Anyone get their I phone yet?

Is the rebate through independent stores that carries AT&T or Cingular? I checked my local AT&T and Cingular, they have not heard of any rebates.
Independent authorized ATT or Cingular carriers.


Seperate discussion:

I am amazed that people actually not aware of this, where have you been in the past 10 years? I do the same deal everytime my contract is up. Please allow me to put topic this to rest.

Don't just call and said I heard it from the internet that you can get cash rebate, they will just laugh and think you are just another poor clueless soul that they can take advantage of.

Fool proof version, call any independent authorized carrier and say this:

You: Hello
Store: May I help you
You: 1 of 3 scenarios
1- I bought an Iphone, I was wise enough not to activate it yet. I will like to set up 2 year contract at your shop, how much cash rebate do you give back to customers?
2- I already have a whatever phone (Nokia, Sony, Blackberry, LG, etc). I like to set up a contract and how much rebate do you offer?
3- I like to set up 2 year contract, what is the best phone you offer at no charge (assuming you want their phone). You be amazed, you can actually get really highend phones for free.

Store: $250 for 1 line, $350 for 2 lines (additional line cost you $10 per month), free activation fee. Free blue tooth if I like you.

You: That is weak, the store in San Gabriel was giving $400 cash back last month, but since you sounded nice, friendly, and closer to me, I will stop by to set up the contract.

Store: Thank you very much

Above is absolutely true base on my perosnal experience and true to my heart.

Please don't pm me with questions on this topic please, I am so sick and tired of answering pms like this, to me it is common sense stuff. I am done with this topic. I really do admire people who don't need rebates. I just give them two thumbs up and said "baller". I do mean it. I wish I am baller enough to do that.
Well I think is time for me to chime in on this topic.
I had my phone since day 2 when it was released. I haven't updated my firmware nor put any programs on the phone.

I am use to using this phone and love it. It is NOT a PDA phone.
I use this phone to talk, surf web (no support for java or flash), check weather, check traffic, and listen to music. This phone is for those who want to have fun with it.
As for the screen, i haven't had any problems with the colors, or touch technology. I think the screen gets brighter or darker too when you are in the sun or viewing it in the shade. The pictures on the screen is just vibrant and sharp. You can zoom in on the picture by just pulling your fingers together or tap it and it goes back to reg. size. I got use to typing on it and its not that bad. I am not in a speed contest to type and send messages.
As for emailing, it is plain and simple to use. I set up my yahoo account, but you can set up other accounts on this phone. It was pretty straight forward for setting up your email address

As for the music part, I think is a great integration of phone/ ipod (music player). If you get the V-Moda head set. It is a great product to use. It has noise isolating and has good dynamic drivers for music. The bass is a bit heavy on some songs but you can go to the EQ section of the phone and change it from rock to dance or to bass off etc. etc.

I have not taken much pics with the phone but i did take a few and wasn't to happy about the colors after taking it. You cant beat a camera that have 5 mega-pixels or more with the I-Phone. But it is good enough if you do need to take pics when you don't have a camera handy.

As for the marketing of I-Phone, Apple didn't have to do much to market it. The big buzz was huge on the internet by haters and lovers of this product.
It was all over the news channels, magazines, internet sites, forums and people talking bout it.

Since the debut of the i-phone, they have sold 1 million of these things in 74 days! Apple just came out and clowned other phone manufactures who's been selling cell phones for a longer period of time.

No Regrets here. I-Phone owner 4 LiFe! j/k lol. :smile: but its a great product.
Just thought i'd share a couple mods I made to my phone
I changed the AT&T carrier logo, to (Acura "A")NSX in its proper font.
I dont know if there's a Honda font out there, I could use the "H" instead.
guess i'll have to resize a honda logo.

I also changed the background image with Summerboard. Now your "wallpaper" can actually be your wallpaper, not just when it's locked.


I also changed the background image with Summerboard. Now your "wallpaper" can actually be your wallpaper, not just when it's locked.

How'd you do that?:confused: Im a big fan of the pickleview app for baseball coverage and the shopping list:wink:
How'd you do that?:confused: Im a big fan of the pickleview app for baseball coverage and the shopping list:wink:

I used (AppTapp), SMB (Summerboard) is included when you install it lets you install Themes and tweak your homepage.

As for reorgnazing my icons, i used iFuntastic v. 3.5.x
I also used iFuntastic to change the carrier string. you can also use it to load ringtones.
Just thought i'd share a couple mods I made to my phone
I changed the AT&T carrier logo, to (Acura "A")NSX in its proper font.
I dont know if there's a Honda font out there, I could use the "H" instead.
guess i'll have to resize a honda logo.

I also changed the background image with Summerboard. Now your "wallpaper" can actually be your wallpaper, not just when it's locked.



just bought one for my gf and one for myself... 8GB... but since I'm on tmobile I plan on doing this mod:


Among many other hacks!
but is it possible to buy that iphone for 399$ with 8gb and shipp it to europe?
that you post shop here. or it could be sold only with sim card and etc?
but is it possible to buy that iphone for 399$ with 8gb and shipp it to europe?
that you post shop here. or it could be sold only with sim card and etc?

the cost of most phones here is subsidized by the cell phone carrier. ie, in order to get a price of $399, you have to sign a contract with at&t saying you will keep their service for 2 years. if you cancel your service before then, you have to pay a pretty substantial cancellation fee. it's almost impossible to buy a phone from any cell phone company now that doesn't require you to commit to 1-2 additional years, and if you do find a phone that doesn't require a commitment, it's either an entry level phone (pay as you go plans for example) or costs a small fortune.
Yeah, I would gladly have spent $200 for the utility of using it for the past couple months. $200 is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Besides, I got mine almost for free by receiving a Cingular 8525 for free and selling it on Ebay for over $400. Beat that!

My wife dropped her 8525 in the pool and then sold it for parts on ebay for 190 bucks. I was like...WTF would someone want a phone that was submerged for, salt water pool too.

I get my phones for free from Cingular. I was one of the first 100 people to hook up a phone with cingular back in the 80's 66th person to be exact. They give me all kinds of perks and free crap all the time.

you guys should see the first phone I had. It came in a breif case and it weighed like 30 pounds. LOL. You know what...I never had a dropped call on that phone...EVER.
you guys should see the first phone I had. It came in a breif case and it weighed like 30 pounds. LOL. You know what...I never had a dropped call on that phone...EVER.

What do you expect with 3w of power frying your testes! Today's phones typically have a maximum output that's 1/5th the wattage of the original AMPS based phones.

I think my first phone was with Cellular One back in 1991 or so, it was a Pioneer branded Motorola Microtac and was actually pretty small, but with one big horkin' battery. I loved the "Leisire Plan" Cellone offered and because I didn't want to lose it, it was a LONG time before I switched from their AMPS service over to TDMA. I finally gave in because the cell tower I was tied to never had the ability to do Caller ID and while they kept promising me they'd upgrade it, eventually they sold it off to US Cellular so I gave up.
My wife dropped her 8525 in the pool and then sold it for parts on ebay for 190 bucks. I was like...WTF would someone want a phone that was submerged for, salt water pool too.

I get my phones for free from Cingular. I was one of the first 100 people to hook up a phone with cingular back in the 80's 66th person to be exact. They give me all kinds of perks and free crap all the time.

you guys should see the first phone I had. It came in a breif case and it weighed like 30 pounds. LOL. You know what...I never had a dropped call on that phone...EVER.

I remember having a motorola bag phone and a SUPER big text pager with cybertel back in the day. Your right that phone never dropped calls!!:biggrin:
What do you expect with 3w of power frying your testes! Today's phones typically have a maximum output that's 1/5th the wattage of the original AMPS based phones.

I think my first phone was with Cellular One back in 1991 or so, it was a Pioneer branded Motorola Microtac and was actually pretty small, but with one big horkin' battery. I loved the "Leisire Plan" Cellone offered and because I didn't want to lose it, it was a LONG time before I switched from their AMPS service over to TDMA. I finally gave in because the cell tower I was tied to never had the ability to do Caller ID and while they kept promising me they'd upgrade it, eventually they sold it off to US Cellular so I gave up.

Same here. I didn't want to give up my 3 watt phone either but I finally did. I actually kind of worry about potential health problems from using that phone for so long. I had the transducer mounted under the seat of my car after I gave up the breifcase phone form the "smaller" version.
Since the debut of the i-phone, they have sold 1 million of these things in 74 days! Apple just came out and clowned other phone manufactures who's been selling cell phones for a longer period of time.

Verizon came out with an interesting stat the other day. They sold 3.4 million Chocolates in the last 12 months, that compares very favorably and that's just the chocolate. I also read that the Iphones are not technically "sold" to customers yet. So it was typical Apple marketing hype about the 1 million Iphones being sold. They have a great marketing department but don't let that fool you, you don't cut the price of something when the demand is high. Simple economics...

I got one of the do it all Cingular 8125s when it first came out and everyone was buzzing over those. For the most part, it does most of the things the Iphone does. It has wifi, you can do navigation, run all kinds of software on it. Didn't take long for the novelty of having that phone to wear on me. I like phones I can easily stick in my pocket. But I have to text a lot so I still pocket it because it has an awesome keyboard. I'll carry around my Samsung T809 when I don't feel like carrying the small brick in my pocket.

The Iphone GUI is way better than the 8125, that's where they succeeded with the product. A lot of people will enjoy this product and others will look at it and say "ho hum." I'm not impressed with it because I could do all those things on a phone I owned a year before the Iphone came out. But I don't use it in that fashion so I don't really care. I don't know where the term i-hater started but it's pretty lame, it's not like the phone is out of the affordable range of your average college student. Haters usually hate things they can't have...

Anyways, this is silly. Someone likes something, someone else thinks it's a piece of garbage, so what? If you own one and you like it, more power to you.
I've had mine 2 weeks now and am still liking it a lot. Not perfect, but pretty damn good. I regret waiting 2 months to buy it - should have followed my instincts and got one when they were released.
I don't know where the term i-hater started but it's pretty lame, it's not like the phone is out of the affordable range of your average college student. Haters usually hate things they can't have...
I don't know about others, but my definition and understanding of Ihater is not about that, god is my witness to my soul. To me the phone can be had for virutually free so why do people automaticly assume it is all about status or showing off? In my case I got $350 back from Cingular + $100 gift certificate from Apple + 2 set of motorola blue tooth. I always been a bargin hunter.

Hate to me can be anything that someone can not relate or understand, yet refuse to acknowledge other's enjoyment when others are minding their own business or freedom of choice to enjoy anything they like, maybe they enjoying bashing. There are so many different types of haters at different scale. Lakers haters, Honda hater, etc. Does that kinda help you understand my view a little bit. I feel a little bit injustice when I am being misunderstood. My arms are always open for others, but because someone might perceive me differently their arm might be shut and not even giving me a chance, why not try to understand others once a while before making a judgement.

I was curious on learning so I did a little research. Quite different to my prior understanding:confused:

One of my responds prior to purchase:

what about writting messages?on a touchscreen you can touch not these words that you want?is it a problem there?
Piece of cake. I make long posts on prime using the phone sometimes, not best nor without complaints but good enough to get the job done.

IMHO, wait for the Euro version with 3G. The current version of Iphone is missing Flash/3G/Copy & Paste/chat. Can't wait for 3G version to come out.
I saw an interview with Teh Steve recently where he gave some numbers regarding battery life with Edge versus 3G. It was pretty dramatic and clearly the reason why we don't have 3G yet.
Just got my iPhone this morning... and had it unlocked within the hour! Got many custom apps on it now... damn this thing is awesome!