348 or NSX thread on Ferarri chat

Ski_Banker said:
Looks like I need to scrounge up a picture of me sitting on Alicia's hood, with a skibanker sign around my neck eating a huge bowl of rice. :biggrin:

The 348 is just the one F car that irritates me, precisely for the pretentious reasons elaborated on that thread. 355 and newer look great and perform. 328 and older are cool in a retro way, like any classic car. But the 348 is too "new" to be a classic and sucks as a sportscar. It's only purpose sits faded on the hood.

The 348 was a big hiccup in that series of Ferraris, mid engine 2 seater, and the 355 wasnt much better. Unfortunately Ferrari tried to make a mini TestaRossa and they made an eyesore. They cleaned it up with the 355 but it was still a wedge.
If you were to line up the all the Ferraris in that series from the 206 in '67(my favorite) - to the f430, the 348 and 355 just don't fit or follow the design flow.



I'd buy that, but disagree that F355 isn't classic styling. Seems like most people think F360 and 430 were where styling took a big shift. I just think that the $40k F348 park-outside-the-nightclub Ferrari is the ultimate poseur car, with no goods to back it up. I'd rather be "Magnum" in a 328 and kick it old school, with no pretenciousness of being a trying to be a Big Baller.

I just read some of the occupations of the Most Offended on that thread... what a bunch of clowns. One was a bricklayer or some other Big Baller career. Ya think that guy's 348 is shiney red??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Ski_Banker said:
I'd buy that, but disagree that F355 isn't classic styling. Seems like most people think F360 and 430 were where styling took a big shift. I just think that the $40k F348 park-outside-the-nightclub Ferrari is the penultimate posuer car, with no goods to back it up. I'd rather be "Magnum" in a 328 and kick it old school, with no pretenciousness of being a trying to be a Big Baller.

I just read some of the occupations of the Most Offended on that thread... what a bunch of clowns. One was a bricklayer or some other Big Baller career. Ya think that guy's 348 is shiney red??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I think the F355 is a beautiful car. I do think however, the pop up headlight design could have been better, that's the only out date look on that car in my opion. My friend drives his F355 spider daily, I love it, it is flat out awesome.
Pronunciation: pi-'n&l-t&-m&t
Function: adjective
1 : next to the last <the penultimate chapter of a book>
2 : of or relating to a penult <a penultimate accent>
- pen·ul·ti·mate·ly adverb
The 355 had many mechanical improvements over the 348 but aesthetically it was just the 348 with new door skins and new taillight panel and a few minor other changes.
A few kits for the 348 make it look just like the 355. Even the 355 doors are a direct bolt on replacement.
Here is a 348 with 355 doors and rear taillight valence. He also put the 355 front bumper cover on ... HERE
My favorite quote about the F355:

nicholas421 said:
initial impressions: loud, noisy, poor build quality, uncomfortable, not faster than NSX, cheap materials

but hey.. it's got "soul" right? :biggrin:


nicholas421 said:
not at all. i think the ferrari experience is definitely unique and a must for all auto enthusiasts. i wouldn't plan on holding on to it to pass along to the kids though. i plan on ditching mine as soon as the new nsx is released... if not sooner.

I think Nick is one of the most insightful posters on both threads, I enjoy unique his perspectives. But, in my opinion, the 355 is beautiful.
thanks chop.

Someone posted on another thread on fchat stating:
"The main reason why I own a Ferrari (make that two as of today) is because it breaks down regularly and gives me something to do during the weekends, and complain about... l would be bored to tears if I had a perfectly reliable car - heck I sold my Porsche because it didn't have enough problems.... a Honda would be the kiss of death for me (although having driven an NSX for while it is a good car but boring)!"

wow, how do you communicate with someone with kind of this logic??
Like I said in that thread, I bet that most of the guys on that board wouldnt own their cars if they had a different brand stamped on them; but yet they call themselves auto enthusiasts.

No doubt there are a few there who love their cars for what they are: invigorating driving machines, but I bet its just that, a few.

Shame really.
nicholas421 said:
i wanted to get a vanity plate reading "ITALNSX" for my 355 but decided against it. i didn't want people thinking it meant italian sex.

For heaven's sake, why not??? :eek: :biggrin: :tongue:
The end of the thread is getting funny. Some of those guys are getting pissed off.

They need to chill out.
nicholas421 said:
Someone posted on another thread on fchat stating:
"The main reason why I own a Ferrari (make that two as of today) is because it breaks down regularly and gives me something to do during the weekends, and complain about...

Wow, what kind of a social life does this guy have? Gives him something to do? What, sit and watch the mechanic fix your car and then gouge you on the bill? Great, then everyone around you gets to listen to you complain? I'm sure this guy has more Ferraris than friends.

Too much money and time...when breaking down outside of the strip club and paying your mechanic too much to fix your car are your main hobbies it's time for some serious introspection...:rolleyes:
Scin said:
The end of the thread is getting funny. Some of those guys are getting pissed off.

They need to chill out.

Well I'm not surprised...guess who's stirring up the pot over there--our old buddy liftshard!! Let's see if he can make it to ten posts before getting banned. No one can get your panties in a bunch like he can...I'm going to enjoy this show! :biggrin:
SoftwareDrone said:
Calling an NSX a "Honda" is like calling a Ford GT, well, a "Ford". And hearing all of this "passion" about Ferraris sounds like the guy who was trying to defend the Z06 going around the track slower than the 430 by claiming it had inferior tires.
I could go on and on about how the Honda Corporation built a dedicated factory far from the Honda factory so they could hand build one NSX per day and how the NSX-R beat the 360 around the track, etc. but think it would be better to just speak from experience and give my opinion.
I've owned an NSX for five years.
I've owned a 360 for one year.
Get the NSX. Trust me.:

Being well said by Mike.
Guys...if you are going to reply, you will just fuel the conversation. Walk away and let the F'chat people keep on going with it. I've been a member there for the last 4yrs....and seems like the snob factor went up tremendously. Btw, I am yellowpad there.
jimmycinla said:
The 355 had many mechanical improvements over the 348 but aesthetically it was just the 348 with new door skins and new taillight panel and a few minor other changes.
A few kits for the 348 make it look just like the 355. Even the 355 doors are a direct bolt on replacement.
Here is a 348 with 355 doors and rear taillight valence. He also put the 355 front bumper cover on ... HERE
I wouldnt go as far as to say that. They are completely different cars, suspension wise, firmness, throttle response and power. The 348 is just a plain dud in my eyes. The 355 was a tremendous jump and success for Ferrari back during its prime years in the mid to late 90s.
if you ask me, there is no way i would trade a nsx for a 348. yet, the Ferarri name does sound good, but don't mean they are better than the rest. the 348 is straight up ugly piece of oldmobile, style is completely outdated. we buyin a car for joy not for it's name. easy choice, the N-S-X.....
Angelo08 said:
I wouldnt go as far as to say that. They are completely different cars, suspension wise, firmness, throttle response and power. The 348 is just a plain dud in my eyes. The 355 was a tremendous jump and success for Ferrari back during its prime years in the mid to late 90s.

to quote myself ...

"The 355 had many mechanical improvements over the 348 but aesthetically it was just the 348 with new door skins and new taillight panel and a few minor other changes."

Anyone up for some homework on this?

I went through all of my old/older C&D mags looking at Ferrari and NSX stats. With the exception of roadholding the NA1 always beat the 348 in every other performance catergory. As the models evolved 355 vs NA2 the models were almost dead even in everything except roadholding where the Ferrari's were always higher. Funny thing is the 360 really didn't improve much on the 355's performance ( only a 20hp increase ..LoL just like the NA2 ). The roadholding gap shrank and the NA2 NSX gained some ground by continously giving the car larger wheels and tires ( Sidebar- it wasn't until the 02+ that the NSX finally had the exact same wheel and tire size as the 348 ).

It seems that the 360 improved tremendously in build quality over the 355 and that was about it. Now the 360CS can onlt be competitively compared to a NSX-R ,but I can't find any NSX-R performance stats i.e actual numbers.
So I was wondering if anyone could provide the NSX-R info or point me in the right direction to find it. So as it stands performance the 348 was/is inferior to the NA1 NSX while the 355/360/360 Spyder/360CS seem to be pretty equal to slightly better than the NSX/NSX-T/NSX-R.

No offense to any Ferrari guys just going by the numbers I found w/o prejudice.
I've had two supercharged NSXs and now a 2000 Ferrari 360 Modena Six speed. The performance of the two (or three in this case) is very similar. I would have to say that the braking and handling of the Ferrari is far superior but then again, my NSXs were both targas so I'm sure that would be a large factor. All are great cars, it's really just a matter of personal preference. I love my Ferrari but I've only had it for 3 months now and it has yet to break. We'll see what happens with the first repair bill.
WingZ said:
No offense to any Ferrari guys just going by the numbers I found w/o prejudice.

From what I recall, the 355 and NA2 are pretty close in times in the 1/4 but the Ferrari MPH is faster. Like 106-08 vs 110-12.

0-150 MPH times are hard to find, but the NSX pretty much fallls off after 100MPH compared to high HP cars.

The 360 is faster still and the F430 is WAY WAY faster. I think it is probably underrated at 480HP.
NetViper said:
The 360 is faster still and the F430 is WAY WAY faster. I think it is probably underrated at 480HP.

Yeah that was the odd thing with only twenty extra hp the 360 was almost exactly the same times as the 355. Maybe it was weight the 360 is 60lbs lighter , but I could never find any non F1 transmission tests so maybe the stick is faster.

It seems if your comparing apples to apple you go 360 vs NSX coupe and 360 spyder vs NSX-T ( same combo I used comparing the 355 versions ). Only the NSX-R could compare to the 360CS and I would love to see those two go at it on the track. Dang was there ever any magazine test of the NSX-R?????