Anyone get their I phone yet?

Where I work we had a ton of Iphone's to play with before they came out, we sent them back and are keeping the blackberry's because after testing them we had problems and they also suck for e-mail. Say what you want we tested them and sent them back and are keeping our 300,000+ Blackberry's.
Where I work we had a ton of Iphone's to play with before they came out, we sent them back and are keeping the blackberry's because after testing them we had problems and they also suck for e-mail. Say what you want we tested them and sent them back and are keeping our 300,000+ Blackberry's.

In what way do they suck for email? Everything that I've done and used for email on the iPhone has been significantly better than on the BB (html emails, inlined images, rich text emails, PDF's and other attachments, etc). The Blackberry either sucks at these or doesn't support it at all. Viewing an excel spreadsheet or a PDF on a BB is an exercise in futility. It's marginally better than not having it at all. The lack of a BES type of mechanism is the only really big lacking feature on the iPhone as far as Email goes from what I've seen. I would imagine this and cost to overhaul existing users would supersede any other reasons in your particular case.
waiting for mine to be delivered, i wasent about to pay 600$ for a phone, but since they dropped the 4gb model to 299$ i went ahead and ordered mine.
In what way do they suck for email? Everything that I've done and used for email on the iPhone has been significantly better than on the BB (html emails, inlined images, rich text emails, PDF's and other attachments, etc). The Blackberry either sucks at these or doesn't support it at all. Viewing an excel spreadsheet or a PDF on a BB is an exercise in futility. It's marginally better than not having it at all. The lack of a BES type of mechanism is the only really big lacking feature on the iPhone as far as Email goes from what I've seen. I would imagine this and cost to overhaul existing users would supersede any other reasons in your particular case.

BES was the huge part of it, also we have custom apps for it, Apple does not support any custom apps. Dont get me wrong I used it for a few weeks but after the bling wore off I got my BB back and so did 90% of the other people.
I just called AT&T because I bought mine at $599 and they told me, "anyone who bought there phone within 14 days of today will be issued a credit of $200". They will be calling people within the next few days and crediting accounts.:wink:
I had reservations about this phone when it first came out, primarily because of the network (wifi/EDGE), and the focus on high bandwidth applications in apple's commercials. At the time it seemed likely the device would be cool when you're at a hotspot, but little more than a music player when you were away from one.

In the time since several people I know have purchased iphones, and I have spent time looking at the alternative 'feature' phones available. The two most compelling options to me were the Helio Ocean, which I have tried to like because of its 3G network, and the Nokia N95 - I also considered the Sony P1i (I am a long time P-series user, having owned the P800i, P910i, P990i), but dismissed it due to its smaller screen, and still a lack of EDGE support. The Ocean phone seems great on paper, there is an entire page dedicated to how it is better than the iphone on Helio's website, and I came close to ordering one online - I am very glad, after handling one at length (perhaps 30 minutes) I decided to do the research in person first. The phone feels very cheap, it is thick, and the screen is horrible. The Nokia N95 seems to be about on par with the iphone regarding main features, and if it were possible to put it on a 3G network, as in Europe, it would be the clear winner - wifi, 3G, GPS, impressive camera phone with high resolution video, nice interface, etc. - unfortunately there is no 3G network here in the United States, so it would be, just like the iphone, stuck on EDGE and wifi. The GPS feature is nice, but I already have navigation installed in my nsx, so the advantages are primarily its camera and video functionality, which are superior. This is where I was in my phone decision a few days ago - wanting to like the Helio Ocean, but being disappointed in the physical device, and being evenly torn between the Nokia N95 and the apple iphone. The price was the same, at around $550 for the N95, and $500 for the iphone, but the apple phone required a contact extension, something I prefer to avoid.

Then came the price break. At $299 there are no other phones that come close to the functionality, ease of use, and convenience of the iphone. Both of my cars are prewired for ipod music, so the phone will integrate into my stereo. I can eliminate one of the two docks at my computer (one for sony phones, one for ipod), and (as compared to my current Sony P990i smartphone) I will be able to access EDGE data when I am away from hotspots. The Nokia is *probably* a better phone, I was unable to find one to use locally, so I can only comment on online reviews between the two phones, but the price difference of $550 vs $299 made the apple phone the clear winner. It should also be possible to obtain a rebate with an extension of my cingular contract, which could make the iphone $99, or even free.

I have long used feature packed phones designed to thrive on 3G networks, instead using GPRS data and regular cingular GSM here in the United States. This lack of connection speed has been very annoying, and the integration of wifi into the P990i, while welcome, wasn't the revolution I had been hoping for. I am still waiting for widespread high speed 3G data, but, in the meantime, the iphone seems to have proven itself as a decent option, and the inclusion of EDGE will serve as a bandaid in between hotspots. For extreme business users the iphone strikes me as more of a feature phone, rather than a smartphone - by this I mean a PDA phone, such as a treo, Sony P1i, etc. will have a more-powerful scheduler application, and will be designed to integrate with your various security systems for email, remote access etc. But for casual business use, eg if you're not setting up 20 appointments a day, you're not filing reminders for call backs, etc., you're not accessing your desktop remotely over your phone, then the iphone will offer a slimmer, better looking device that will allow you to leave your ipod at home, and has a slick UI.
Apple is offering $100 certificates for Apple merchandise for anyone who bought an iPhone at full price and is not receiving a refund from elsewhere.
Apple is offering $100 certificates for Apple merchandise for anyone who bought an iPhone at full price and is not receiving a refund from elsewhere.

Apple's formal response:

To all iPhone customers:

I have received hundreds of emails from iPhone customers who are upset about Apple dropping the price of iPhone by $200 two months after it went on sale. After reading every one of these emails, I have some observations and conclusions.

First, I am sure that we are making the correct decision to lower the price of the 8GB iPhone from $599 to $399, and that now is the right time to do it. iPhone is a breakthrough product, and we have the chance to 'go for it' this holiday season. iPhone is so far ahead of the competition, and now it will be affordable by even more customers. It benefits both Apple and every iPhone user to get as many new customers as possible in the iPhone 'tent'. We strongly believe the $399 price will help us do just that this holiday season.

Second, being in technology for 30+ years I can attest to the fact that the technology road is bumpy. There is always change and improvement, and there is always someone who bought a product before a particular cutoff date and misses the new price or the new operating system or the new whatever. This is life in the technology lane. If you always wait for the next price cut or to buy the new improved model, you'll never buy any technology product because there is always something better and less expensive on the horizon. The good news is that if you buy products from companies that support them well, like Apple tries to do, you will receive years of useful and satisfying service from them even as newer models are introduced.

Third, even though we are making the right decision to lower the price of iPhone, and even though the technology road is bumpy, we need to do a better job taking care of our early iPhone customers as we aggressively go after new ones with a lower price. Our early customers trusted us, and we must live up to that trust with our actions in moments like these.

Therefore, we have decided to offer every iPhone customer who purchased an iPhone from either Apple or AT&T, and who is not receiving a rebate or any other consideration, a $100 store credit towards the purchase of any product at an Apple Retail Store or the Apple Online Store. Details are still being worked out and will be posted on Apple's website next week. Stay tuned.

We want to do the right thing for our valued iPhone customers. We apologize for disappointing some of you, and we are doing our best to live up to your high expectations of Apple.

Steve Jobs
Apple CEO
even with the 8700 I'm using right now the web experience *SUCKS ASS* compared to the iPhone.

Not for nothing but browsing the web on anything that has a screen that's half the width of the average penis "SUCKS ASS".

Seriously, who the hell spends more than a few minutes at a time browsing the web on any of these teenie weenie little things? They are first and foremost phones and messaging devices.

As far as viewing attachments for a BB, there is a ton of stuff out there that will enable you to do so. Google is your friend and so are the Pinstack forums.
A BB can view Excell, PDF, TIFF, JPG etc etc etc etc.....
I just called AT&T because I bought mine at $599 and they told me, "anyone who bought there phone within 14 days of today will be issued a credit of $200". They will be calling people within the next few days and crediting accounts.:wink:

And Usama Bin Laden is converting to Judaism.
Apple's formal response:

To all iPhone customers:

I have received hundreds of emails from iPhone customers who are upset about Apple dropping the price of iPhone by $200 two months after it went on sale. After reading every one of these emails, I have some observations and conclusions.

blah blah blah blah blah

We want to do the right thing for our valued iPhone customers. We apologize for disappointing some of you, and we are doing our best to live up to your high expectations of Apple.

Steve Jobs
Apple CEO


To all of you unhappy iPhoners,

We nailed your asses pretty damn well with our crafty marketing skills didn't we you hordes of Apple sycophants. Unfortunately the euphoria didn't last as long as we'd hoped and sales quickly dropped off as word got out that the iPhone was all hype. We need to sell the rest of the things that we have taking up valuable warehouse space so we have decided to drop the price almost in half. I know a lot of you Appleheads out there are going to be really really mad at me but hey! Business is business. As many of you have found out by now, the iPhone really does suck and our competitors are already marketing superior phones. Not to mention the phones that were on the market before the iPhone came out. Anyway, I've decided to be a good guy and do the right thing and send all of you an Apple gift certificate so you can get all the wonderful doodads we sell. You really don't much of a choice since we've made it very hard to return the things. You people should have smelled something fishy when AT&T announced a shortened return period, no unlocking and other consumer unfriendly policies. But I'm Steve Jobs and you're not!

Happy iPhoning!
Not for nothing but browsing the web on anything that has a screen that's half the width of the average penis "SUCKS ASS".

Have you used the iPhone web browser? It's actually VERY usable. It's not even in the same league as the browsers on the BB or cellphones which are completely useless. The full page is displayed with all elements and you can zoom in and out to view interesting areas. Tables are automatically recognized so you can just double tap on a column or area to zoom into that specific section. It makes the web experience go from extremely painful to "half-decent". It's not a replacement for a desktop, but it fits in your shirt pocket and works when you're hundreds of miles from a wifi connection.

Seriously, who the hell spends more than a few minutes at a time browsing the web on any of these teenie weenie little things? They are first and foremost phones and messaging devices.

Just because the blackberry is a limited device doesn't mean that newer devices can't expose new functionality and new uses. Looking up nearby restaurants on the net and automatically calling them are perfect uses for a teenie weenie little thing. Watching movies while you're on an airplane or train and don't want to haul out the laptop are also a great use for these devices. Just because the blackberry can't do it doesn't mean that it's not something that people might want to do.

And please, don't tell me to install google maps on my BB. I already have it on there and I love it. However, compare its integration and usefulness with the iPhones and you'll see how much dramatically better the iPhones implementation is.

As far as viewing attachments for a BB, there is a ton of stuff out there that will enable you to do so. Google is your friend and so are the Pinstack forums.
A BB can view Excell, PDF, TIFF, JPG etc etc etc etc.....

I never said you couldn't view them. I said they are barely usable. Compare how they look on an iPhone vs the blackberry and it is night and day. Viewing an excel spreadsheet on a blackberry is so crap that unless it's absolutely critical and there's no other way for me to get that data, I won't even bother trying to decipher the mess that it brings up. PDF's and word docs are better, but still in the stone ages compared to the viewer in the iPhone.
And Usama Bin Laden is converting to Judaism.

Thats what they said:wink: Only buyers who bought, within the last 14 days, and im sure it will be a credit to my service account.
I went to the apple store again, today. The iphone is a great device especially with the price drop. I seriously doubt any other phone has web browsing the way the iphone does and the selective voicemail very nice. i was scared it would break if i dropped it and they have no insurance plan like my nextel from signal. I talk alot on mine because i got in on the $99 a month unlimited talking years ago. It's the only reason why im with nextel. I am REALLY considering the iphone and an imac, because i was REALLY impressed with both offerings from apple. My girlfriend works for at&t she said a phone discount of 10% will be available in oct for employees. If they discount those crazy low airtime package then i'll bite.
p.s. The new Imac is VERY nice. :eek:
I vote we mark Hugh as "undecided" and move on. :)

The first 24 hours with my iPhone were pretty great. I didn't look at any manuals and figured out how to do everything I need to do. My only complaint so far is the recessed headphone jack on the phone required me to take a Dremel to the plug on my favorite pair of headphones and trim about 1/16" to make them work.

This is a very solid little piece of gear.
The sound quality is incredible even with factory stereo. The video is taken with a digital camera, compressed with software to make the size fit youtube, and then uploaded to youtube. When watching top gear in the car, it have the full surround sound effect.

I maybe barely shown 20% of what it can do. The real time traffic function is very useful, it calculate how long it will take you to get from point A to point B base on distance + real time traffic.

<object width="425" height="353"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="353"></embed></object>
Like I said, it is an entertainment device. If there is a better entertainment or web browsing/video device with larger screen short of UMPC. Let me know I will buy one.

Iphone is like NSX, all around sports car for phones, doesn't do many thing what a truck or SUV does, but fun factor wise. Impossible to beat at this very moment outside of Japan.

If you go out a lot or on the go often. It really make the in between moments a lot more pleasant. The learning curve is extremely high even for me. It takes time to learn to get comfortable and use everything. Once you do, it is hard to live without.
What kinda of media package do some of you guys have?
And Usama Bin Laden is converting to Judaism.


I just checked my account and what do you know, a credit of $200 has been applied to my account:wink: Let me know if your sitting next to him in temple next week. Maybe you'll even break the fast together:biggrin:

I just checked my account and what do you know, a credit of $200 has been applied to my account:wink: Let me know if your sitting next to him in temple next week. Maybe you'll even break the fast together:biggrin:

I've already sent him a PM. He's a Prime member!
fwiw, I just signed up for my AT&T iphone plan today...

$299 (iphone) - $250 rebate = $49 cost

I also received free activation, and sold my old K790a for $305, so my actual cost = $256 in my pocket, with a 2 year contract at the same rate as before.

were did you do this? apple store or att store? online?
I purchased the phone from, and signed up for the plan at a local att/cingular store. I suppose this is a YMMV situation, but it was a straight forward procedure to get this price.

Please elaborate on this rebate as I called the store and they said there isn't one for I phones.
Please elaborate on this rebate as I called the store and they said there isn't one for I phones.
Try another store. The shops earn a commission with every new line. You get a free phone from them. If you already have a phone (Iphone or any phone), so not taking their phone. They will give you a cash rebate instead. The concept is a lot less complicated than you might think. Been around for years.

If for some miracle you have still trouble, it is super hard not to be able to get a rebate, you have to really mess up, trust me, since you are in SF, try any Asian phone stores in SF or SJ. Don't forget to ask them to waive your activation fee and free blue tooth as well.