Your Amusing Quotes

LeftLane said:
"It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing MilkBone underwear"

Quick trivia - who said that?:cool:

That would be Drew Carey.

Todd: Hey Griswold, where do you think you're gonna put a tree that big?
Clark Griswold: Bend over and I'll show you!
Todd: You gotta lotta nerve talking to me like that.
Griswold: I wasn't talking to YOU.:eek:
PoohBEAR said:
"You are not done until you got married, than you are FINISHED."

"Why buy the Cow when you gettin the Milk for free" ;)
Originally posted by LeftLane
"It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing MilkBone underwear"

Quick trivia - who said that?

That would be Drew Carey.

Todd: Hey Griswold, where do you think you're gonna put a tree that big?
Clark Griswold: Bend over and I'll show you!
Todd: You gotta lotta nerve talking to me like that.
Griswold: I wasn't talking to YOU.

What are you going to do about it, TODD?!?!
I don't know, MARGO!!!!

BTW, the correct answer is NOT Drew Carey....any other guesses?

"Eddie, can I get you anything to eat? Some more Egg Nog? Take you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead?"
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups"

"There are no stupid questions, but there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots"

Stolen from someone's signature online:

"There is a finite amount of intelligence in the world, and the population is expanding"
A similar one to the last post:

Originally posted by huyduchoang
i hate haters.
Hummm . some of these hit me just right ...

I'm gonna have to edit the Tao of Doghouse to include some ...

Apploigies in advance :D
Well, if we're getting into movie quotes...

Girl: We could take a walk in the moonlight, and you can kiss me on the veranda.
Chevy Chase: Lips would be fine.
I don't know if I came up with this one, or if I assimiliated it somewhere:

Think about how dumb the average person is. Half of the people in the world are even more stupid.
nkb said:
I don't know if I came up with this one, or if I assimiliated it somewhere:

Think about how dumb the average person is. Half of the people in the world are even more stupid.

Do you know the difference between median and average (mean)?

Sorry, couldn't resist.
Give a man a fish, he eats for a day and remembers the gift
Teach a man to fish and you have just reduced your customer base
"His/Her driveway doesn't go all the way to the street"


"They are the Mayor of Stupidville"

In reference to anyone thats wacko thinking.....

Xmas movie quote:

Cousin Eddie; when Clarks neighbor see's him emptying out the sewage tank of the RV into the storm drain on the street.

"Shitters full !!!"
“There are two types of drivers on the road; maniacs and idiots. Maniacs are the ones going faster than me; idiots, they'd be the ones going slower.”
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Tom239 said:
Do you know the difference between median and average (mean)?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Yes, I understand the difference. Not sure how your question applies though.

If you are saying that there is a difference between median and average intelligence, when talking about the entire population of the world, I would guess they are about the same.