Anyone get their I phone yet?

well folks, I got custom ringtones on my iPhone now!! now if I can only get MMS. I'll post a shot of the phone with the ringtones loaded tomorrow.

The important factor is to be satisfied in your purchase, if you're pleased with the device the concerns others have over obscure functionality is of no value, if the iphone allows you to perform the tasks you want to be able to perform, and has a slick UI, then absolutely it is the device to purchase. It seems to be a well packaged phone, I think it would be a more-compelling option on a faster network, but if you can bounce between wifi hotspots it should prove to be an awesome device.

The reason I have gone in another direction is the speed of cingular/AT&T's data network - I picture the iphone promo video's, but in-between wifi hotspots, on cingular's data network, waiting a minute for a webpage to load, having pages time out while searching for a seafood restaurant, etc.

3G is the next true phone revolution, the iphone seems to be a combination of the next fad phone (eg razr, slvr, etc.) with a wifi device (eg sony mylo, etc.)
Ignorance is a blessing if that page is not a joke. It fail to mention short comings of the E70, for example screen size and other functions. They should had used the Nokia N95 for a better comparison.

Iphone may not be best in every area, but certainly not bad. Personally this is by far the best functional gadget I have ever purchased in my life so far. I will buy the next version as well.

Now that I have used it for a week I can write a short review.

My favorite feature is screen size, size of the phone, keyboard is surprisingly easy to use.

The first day I got it, I was frustrated, a little bit disappointed even. Mainly because I never used Itune and the learning curve for managing the files is a little high for first time Apple product user.

It has done a few wonderful things for me already.

1. Saved my ass today. I almost went and dragged a few prime members to a S2000 meet today. We almost went for nothing because I thought the meet is on 19th. I was able to double check and confirm while on the go by using Iphone to browse the web and check S2KI forum for the date of the meet.

2. Diving direction function and the google map is very useful. It almost made life too easy. Only take a few seconds to enter the address.

3. A lot of little feature available at click of "1" button, all the real time stock quotes and you can create your own watch list. That is got to be very helpful for some.

Weather in multiple cities, etc. A lot of useful information that will easily more than pay for the Iphone itself and then some. Less time wasted is always better.

4. The screen size alone is worth it, this is about as big as it is going to get for a phone without the bulk. You can actually see and read. I had Sony Mylo before, you just can't see anything with that tiny screen.

5. I have access to any information I need while on the go even when I am not at a hot spot. Edge is plenty ok for normal web browsing. Youtube on Iphone is awesome when on Wi Fi.


The down side:

1. The signal quality sucks. Sometimes you can't hear the caller

2. As great as Itune is. I prefer being able to edit/delete/add files without using Itune

3. Haters that hate on a freaking phone because of bitterness:biggrin:

4. No flash support (hopeuflly software update will fix that)

5. While it display web pages in other languages. I can't type Japanese using Iphone. It seems to only support English text entry.

6. Youtube sucks on Iphone if you are not at a hot spot.

Buttom line. There are phones that have all of Iphone's function and probably even better on paper. Just as when people compare other cars to NSX. There are going to be cars that are more powerful, faster and win on paper. As a total package, Iphone is like a NSX.

People have freedom to buy and enjoy what they want. Just as NSX haters will always bash or say why buy a overpriced car that only have 290hp. They don't understand. If they get it, they get it, if not perfectly ok. Their loss.
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I just found this thread, and I have to say...I love my I Phone. One of the best things I've ever bought:biggrin:
they just dropped the price to 399 for the 8gb. man to stand in line and pay 699 for the same phone that is now 399 a month later. that sucks.

I hope you paid $599 like most people and not $699!

I don't feel that bad. Now it will sell even better and convince Apple to continue to improve and update their product. Then we'll all benefit from the software and future hardware updates.
Price drop !!!!!!!
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Apple Inc. slashed the price of the iPhone by US$200 Wednesday, a rare move for the company that typically discounts only older products. It also updated its iPod media players, introducing a model that incorporates a touch-screen and other iPhone features.

The eight-gigabyte iPhone will be $399 - $200 cheaper than the same model when it went on sale in June.
I stopped at the AT&T store on the way home and picked up a $399 iPhone. I had been waiting to see what the iPod announcements would be (I recently lost my Nano) and was quite delighted to see the price drop for the phone.

In Nov 2001, I paid $399 for a 5 gigabyte black & white screen iPod that only played music. Today I paid $399 for an 8 gig iPod, a phone, a WiFi web browser, email, etc. that automatically imported all my bookmarks, contacts, and calendars from my computer. I'm happy for now. :)

BTW,my first impression of the virtual keyboard is very positive. I had no problems with it at all.
I hope you paid $599 like most people and not $699!

I don't feel that bad. Now it will sell even better and convince Apple to continue to improve and update their product. Then we'll all benefit from the software and future hardware updates.

I don't have one yet.
they just dropped the price to 399 for the 8gb. man to stand in line and pay 699 for the same phone that is now 399 a month later. that sucks.
I sincerely pity people who think this way. I really do mean it. You really don't know what you had been missing out.

What actually really sucks are for those Ihaters/Ibitters who finally picked up one after the price drop and suddenly become Ilover and realized what they had been missing out due to ignorance is blessing.

$200 is not a lot of money, but it will allow Ihater to enjoy it as well. Most people probably only paid $150~$300 at most for Iphone before price drop (depending on selection of 4gig/8gig and amount of cash rebate). I bet something you didn't know prior of reading my post.

NSX is another prime example. Oh, too much money new, I hate this car~wow! finally I can pick up a used one for cheap, I love it now.

Just ask any NSX owners around me even though most don't have one yet, how useful Iphone had been for us, and how many times it had helped us when we went out.

Need quick nightout information-check
Need to check and see if a club/pub/bar is worth going while on the go-check
Need to check and see another no common sense prime post-check
Need to check GTRom or Dali for part picture-check (surprisingly a frequent request from other NSX owners during the meets)
1-click Weather-check
1-click stock quote/watch list/research-check (probably more than paid for itself, up productivity, and saved time for most)

For those who actually have a brain, got $300~$400 cash back setting up contract at store locations rather than activate the phone using Itune immediately and burn the $300~$400 away. At $399 + cash rebate, that means Iphone is really only $99 or free depending on how much rebate stores give. Common sense stuff, you have your own phone, not using one of their free phone, they pass on saving to you, don't even pm me for info, figure out yourself. Can't wait until release of next version of Iphone with video camera and 3G. No flash does suck.

I don't know much about the well or poorly does it work as a PDA? I need something to keep track of daily activities/appts. etc.


You meant calendars? For example if you have a meeting you can put a note on the calendar and set an alarm ahead of time to remind you. Or if you are going out with multiple girls like someone I know. You can set reminders and alrams on dates.

G-mail also work well

Edge does not take a minute to load, the that is totally untrue. It is not great, but more than get the job done when you need it. Even at a locations with no wi-fi or while inside the car while car is rolling etc. It can still load picture intensive pages like my own project page at least in South Cal. If you go into mountains or country side, maybe not.
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Yeah, I would gladly have spent $200 for the utility of using it for the past couple months. $200 is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Besides, I got mine almost for free by receiving a Cingular 8525 for free and selling it on Ebay for over $400. Beat that!
The iPhone is junk. It is to a Blackberry 8800 as a Yugo is to an NSX.

The nasty little secret that most people don't know is that Apple in their infinite wisdom bought the screen technology from a bunch of drunk Swedes that still had not perfected it. Being that Apple is GREAT at marketing but useless at engineering, those cute little touchy feely screens are going to start failing pretty soon. The short version is that they use a chemical reaction to sense the heat of your finger gliding across them but after a while the chemicals interact in a way that will render the screen as bright as the Mojave desert on a moonless night.

The thing absolutely sucks at typing. The lack of tactile feel of hitting an actual key is unforgivable. You can't open it up to replace the battery. But the screen will fail long before the battery needs to be replaced anyway.

The only that it is, is that it's cute. You can see cute little pictures of your album covers as you shuffle through your collection of crappy sounding 128kbs songs that you overpaid for. It has cute little icons and they sell cute little rubber covers for it. Damn, so much cuteness I can't handle it.

Before you make a BIG mistake and buy one these ridiculous pieces of Ijunk, try out a Blackberry 8800 or wait a few weeks for the new 8820 that will include WiFi. Both Blackberrys come with a built in GPS Nav system by the way.
I don't know much about the well or poorly does it work as a PDA? I need something to keep track of daily activities/appts. etc.



Read the post immediately above.

The Blackberry is an incredible PDA. It comes with a very easy to use Desktop Manager and you can synch your contacts with Outlook, Outlook Express, Lotus, etc... The trackball that is used to navigate and click is absolutely ingenious. If you're interested in real productivity and not a plastic piece of shit there's really no other choice. AT&T only charges $20 bucks for unlimited data. You can also tether the thing to a laptop if you are out of WiFi range and need to get online in a pinch. There is a wealth of support for it on the Pinstack forums as well. It accepts a Micro SD card and has a stereo headphone output so if you want to play music you can to your heart's content. Plus you can add different applications to it. There's even a freeware version of AIM for your Berry.

You can also add all your personal email accounts to your Blackberry 8800. POP3, Web based AOL etc.....

By the way, I've been using Windows Mobile devices for about 4 years and after 10 minutes using a Blackberry 8800 I was hooked.

I believe the number of iPhones sold to date is rapidly approaching the number of Pet Rocks sold back in the 70s or 80s. I rest my case.
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Are you sure you have recovered from brain damage? I am serious, you can be mad if you want. This is a thread about "anyone get their Iphone yet"?

The stuff you said is not only unture, no creditbility, and shown extreme biaseness just like many of your old posts. Try pick on something that I have posted in this thread that is untrue. I sincerely posted true honest opinions to best of my knowledge.

The thing absolutely sucks at typing. The lack of tactile feel of hitting an actual key is unforgivable. .

Not true

The only that it is, is that it's cute. You can see cute little pictures of your album covers as you shuffle through your collection of crappy sounding 128kbs songs that you overpaid for. It has cute little icons and they sell cute little rubber covers for it. Damn, so much cuteness I can't handle it.
Hahahaha, what a joke

This very much proven how ignorant you are. 100% unture.

You don't have to buy any song over itune. Most people never paid a dime. You can use your own cover of make your own album covers just as your Avitar on prime. The sound quality is same as any other Ipod, works great inside NSX with USspec adaptor.

No one is bashing Blackberry. It is a wonderful device, but it too have its short comings. You are the most extreme Ihater I have encountered, even on phone forums, people are not that ignorant. Karma is fair, you already got your punishment. The best punishment Ihater can get is not enjoying one and not knowing what they have been missing out. I am toally sincere. I pity you.

This is a forum where you make others life easier by inform not misinform others at least ture to your heart, no one is perfect. I take a lot of pride in taking care of my friends and only recommend things that really do work and share my interest and hobby. I am very enthusiastic with my hobbies good or bad. Myabe we value ethic differently, but I always believe if you lie god will punhish you.
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No one is bashing Blackberry.

That's because it's not a piece of shit like the iPhone. Trust me, yours will break in the very near future.

For those that want to use their iPhones for only music and web browsing without paying for an AT&T contract, the software for unlocking those features is here.

Have fun with your little toys!
That's because it's not a piece of shit like the iPhone. Trust me, yours will break in the very near future.
How can I trust you, with the extreme biasness, I don't trust people who make piece shit comments? Sure is a nice thing for you to say. I personally never wish a mishap on someone.

How soon are you talking about? Time after time after time again in your old posts you have already proven your creditbility.

I have been using it since July. Lets place a bet if you like. Assuming it break naturally not by outside force/impact. You have about 10~15 NSX witnesses in So Cal.

I will be buying next version as well.
I sincerely pity people who think this way. I really do mean it. You really don't know what you had been missing out.

What actually really sucks are for those Ihaters/Ibitters who finally picked up one after the price drop and suddenly become Ilover and realized what they had been missing out due to ignorance is blessing.

$200 is not a lot of money, but it will allow Ihater to enjoy it as well. Most people probably only paid $150~$300 at most for Iphone before price drop (depending on selection of 4gig/8gig and amount of cash rebate). I bet something you didn't know prior of reading my post.

NSX is another prime example. Oh, too much money new, I hate this car~wow! finally I can pick up a used one for cheap, I love it now.

Just ask any NSX owners around me even though most don't have one yet, how useful Iphone had been for us, and how many times it had helped us when we went out.

Need quick nightout information-check
Need to check and see if a club/pub/bar is worth going while on the go-check
Need to check and see another no common sense prime post-check
Need to check GTRom or Dali for part picture-check (surprisingly a frequent request from other NSX owners during the meets)
1-click Weather-check
1-click stock quote/watch list/research-check (probably more than paid for itself, up productivity, and saved time for most)

For those who actually have a brain, got $300~$400 cash back setting up contract at store locations rather than activate the phone using Itune immediately and burn the $300~$400 away. At $399 + cash rebate, that means Iphone is really only $99 or free depending on how much rebate stores give. Common sense stuff, you have your own phone, not using one of their free phone, they pass on saving to you, don't even pm me for info, figure out yourself. Can't wait until release of next version of Iphone with video camera and 3G. No flash does suck.

You meant calendars? For example if you have a meeting you can put a note on the calendar and set an alarm ahead of time to remind you. Or if you are going out with multiple girls like someone I know. You can set reminders and alrams on dates.

G-mail also work well

Edge does not take a minute to load, the that is totally untrue. It is not great, but more than get the job done when you need it. Even at a locations with no wi-fi or while inside the car while car is rolling etc. It can still load picture intensive pages like my own project page at least in South Cal. If you go into mountains or country side, maybe not.

WOW. all i posted about was the price drop. I haven't said anything negative about the phone. I'm comparing it to other phones. I think apple has good products and hae owned many of them.
Read the post immediately above.

The Blackberry is an incredible PDA. It comes with a very easy to use Desktop Manager and you can synch your contacts with Outlook, Outlook Express, Lotus, etc... The trackball that is used to navigate and click is absolutely ingenious. If you're interested in real productivity and not a plastic piece of shit there's really no other choice. AT&T only charges $20 bucks for unlimited data. You can also tether the thing to a laptop if you are out of WiFi range and need to get online in a pinch. There is a wealth of support for it on the Pinstack forums as well. It accepts a Micro SD card and has a stereo headphone output so if you want to play music you can to your heart's content. Plus you can add different applications to it. There's even a freeware version of AIM for your Berry.

You can also add all your personal email accounts to your Blackberry 8800. POP3, Web based AOL etc.....

By the way, I've been using Windows Mobile devices for about 4 years and after 10 minutes using a Blackberry 8800 I was hooked.

I believe the number of iPhones sold to date is rapidly approaching the number of Pet Rocks sold back in the 70s or 80s. I rest my case.

thanks for post. i didn't want the 8800 because it didn't have wi-fi. I had a ppc-6700, but i got tired of the flimsy screen. not sure about your iphone comments but i like your amsoil oil recommendation!!!!!!!!
Sure $200 not a lot of money for us. But for a product that drop from $599 to $399 (8gigs 33% drop) and from $499 to $299 (4gigs 40% drop) is very substantial. I haven't seen any product from launch to 8 weeks later that lost 33-40% of its value.
I bought it and it took 72hrs to activate. Once activated, I played with it for 2 weeks,then returned it! I didn't like, once you get pass the the touch screen there isn't much there. I didn't blame AT&T, I've had them for years. I never had a problem with their service. Apple should have designed the phone to work on their 3G, not the Edge.
Sure $200 not a lot of money for us. But for a product that drop from $599 to $399 (8gigs 33% drop) and from $499 to $299 (4gigs 40% drop) is very substantial. I haven't seen any product from launch to 8 weeks later that lost 33-40% of its value.
From a consumer standpoint, there is no reason not to welcome it, cheaper the better. It is going to happen sooner or later, might just as well be sooner.

8 week is really fast even for technology items, especially for something that is selling like hot cake even without price cut, almost unheard of, or even necessary from their financial standpoint. My .02cent is that 3G version may not be far away and with release of Ipod touch (another big money maker) that does everything Iphone does minus internet outside of wi-fi, phone, e-mail.


For early adaptors, it may not be welcoming for some, but I am sure there also are a lot of early adators who either don't care or are just sick and tired of Ihater's jealous with envy look even when they are just minding their own business, imho it is a huge plus, now most ihaters will be converted to Ilovers, anyway you look at it. Good things should be enjoyed by more people.

There are some of my posts on page 2, you can judge it by yourself. I had doubts as well prior of taking the plunge, did my own research. The learning curve is steep even for me at times frustrating until I got fully comfortable with it.

The screen size is very important on a entertainment device. With a 3.5" screen the iphone web browsing, video experience is decent. Even the hotmail is functional with safari. Device with smaller screens are horrible in this area. I tried them, and own a Mylo as well, you can't see shit.

I considered buying a Nokia N95 from Dynamism at $695. It have a screen size of 2.6". It does most of everything else better than Iphone, but it lost on the most important aspect.

Iphone is the NSX of the phones, it set the new standard. Just watch how other phone companies will get their act together and make better phones just to stay in competition. Price drop now will earn even larger market share, that will speed up improvements on other phone companies to stay within competition. In the end consumer will benefit greatly. If something even more fun comes out from other company I will buy it. To me it is entertainment device with useful utility not a business device.

Those who blindfoldly bashing a freaking phone is just outright pathetic. No respect for people who actually enjoy the items.

Next year should be really fun. My wishlist is 3G, Flash support, ceramic white casing, video camera, etc.
Hugh, maybe you should try using the iPhone before passing such harsh judgement on it. It certainly has its failings, but the BB has a TON of problems too. I've been using BB's for years now and quite frankly, even with the 8700 I'm using right now the web experience *SUCKS ASS* compared to the iPhone. It's not even remotely in the same league. Similarly, using google maps and searching out POI's is 100x better on the iPhone. Let's not even get into movies/music/photos etc. Heck, just using it as a phone with visual voice mail is a significantly better experience on the iPhone that it is on the BB. Even mail, which is the hallmark of the BB is a MUCH better experience on the iPhone with much better support for displaying the contents and attachments.

From my perspective, there are currently three things the BB is better at than the iPhone:

1) I like tactile feedback on the buttons, but even this is subjective and most people tend to adapt to the soft keys after a few days of use
2) The tight integration with exchange. You can use the iPhone to tap in as well, but it's through IMAP and not as nice without the full integration. This is critical for corporate adoption, but given that it's largely a SW issue I wouldn't be surprised to see Apple target this in the future.
3) The Blackberry is built like a tank. You can drop it, throw it, etc and it still keeps on ticking. I've cracked my screen only once, and that's after accidentally dropping it dozens of times over the years. I doubt the iPhone will ever be able to compete in this regard.