Your Amusing Quotes

And one of my favorite sources for memorable quotes: George Carlin.

"As you swim the river of life, do the breast stroke. It helps to clear the turds from your path."
nkb said:
Yes, I understand the difference. Not sure how your question applies though.

If you are saying that there is a difference between median and average intelligence, when talking about the entire population of the world, I would guess they are about the same.

you are assuming the populations' intelligence follows a normal distribution. that's a highly unlikely assumption.
nicholas421 said:
you are assuming the populations' intelligence follows a normal distribution. that's a highly unlikely assumption.
Well, I admit I have no scientific evidence to back it up, but why do you say it is "highly unlikely"?

I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that for every genius, there's a mentally retarded guy. And for every really smart guy, there is a guy who is really dumb.

In a sample of 100, 1000 or even 10,000, you probably have a point. But when the sample size gets to 6 billion, I don't think it's "highly unlikely" that the distribution does approximate a standard bell curve.

But, what do I know. I'm just a guy who was trying to share a quote.
From a poetic sense I like the word "average" in this context. It would seem to roll off a comedian's tounge easier than "median". All-in-all, it seems improbable that we will get comedians let along our President to be statistacially accurate,,,,, hummm,,,,,, or is that precise??????? :D

To the point of "is the population's intellegence measure a bell shaped curve?", I'd submit if it isn't you are using the wrong measure.