Would you choose the NSX or the GTR?


  • NSX

    Votes: 60 60.0%
  • GTR

    Votes: 40 40.0%

  • Total voters
Went to a car show yesterday, saw the GTR in the flesh finally and not just photos!

It does not look as good in the flesh as it's photos or spy shots. Very disappointing.

The GTR was next to a maserati and the new R8. The R8 looks much better (lower, shorter, and overall much smaller & lighter) than the GTR.

Unfortunately, the GTR looks slab sided and overweight. Not exotic at all! More like the Evo 10's bigger brother! (did these guys use the same design studio?) I bet I'll see these sliding off the track trying to keep up with a 550 Hp TT NSX like the 700hp R32's do...
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It does not look as good in the flesh as it's photos or spy shots. Very disappointing.

Awww, you took away our only hope! ;) I was really wishing the car looked better in person and that the lines made sense to the naked eye.

Unfortunately, the GTR looks slab sided and overweight. Not exotic at all! More like the Evo 10's bigger brother! (did these guys use the same design studio?) I bet I'll see these sliding off the track trying to keep up with a 550 Hp TT NSX like the 700hp R32's do...

At 3700lbs, it is overweight! But the performance is there and the features - wow. Still how does one live with the looks.

Does function totally outweigh form?
Think hard!!! If you have a first hand experience with the R35, let me know. Or if you have driven an Gallardo, let me know (I have), or if you have driven a NSX with autorotor CTSC, let me know.

Jason(NSXSUPRA) timed his 1992 NSX with standard boost CTSC and the nil to 60 time was right at 4 seconds. If you think 3.8 is that much different under regular driving condition, I guess you have the reflex of a race driver.

A standard no-mod Spec-V R34 is a very fast and nice car, I have driven it twice, but it's no NA2 NSX. I fully anticipate the R35 to be a much faster car after all the hype. However, until I drive one, I really can't say if it is better or not. I have however, driven a Gallardo, I doubt the R35 will be that much better. Similar power to weight ratio, both 4 wheel drive. The difference is, Gallard is NA power, so it is probably easier to drive.

To me sitting position and outward visibility is also very important, if it sits anything like a G35/G37, I can't come to term with it. That's probably why after I drove my friend's 997S, I will never buy that car, even though it is faster than my NSX.

One thing I do know for sure, most people will never drive that car to its full potential. Heck, the stock NSX is slow and people don't drive it hard either.

Wow NsxSupra's car did 0-60 in 4.0 s??? Damn.

And the NA2 NSX is faster than an R34 GTR?

You don't have any sports cars. You have a Toyota camry for a daily driver. You can ONLY choose between a brand new Nissan GTR (R35) or a brand new 2005 NSX (US-spec targa).

Which do you choose?

Depends on a lot of factors.

How much of your interest is track vs road use?
Live in a sunny place or somewhere 4wd is more useful?
How long do you plan on keeping it?
Mods or stock?
Family or just you?

Need more info.
NA2 NSX is faster than an R34 GTR?

Depend on Stock form or modded.

I didn't say that, but I bet the driving experience will probably be similar out side of the track. Again, I'll find out after I drive a production model. My friend from Nissan is getting one next month (or January) for a week, as usual, he will let me take one out for a spin.

I have always like the R34 Skyline, I'm just not sure if this "Renault" version is going to be as good - In terms of the way the original Skyline was intended/created - A good handling Japanese muscle car.

Perhaps the change of name to GTR is the reason behind it.

My little bro is on his second G35 and I have driven it many times. The car is damn good for the price but you can tell the "de-contenting" is part of the reason why it is so well priced. Hopefully, the extra $30 grand or so for the upgrade is not just for the drivetrain related. From the photos however, does look very nice. I would take this car over the Z06, and perhaps use it as a daily driver. I do value my NSX more for the obvious reason - Many sleepless nights of finding the NSX-R parts for it, and my sentimental value for that car since I was in high school, and a big Senna fan. The NSX is a pertty good car even in today's standard. Perhaps maybe next year if I get my S2k and NSX paid off, I may replace my S2k with that car. Have to wait and see. I only wish they make a open top version, it will be desirable!

It will be a good filler between now and the production ASC.

The biggest question is really, is this car going to be better than the 996/997 TT? Because with the additional dealership mark up, it may be much high in terms of price than a used Porsche.
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You don't have any sports cars. You have a Toyota camry for a daily driver. You can ONLY choose between a brand new Nissan GTR (R35) or a brand new 2005 NSX (US-spec targa).
If I don't have any sports cars, it would be hard for me to decide. Due to the fact tha NSX had been a dream car for me since 1991. I most likely take NSX in this case, but the GTR is definitely extremely hard to resist due to its overall package.

The final design of GTR/R35 actually looks surprisingly decent imho, very 599GTB like. I cruised with a black 599GTB the other day, my god, that car is so badass. I assume the stance on the GTR is probably similar to 599GTB as well.

Looks dont matter to me that's why I sold my NSX and bought a evo years ago. I want something fun to drive. If you want to look cool get a Ferrari not a NSX
I am in a very..... bad mood right now, just came across your post that triggered my nerve quite a bit. I might regret making long post like this after I wake up, but it is ok, I have to stay up all night tonight anyway and I will be too busy to come back anytime soon. I do want to make a statement clear, I have no bad intentions, just true honest personal opinion.

You got issues bro. If you enjoy it, that is all it matters, but wait, you made it sound like you think everyone should see eye to eye with you. NSX is not just a car to me, unfortunately you only see a small portion of what NSX has to offer. I made a lot of friends that are friends for life because of NSX and Supra connection, these are really special groups of people, when I am in need, they are always first to offer assistence. Lets put it this way, even if someone have issues with me about what I said, if I am in need. It is very likely that he will overlook our differences and offer a hand (I have no issue with anyone at the moment, so I assume no one have issues with me either:smile:, I am a human, I make mistakes and I will admit it), just because I am a nsx owner, I would do the same as well to best of my ability and time constraint. That is NSX community. I too have own NSX for 5 years BTW.

NSX doesn't look cool?:confused: It looks really cool to me, better looking than a lot of Ferraries and almost all Porsches IMHO. Think about it and read your statements above, you will find contradiction in your own belief. Driving pleasure/performance/sound aside, in the look department, the only thing Ferrari have over NSX is the "badge". I thought you are not a badge/brand name person?

Just the other day I was hanging out with my NSX bro Rico (aka ultimate party friend, J/K Rico) at Vance's shop. A gentleman came up to us and started to bashing us on putting HONDA emblems on an Acura. The guy was so mad that he had red blood veins popping out in his eyes, he just wouldn't leave us alone. I just stayed quiet, because it wasn't even worth it. The guy didn't deserve my time. The sad part is that he also said Acura is made by Toyota, not Honda, hahaha

I had a NSX for 5 years. I guess the new group of NSX owners are looking to impress people with it. I can buy any car made, any car. I got a evo. Different strokes for differnt folks. Sure it's strange not to buy the most you can affored and 90% of the people do this. As I have posted before I go off-road in the evo, track it, push my trash can down the driveway and really it's one less thing I have to worry about.
You worry too much about other's buying decisions, people like this are usually not very fun to be around with.

Money is no object for you, so what, do people have to give a shit? Remember you only live once. You wasn't too trilled with your neighbor's F360or F430 purchase (sorry I forgot which car he got), if he is not in debt, IMHO he is putting his money to good use. Time flys, in a blink of an eye, 10 years go by just like that. As I get older, I find that money doesn't buy time or buy a lot of things I want, I can never be 20 again. I can stay fit rest of my life, but it is not the same. With your financial ability, I don't understand why you would take EVO over Ferrari. Even a Ferrari is pocket change for you. Maybe you don't find too much enjoyment out of cars?

90% of people buy max of what they can afford is very hard for me to believe. Is it your assumption? or there actually a study to back it up?. Remember it is a big world, you might be rich, someone is always richer. Money doesn't impress me. It doesn't buy style, taste, health, fitness, appreciation for things and most importantly respect for others.

How can look not be important? Do you find having sex with ugly chicks the same as having sex with hot lookng chicks. IMHO this logic apply to cars as well to a certain degree. Looking good is human nature. IMHO, a good sense of style can make anyone look good regardless what they look like or their body shape. It is not always dress to impress, even so there is nothing wrong with that. Dress to "feel" good is the most important IMHO.

May I ask why do you assuming people drive NSX to impress others? Isn't BMW and Mercedes impress more for the sake of trying to impress? I know for a fact "majority" of girls don't give a damn about NSX. They are easily impressed by cars with BMW, Mercedes, and Porsche emblems. I can tell you for a fact that most of NSX owners I know can afford to buy just about any BMW. Assuming people always spent max of what they can afford is ignorant. We didn't buy NSX to impress, it is more of driving pleasure and personal enjoyment.

When I buy a car, look is #1 priority. NSX looks like an art form, I do appreciate pretty things (Art, Car, Designs, Cloth, fine craftmanship, fine material, good food, etc). I like things that are pretty, pleasant to my eyes. Maybe you are just unique, or just don't care or give a shit. That is cool, if that is the case, you might want to consider keeping the negative personal opinions to yourself. There is a big difference between meaningful criticisms vs ones with no positive intent.

I don't need the attn I am smart, look good and funny and that seems to work fine :)
If you need a car to get laid you need to hit the gym.
I have no doubt that you are smart, but I am sorry, I have hard time believing that you are funny, no way in hell bro. My impression that you are extremely uptight and likely to always have negative opnion on something that is none of your business. I assume you are extremely fit with rock solid goods too show. Do you have a shirtless pic with your face showing to back it up? If you can post 1 up, I do the same with my lame pics.
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Wow NsxSupra's car did 0-60 in 4.0 s??? Damn.

That is not surprising to me at all. My modded Supra clocked 4.1 to 60 and my CTSC NSX feels as quick as that up to about 60 or 70. The NSX is light, it's a fast car off the line with a little extra power. The CTSC has boost RIGHT AWAY, much more so than centrifugal chargers. That really helps it leap off the line. I have a hard time keeping mine straight if I go all out. I think 4.0 or low 4's to 60 is very realistic for a CTSC NSX.

For most people the GTR is probably a much faster car... but I am sure if Senna drove my CTSC he would beat any GTR... :biggrin:
I Perhaps maybe next year if I get my S2k and NSX paid off, I may replace my S2k with that car. Have to wait and see. I only wish they make a open top version, it will be desirable!

Replace the S2K with the GT-R:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Say it ain't so? I'm taking your NSX-R queue and making my S2000 into a Type S:biggrin:



I love that car.

It will be a good filler between now and the production ASC.

The biggest question is really, is this car going to be better than the 996/997 TT? Because with the additional dealership mark up, it may be much high in terms of price than a used Porsche.

LOL I see you haven't given up on the ASC either apparently you and I will be the only two primers to have one :biggrin:
Meh, just ignore him Vance. Not worth it.

My beef with the GTR is simple and quantifiable. Too big. Too many seats. Too gimmicky looking. And most of all, not enough clutch/gearshift.
Meh, just ignore him Vance. Not worth it.

My beef with the GTR is simple and quantifiable. Too big. Too many seats. Too gimmicky looking. And most of all, not enough clutch/gearshift.

lol, One thing I will miss in the future is the standard gear box. Seems like most manufactures are using peddle shifters. The funny thing is, as I get older, more I'm seeking comfort, I probably should give peddle shift a try.

My big bro went from a Porsche man to 2001 M5, and he some times talk about getting back to a 911 turbo because of the automatic option... He's getting lazy too.

I can't wait to test a GTR during the next month or so. It is actually something within my budget and has a great resume. I hope it is meets the hype.
The data display is incredible. I'd love to have that info available on my NSX.

It's enough to make me overlook the aesthetics of the car in general.

x2... I still voted nsx.:biggrin:
Depends on a lot of factors.

How much of your interest is track vs road use?
Live in a sunny place or somewhere 4wd is more useful?
How long do you plan on keeping it?
Mods or stock?
Family or just you?

Need more info.

haha, that's up to you. :smile:
I sold the nsx due to making it keep up with the newer higher HP cars it would cost 25k. It was not a bad car at all I just like my evo better and am on my 2nd evo. I did look at the NSX but it just is not that exciting again, maybe it's the turbo rush, maybe the TQ it makes or just having a car I dont have to worry about. I even looked at the F360, GT2, CGT, and about 20 other cars but ended up with a evo.

Did you really choose an EVO over a f360 and a CGT????
haha, that's up to you. :smile:

Well, then if we are talking about what I would do in my situation then I already DID what I would do. :wink: I am a happy man.
Did you really choose an EVO over a f360 and a CGT????

He's either lying, joking or not the sharpest knife in the drawer. No one seriously cross-shops an F360, CGT and Mitsubishi Evo. If you had enough money for the CGT/F360, and you wanted the Evo, you'd just get both.
He's either lying, joking or not the sharpest knife in the drawer. No one seriously cross-shops an F360, CGT and Mitsubishi Evo. If you had enough money for the CGT/F360, and you wanted the Evo, you'd just get both.

I really did look into all of these, I just did not want to spend the money on a car that I have to worry about. Maybe down the road I will get one but right now I park the evo anywhere and dont worry about it. Even in the NSX I would have people checking it out, it was cool at 1st but got old when I was in a hurry and I was never rude to people. Everyone is different.
Don't you also like to push the trash can to the curb with your car too? That would REALLY freak people out doing that with a CGT. I like to push shopping carts with my truck :biggrin:
Don't you also like to push the trash can to the curb with your car too? That would REALLY freak people out doing that with a CGT. I like to push shopping carts with my truck :biggrin:

lol that would be kinda funny like I said I may get one down the road. Right now I am doing 4 wheelers off road and going to get a nice boat for the summer :)
Reminds me of this guy I met at discount tire who had 2 sets of wheels in the back of his nice audi avant. I gave him grief for having such filthy things stuffed in the back of his car. Then here I am 10 minutes later trying to stuff a set of oem wheels and tires into the front seat of my nsx, lol. He gave me hell for that.