Anybody Watched SPIDEY 2 yet?

29 June 2004
I finally got to watch it yesterday with my GF, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I thought it was generally better than the first one, overall,
and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to spend 2 hours enjoying fine actions, and comic book story!!

It's a great flick. All around good times. Doc Oc is prolly the best super villian in any movie I've seen.

First "special effects" movie I have seen in years that has a real story line to go along with the eye candy.

Highly, highly, recommended.
true, true.
Saw the Tues @ midnight showing...i know im a dork. :p 1 costume character sighting (spidey); then 2 guys where having a breakdance battle in front of the screen before the movies started for some reason :o . They where getting BOO'd pretty bad until someone shouted "YOU GOT SERVED!" and lightend the mood with some laughter. 30-mins into the movie the film burned up on screen. They spliced it back together but who knows what was missed cuz it was a totally diff. scene. We all got free tickets afterwards. Overall, a most interesting movie going experience. :cool:
I thought it was a good movie as well... Though me and few of my friends were there only 5 minutes early, thus all the good seats were already taken up and we were forced to sit at the very front. Takes a bit out of the experince... We had to do
a lot to be able to see the whole screen. And after the movie our eyes where like
Zuerst said:
And after the movie our eyes where like

lol, hope you don't suffer from a sore neck, from doing the side-to-the-other-side viewing too much.

Please don't mind me, I'm not up on my female celebs, but who is that beautiful woman in your avatar??
jadkar said:

Please don't mind me, I'm not up on my female celebs, but who is that beautiful woman in your avatar??

Actually, I'm quite curious myself.

Who is She?? she's stunning.
Kate Beckinsale of Underworld (Vampires vs. Werewolves movie)?

for the Avatar.

I use to draw comic book characters for mom and pop stores to hang on there walls and Spidey was always my favorite to do because of his poses.

Most definitely the best comic book movie to date.

I just wish the CG was more up to par with the Lord of the Rings 3 CG.

I got to see it on the Sony backlot on Thursday night. It ruled! Doc Ock kicked some serious a$$...can't wait for number 3 now.

Just rewatched number 1 last night and 2 was a definite improvement in every single way.

BTW, did I ever mention I worked on a Sega Genesis and SNES Spidey game?
They had a special preview on saturday here in Japan. Of i course i found out on SUNDAY! Opens here this saturday coming. Looking forward to it! :)
akira3d said:

BTW, did I ever mention I worked on a Sega Genesis and SNES Spidey game?

Maximum Carnage? The game with the horrible heavy metal music in a 16bit cart? :D My buddy rented that when we where kids, he got so pissed off at it he smashed the cart against the wall a couple times and then threw it in his swimming pool. :o :p
saw it over the weekend and I agree with everyone, good storyline and lots of actions compared to #1

I love the battle scenes between Doc OC and Spidey, it comes right out of a comic book....

Doc Oc Rocks!!!!!
Maximum Carnage?

No, but I never said the Spidey games I worked on were any good. They were based on the animated TV series...mainly worked on backgrounds (including Doc Ock's lab).
I thought it was good but not as good as the hype.

BTW, Kate Beckinsale was horrible in Van Helsing. Worst accent ever!!!
This movie was better than the first.
A lot more story involved and the characters were more complex. It's good to see the human side of Spidey this time around.
MF-DIF said:
Maximum Carnage? The game with the horrible heavy metal music in a 16bit cart? :D My buddy rented that when we where kids, he got so pissed off at it he smashed the cart against the wall a couple times and then threw it in his swimming pool. :o :p
You remember the limited edition red cartridges that came with that game, totally awesome (too bad the game wasnt)
I wanted it just for the cartridge!
btw, which spidey games did you work on akira?