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  1. NemesisX

    Just drove home my 91 black/ivory, my initial feelings

    Congrats JDC....One thing to check too is the footwell. Take a look at the plastic cover overhang that covers the steering wheel. There are 3 holes that the cover should go into..if they dont, the cover will hang down and it will feel VERY cramped. The cover should have 3 protruding "fingers"...
  2. NemesisX

    Filing for Bankruptcy Assistance...?

    Not sure when the new bankruptcy rules go in effect but if he is going to file, he better do it quick. Anyone know when the new rules take effect??
  3. NemesisX

    Ever worry about your wife cheating?

    One problem...... She has to have them ON!!!!
  4. NemesisX

    Believable..or UNbelievable!!!

    Stunner, you think thats bad....can you imagine what THESE people were thinking???
  5. NemesisX

    Believable..or UNbelievable!!!

    check out this one!!! and this one...
  6. NemesisX

    Believable..or UNbelievable!!!

    Stumbled on this website and saw this....(wish i could upload pics but...) RED RUDDER RIDERS!! Two Rode The Atlantic On The Red Rudder The Story: "Senhores, Esta é para ninguem acreditar, ou seja, este navio de bandeira russa veio de Guiné, e ao chegar ao Rio vejam onde dois clandestinos...
  7. NemesisX

    GM and Ford = Junk

    It does when they cant make any profit from them...they are still using deep discount incentives to move them
  8. NemesisX

    GM and Ford = Junk

    Timpo, It is the BOND RATINGS that have been downgraded to junk status...NOT the stock value....they are two VERY different things (ability to pay bondholders back = bond ratings) Either way, its not a good sign!
  9. NemesisX

    the new Tein flex with edfc

    Great pics Joseph!! Thanks for the underhood pics!! going to start a new thread "lets get Joseph a pedicure" fund...Im in for $1.00 :)
  10. NemesisX

    I just graduated from prospective owner.........

    We have a "monthly" gathering at SCA..check the southwest forums.. and congrats!!
  11. NemesisX

    Sighting on 405 South

    Yeah!! That was me Calvin!!! I saw you a mile away also!! You looked hot driving with your laid back gansta lean..(yeah...i saw you pimped out).... Lets do a ride very soon!!!
  12. NemesisX

    5th annual NSX Canyon Drive!!! Sunday, June 12th, 2005

    Take my name and passenger off the list as im no longer interested.
  13. NemesisX

    NEW NSX/HSC wil be on the TOKYO motorschow

    With the way Japan has taken on hybrid cars and the popularity of the Prius over here, I would certainly say that thats the way they will go.
  14. NemesisX

    Hold off on that new Mustang or Corvette....Ford and GM cut to JUNK status by S&P!!

    Hold off on that new Mustang or Corvette....Ford and GM cut to JUNK status by S&P!! For those that may not understand....the next step maybe bankrupcty :eek: How can you not see this coming...going from a 2 billion expectation to a 2 billion deficit. :frown:
  15. NemesisX

    5th annual CalCoastalNSX Canyon Drive!!! Sunday, June 12th, 2005

    Please add a passenger for me.
  16. NemesisX

    Stock Market

    Anyone still following the markets????? What do you think of the past week??
  17. NemesisX

    It's a dangerous world out there - especially for the NSX...

    Not too long ago I saw a aluminum ladder in the middle of I-405!! Luckily, i saw no one make contact with it... Here in California, people hauling anything have to secure and cover thier load! If you see someone who doesnt have thier crap secure and covered, call the state patrol, even if they...
  18. NemesisX

    Southern California NSX Tax Relief Drive - April 16, 2005

    Ok...who put the check engine light on in my car :( Sorry guys, need to get that looked at so ill have to sit out. Have fun!!!
  19. NemesisX

    5th annual CalCoastalNSX Canyon Drive!!! Sunday, June 12th, 2005

    Re: 5th annual CalCoastalNSX Canyon Drive!!! Oh NO!!! not Kenny...... ....anyone but Kenny!! :eek: :biggrin: :tongue:
  20. NemesisX

    Spec Stage 2 clutch and flywheel Experience

    You'd better park around BACK!!!!! J/K :tongue: :eek: :biggrin: :wink:
  21. NemesisX

    Spec Stage 2 clutch and flywheel Experience

    I would be to if I thought you might show up in your SAAB!!!! :eek:
  22. NemesisX

    My wife drove the NSX tonight...

    My wife drives my car often...she likes driving it but not in traffic...she loves the speed. I only tell her to watch out for potholes and speedbumps!
  23. NemesisX

    5th annual CalCoastalNSX Canyon Drive!!! Sunday, June 12th, 2005

    Re: 5th annual CalCoastalNSX Canyon Drive!!! 1. FuryNSX (Randy C.) 2. CDub (Chris W.) 3. PoohBEAR 4. Up2Yu 5. zero_cool 6. EVO F575 GTC 7. NSXWIND 8. CKS Papa (Perry C.) 9. AndyH 10. Casper91 11. Nemesis X (Kevin) . 30. ANYTIME (John R.)
  24. NemesisX

    Southern California NSX Tax Relief Drive - April 16, 2005

    Re: Southern California NSX Tax Relief Drive ill be there...if the IRS doesnt take my car!!