Other women think you have the car for attention or to make up for some physical each her own.:rolleyes:
Other women think you have the car for attention or to make up for some physical each her own.:rolleyes:

Especially if its red, yellow or worst of all that obnoxious blue. If it's black, silver, white, green, it's pretty low key. It's like a guy that wears a tailored gray or black suit versus a guy that wears a pair of red leather pants to a party. :biggrin: