Anybody Watched SPIDEY 2 yet?

btw, which spidey games did you work on akira?

As I said, I worked on the games based on the animated series.

akira3d said:
I got to see it on the Sony backlot on Thursday night. It ruled! Doc Ock kicked some serious a$$...can't wait for number 3 now.

Just rewatched number 1 last night and 2 was a definite improvement in every single way.

BTW, did I ever mention I worked on a Sega Genesis and SNES Spidey game?

I'll be going there today.., :D can't wait!
I think i'm very much in the minority here:D but i thought the movie was horrible in a general overview. The fighting scenes were awesome but the movie story line had me watching the time waiting for it to be over.:rolleyes: