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27 July 2006
So late last year I attended HIN in Seattle. There, this web site had a booth set up and for like.... $19.00 and like 10 beans a month, they were suppose to find companies (eg)Wheel Manuf., Tire Co., Stereo Manuf. etc that would provide you with hardwre in exchange for you applying small 8" stickers to your car to show they had sponsored the goods...

So a few months have passed and I log into this account? And find some crappy sponsors that may want to sponsor the car.. They have a link beside them saying accept or deny... So I accept two of them. Then nothing. No details, nothing. So if anyone has heard of this site/place/guys... Drop a line or two here.

Let me know
This website tries to promote sponsorship the easier way possible. And take it from me (I've had a 93 Prelude Widebody Turbo show car, fully sponsored by Digital Audio, Lite Glow, Meguiar's, Tenzo, Matrix Paint, Optima Batteries, and local shops - its for sale on eBay at this moment, no links but it could easily be found), sponsorship is not that easy. Friends of mine went through this website and got nothing but junk, little crap worth no more than $5 to buy retail.

To get real sponsorships, you have to think of it like applying for a job, which it is. You must market their products and in return, you receive the products for less or even free. The more you can promise to market the products (such as car shows, conventions, magazine shoots, video footage, etc.), the easier it will be to receive sponsorships.

My sponsorships proposals consist of the same idea of applying for a normal job. I have a cover letter explaining my vehicle, my goals (including your personal career because they aren't going to sponsor some hick on the corner of the block, they want someone who's professional and they can trust), and how the vehicle and I could benefit the company. Attached was a "resume" of the vehicle, listed with modifications, plan modifications, honors/awards, plan events attending, and current sponsors. And of course, pictures, lots of pictures of the vehicle and if you could draw pictures of the proposal plans (such as how you will install subwoofers/amps in the vehicle), more power to you. Also, DO NOT EVER EVER LIE about anything, you would be surprised how tight the industry is, the majority of marketing managers/president/etc. know and contact each other frequently. Also DO NOT send proposals to competing companies at the same time, until you've been denied by one company (don't send it to Meguiar's and Mother's).

I was lucky enough to be located in Las Vegas, so I have the opportunity to show the car at CES & SEMA (which is viewed by hundreds of thousands) + 3-5 import shows (HIN, eXtreme autofest, NHRA Sport Compact). Also don't believe you can send in a proposal of a stock car and say you plan to do all this, they will denied you on the spot. You have to invest to receive the rewards. I spent my own money on doing the body work (widebody and taillamp conversion). Afterwards, I was able to get the paint sponsored, then got a local shop to sponsor me on the turbo setup/labor, then audio/video products came, and got a sponsorship for labor on the audio/video install. Then everything else rolled in together. Digital Audio full sponsored my audio and video; therefore, they wanted me to be at SEMA and CES; which is a golden ticket to free products.

I hope this helps.
There a joke. They send you a sticker to put on then say you got 500$ (or however much they say) and then fail to mention untill after that you have to spent an equal amount so you have to spend 500$ of your own and they will spend 500. At this point it doesnt sound to bad except you find out you have to buy parts from there online stores which are marked up :wink: