Filing for Bankruptcy Assistance...?

1 February 2002
San Dimas, CA
Does anyone know or is in this field of work? I have a friend of mine that is considering doing this due to some debt that got out of control, including a car and some heavy CC debt. Nothing major to lose except that and can afford to start over with bad credit.

Have some general questions of some legalities of this issue, can anyone PM or email me at "[email protected]"

thank you...
Not sure when the new bankruptcy rules go in effect but if he is going to file, he better do it quick.

Anyone know when the new rules take effect??
5inchfatlip said:
Ummm..what new rules are these?
Our elected federal officials recently gave the credit card industry quite a nice early Christmas present in the form of revised bankruptcy rules.
bodypainter said:
Our elected federal officials recently gave the credit card industry quite a nice early Christmas present in the form of revised bankruptcy rules.

Right in time to raise the interest rates too. :rolleyes:
bodypainter said:
Our elected federal officials recently gave the credit card industry quite a nice early Christmas present in the form of revised bankruptcy rules.

you mean they're going to make people pay back what they borrowed?? those bastards.
bodypainter said:
Well, not everyone of course. Mostly just the poorer ones.

Yep, someone has to pay it back but not everyone. I am not so sure it only includes the poor who pay. I think it is more so the educated who won't have to pay.
your friends best bet is to contact a local bankruptcy attorney, they all give free consultations. i just went through this myself, i would have liked to have been able to pay the money i owed, but the us govt made sure that wouldn't be possible (of course they're also the ones who forced me to rack up a quarter million in legal bills..... at least I got to stiff the IRS in the process).