Anyone know why GIRLS don't look @ NSX's

I've had a few looks from girls. One of them saw a acura badge and was shocked that acura made such a car. When I drive out to Manhattan at night I get a few stares from drunk girls also.

It never bothers me that girls don't know what I drive. I bought the car from myself and my girl to enjoy. My girl loves this car, and thinks its gorgeous. I wouldn't let something like girl's not noticing my car stress you out.

Like what everyone says, girls really don't care about cars, they only care if the car associates the guy with having $$$.
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Hey who gives a shit if "girls" notice your car? I bought my car because"I" wanted one,

Ditto. I bought the NSX for me, not for the girls. Had women come up and said nice car,is it for a corvette many times? I have had only 1 woman who actually said, nice NSX. Had more guys yelling out the car window with their thumbs up.
Probably because of the slightly outdated design.

The face-lifted NSXs cure this problem a little, but from the face backwards, it's not curvy or modern looking IMO. Looks kind of like some '80s Ferraris :)

Just my thoughts. I personally love its looks.
wanna meet women? get a cute lil puppy dog. God that thing does wonders. My 2 year old daughter helps too but sometimes they get the impression of a gf or wife haha. Nope, just single fulltime daddy.
Ditto. My wife don't care either. My 11 year old daughter know more about exotic sportscar than my wife. I play Gran Turismo with my 11 year old. She know the difference between a NSX, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Lotus, Vipers....
I'm just lucky enough that my wife allowed me to get a NSX after wanting one for over 10 years.:biggrin:

+1 for 4yr olds looking at NSX's:biggrin:

I've wanted one since 91. I finally got one in 2003, just before I adopted my daughter. I got more comments from people saying "aren't you adopting a baby, why are you getting a 2 seater" I said "I got 2 other cars...and your point?" and my wife has no problem with it.

Now my Girl (4yr old) knows what a NSX is (and a BMW, Mercedes and Porsche) and she has actually ridden in the NSX more than my wife:eek:

She actually spotted another NSX before I saw it, while she was in my NSX.
And she was only about 30 months old:wink:
Time to get a new girl! hehe j/k Sounds like she likes cars with rounded rear-ends!

For some reason every girl seems to know about corvettes and most of them like the shape.I took my prom date out with my moms bf's 89 corvette and when i picked up my date her mom said "nice car! i love it!" haha and that's with an old ass corvette!

I just asked my girl: "Because the NSX doesn't have curves, and looks like it's reversed into a brick wall".

Car she DOES like: RX-8, New Beetle, Jaguar XK.
women and cars dont mix :tongue:

i always say that cars are guy magnets.

never had a girl come up to me and say

"WOW love your car, its been my dream car since i was ___ "
thats what i always thought till i got a g35 coupe... wow if any car is a chick magnet thats it... ive owned porsche, bmw, nsx... this damn beater g35 gets the females. Ive even had one say "OH MY GOD THATS MY DREAM CAR!!!" 90% of them come down a notch once they get in it and notice its a stick and they cant drive a stick. Then since its the beater u offer to teach them to drive a manual and 2 hours later after 10000000000 stalls and neck pain form the worst starts and stalls in the history of cars, they make it up to u for beating the hell outta your car.
Must be the back seat in the bimmers. More space to throw things in probably.
Probably because of the slightly outdated design.

nothing out dated about the nsx.

everytime i see one, i still get excited:tongue: esp if you remove the ugly stock wheels and put on a rear spoiler or wing.

baymobl said:
thats what i always thought till i got a g35 coupe... wow if any car is a chick magnet thats it... ive owned porsche, bmw, nsx... this damn beater g35 gets the females. Ive even had one say "OH MY GOD THATS MY DREAM CAR!!!" 90% of them come down a notch once they get in it and notice its a stick and they cant drive a stick. Then since its the beater u offer to teach them to drive a manual and 2 hours later after 10000000000 stalls and neck pain form the worst starts and stalls in the history of cars, they make it up to u for beating the hell outta your car.

eeeuuuu. G35.:tongue: i would not teach anyone stick in any of my cars.
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:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: Think you have just found out something very important about 'the girls' !! They don't care about cars at all.
Now, of course, a girl would rather be driving in your NSX or any other exotic looking car than a beat up rusty car that cannot have cost you more than about a 100 $. Especially if other women are watching as she elegantly climbs out of it. But other than that, a car is just a tool for her. There are exceptions of course, but in general it is true.

In case you didn't know yet, women are focused on completely different things.
Let's be honest about this, when was the last time you noticed the shoes on a nice lady walking by. Or the belt she was wearing. Or didn't you notice how well than tiny purse she was carrying matches her nail polish and her belt just perfectly.
And how her friend the other day was carrying a purse + belt combo that was actually totally impossible :eek: !!!

Went into town last Sunday with two lady friends. One of them is going on holiday tomorrow and she 'had' to do some shopping. And then I see them gawking over a black belt that was little more than a piece of elastic fiber with chromed buckle that was priced at 'only' 600 US$ next to some US$ 800 shoes that you could probably throw away after using them three times because they are too fragile to last any longer.
Do you think they were surprised that I couldn't really share their enthousiasm for those things or admit that that stuff is really worth it's money?

Most times a girl will show interest in your car is when her boyfriend is doing the same. Because that's a signal for her that the car she is looking at is 'interesting'. Or when someone has told her that it is a 'special' car worth investigating. Or, worse, when the car to her is just a sign that you are a $$$-guy that has money too spare.
You have to be an interesting person FIRST... the car only backs you up. Most girls couldn't care less about a car unless they are gold-diggers.

Women want the best guy+resource package they can find and the guys want the best girl+physical package too. Each is showing each other what they can provide...sounds fair to me.

LOL... that's the best formula for mating i've ever seen. Spot on...
Ya man, the women at my work thought it was a Ferrari. I live in a small town in Canada full of truckers. They all started gossiping that I made too much money then I said its a Acura. They were shocked its a Acura.
They see Honda badges on it and have no clue what to think.:confused: I see this constantly in my rear veiw.:biggrin:
Just wondering if anyone of you have asked any girls why girls don't notice or even like the NSX. I just bought mine and like everyone says, only little kids on bikes or adults in Caveliers seem to drool over the car. I have yet seen or notice one girl looking towards myway. I got more stares with my BMW 325 from women then my NSX.

I do not know where to start with this one. Please tell me that you did not buy an NSX just so you could pick up girls. :confused:
All of the females to which I've shown my NSX responded with something like "Wow!", or "Beautiful car!" Hmmmm... Find different women, people!!!
Seriously, as a general rule, most people (women much more so) don't know jack about cars, so if some shlub on the street doesn't recognize what kind of car you're driving, it really doesn't mean anything.
All of the females to which I've shown my NSX responded with something like "Wow!", or "Beautiful car!" Hmmmm... Find different women, people!!!

Exactly, I get the joke marriage proposals, get asked to go for a ride all the time. However, when it's parked next to my brother's Z3, the girls all want to go for a spin in the convertible. The ladies do seem to like topless motoring! :biggrin:
Exactly, I get the joke marriage proposals, get asked to go for a ride all the time. However, when it's parked next to my brother's Z3, the girls all want to go for a spin in the convertible. The ladies do seem to like topless motoring! :biggrin:
Ladies motoring around topless, Hmmm.:wink:
And why guy's don't look at Prada's

Just wondering if anyone of you have asked any girls why girls don't notice or even like the NSX. I just bought mine and like everyone says, only little kids on bikes or adults in Caveliers seem to drool over the car. I have yet seen or notice one girl looking towards myway. I got more stares with my BMW 325 from women then my NSX.

All of the females to which I've shown my NSX responded with something like "Wow!", or "Beautiful car!" Hmmmm... Find different women, people!!!
Seriously, as a general rule, most people (women much more so) don't know jack about cars, so if some shlub on the street doesn't recognize what kind of car you're driving, it really doesn't mean anything.

So back in Feb, on the very second day I owned the NSX, I have it parked in front of the barbershop while I'm getting a haircut. All of a sudden a blonde chick runs in wanting to know whose NSX is out front.
After I tell her it's mine, she proceeds to chat me up right there in front of everybody for the next five minutes and then leaves.
I could never recognize her again. I had my glasses off -- I was getting a haircut, after all.
Anywho, I remember thinking that NSX ownership was off to a promising start.
Weird I get plenty of female attention with my NSX.

No this isn't going to turn into a "color war" , but young and old ,single and married women come up and say either "OMG that is the most beautiful color what kinda car is that" or " What a pretty color is that a new model".

I have a wedding ring so things don't go past that. I've never not seen a woman just take one glance at the car it's usually a double take or a stare. I have to agree with the other posts about convertibles as I always get a lot of looks in my S2000 as well. The BMW posts are right to as my black M3 got plenty of female attention ( especially Asian women :confused: ) like "Oh I love your BMW" or "I've always wanted one of those".

For the posts that say women aren't into cars or that women don't care about cars they're just being nice. No woman wants to roll around in a "hoopty" or "beater" LOL

I also agree with the poster who said buying a car to impress women is for losers. I would never date or got out with a woman who saw my car first. Back when I was dating I never even told when women what kind of car I drove until I had to pick them up and even then I would just give the color:biggrin: