Would/when will you desert the U.S.A.??

I'm a natural born U.S. citizen and I...

  • ...would never, ever leave the U.S. permanently.

    Votes: 43 45.3%
  • ...might leave the U.S. if things got bad enough (but think that's unlikely)

    Votes: 28 29.5%
  • ...kind of expect to leave in the next 10-20 years (taxes!)

    Votes: 9 9.5%
  • ...kind of expect to leave in the next 1-10 years b/c the U.S. is crumbling

    Votes: 15 15.8%

  • Total voters
Cigars Please! (Only Cuban) They're cheaper in Spain if you're flying over from Europe anyway.

My Daughter turns 9 in May - Is that why you posted supporting Sitko?:wink: (she is gonna be HOT like her Momma, and speak 4 or 5 languages (3 already) but she's into this boy down the street)

You Freakin' joking? Your subjective opinion is NOT backed up by facts:
1) America leads the world by having the largest percentage of its population incarcerated - check that fact - I'm right!
2) Gay rights? I'd say gay people don't have freedoms appreciated by others - but they do in Canada!
3) Abortion - not as available in the USA - some states have actually taken HUGE steps to make it illegal - isn't the choice to abort a baby an "individual right?" Why is George Bush quashing it?
4) Wire tapping? don't get me started!!!!
5) The basic human right to healthcare - shouldn't people have the right to medical attention - not just those who can afford it? (Oh, yeah, I'm a stupid socialist, I should agree with you instead - the poor should die:rolleyes: )

You can stay at my place until you get settled - all those NSXs in the driveway will be cool!

Seriously, Its happened "en mass" before, the United Empire Loyalists left the USA for Canada, as was there a large influx during the Vietnam war, as is there a hefty number of Americans coming now - American history glosses over these facts.

Its true Canada has a high standard of living and less stress - Toronto, a city of 5.5 Million, had 98 murders last year - many were wife kills husband type of things.

Again with the repeated but un fact checked facts!
Bush won the election based on the whole gay rights thing - people in America (the Christian Right) wants to infringe on other people's rights and freedoms - then he decided to arrest people (even American citizens) and hold them without trials, next it was wiretapping - the public seem to think its necessary, but when you start down the slippery slope its hard to turn back - and as long as you keep regurgitating the Mantra without monitoring the facts you are at risk of truly losing those Freedoms you cherish (I cherish them too, and I'm not USA bashing, I'm just upset when I hear so many Americans reciting the Mantra as the situation changes around them and they ignore the change because they believe the Mantra)

I disagree, we have less crime in Canada partially because we have less desperate people - had each slave been given their acreage and a mule there would have a community of people who could have sustained themselves and lived rurally - reducing desperation makes society safer for the common people - look at how the three strikes laws have endangered common people as criminals fight to stay out of jail at all costs.

Isn't tolerance the hallmark of a truly free society? It seems you're not so good at the practice, but not too bad at the preach!:wink:

(another non-American chipping in - we didn't drink the cool aid)
Its a HUGE issue - when people believe ANYTHING unquestionably, the opportunity to change the agenda and have everyone follow, unquestioning, is there - the Big Three Car makers have been saying "we're number one" for years (Ford was a client so I witnessed it) when confronted with reality they always had their take, "cheaper to make in Japan" "we know what Americans want" "our stuff is safer" you guys know where they are now - and they still think their shit doesn't stink "Ford, Quality is Job 1" but their quality sucks compared to a Honda - so why the Quality Mantra? If they were like the Japanese, they would reverse engineer the best examples and start from there to improve things.

I want all of you to STAY in America and stop accepting what the Government and special interests are doing to America (don't say totally crazy sh!t can't happen - remember the McCarthy era?) Fix it so your America lives up to the standard you seem to believe you're already at. (of course that means letting go of bigotry, xenophobia and small thinking and testing everything against the phrase, "Is this limiting anyone's true personal freedom?)

Did I miss something? I don't like gay's, and if you can't afford health care, tough shit. If you can't afford food you don't eat.
Did I miss something? I don't like gay's, and if you can't afford health care, tough shit. If you can't afford food you don't eat.

great attitude there. :rolleyes:

Very intelligent response. sigh....
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why can't we work on fixing things?
i see that a lot of people just accept what's given to them, thinking "that's how it is...."
well, then, you go against what this country was started on.... and you can just.... get out.

people who don't question are the ones who get taken advantage of. unfortunately, there are so many of them, that those who do question are considered to be out of order and can't get much done. after all, it's OUR duty to make changes.... especially when our "representatives" are doing an absolutely terrible job.

those of us who are ready to leave this place are disappointed in the way things are right now, what this country has become (from what good standing we actually had before), and you should be too. if you're not.... please educate yourself before you engage in another ignorant cheer for the status quo.

btw, if you think no other country is "free", you're sadly mistaken. last i checked, of the free countries, we have the fewest average vacation days at our jobs (10 days starting, vs. 25 in most other places). i don't know about you, but i feel free when i'm on vacation.... not at work :tongue:

Well said.

There's nothing more frustrating than peoples complacency. It's so easy to say 'if you don't like it, get out' and go back to watching TV. Thank goodness our founding fathers didn't have that attitude. When things weren't right, they fixed them. And I can see why people want to leave, because there are so many slackers who don't care now days. How can you possibly mobilize people to change things when the sheep are chanting the blind hypnotic mantra of "we're #1". It's BS. We're not #1. We used to be. We're not now.
after all, it's OUR duty to make changes.... especially when our "representatives" are doing an absolutely terrible job.

It is our duty to be informed. It is our duty to participate in the process, hopefully be informed and have clear course before making CHANGES.

Change for the sake of change is good when it involves your underwear.

Change in government MUST be more than new faces, platitudes, sound bites and slogans. We need more than candidates with good script writers and makeup artists.
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Red you better watch it,your inflamatory rhetoric may just reduce the number of attendees of EST fest:tongue: BTW If your country was not sharing our border you would have been overrun long ago! Sissies.:biggrin:

You're probably right, if we weren't attached to the USA we'd be like Iceland - invaded by the Vikings years ago - and they didn't leave:wink: Wait, we had vikings in Canada too! Bottom line, anyone who invades us is gonna be drunk on our beer, turned on by our Women and possibly sample our BC Bud. HEY WAIT!!! Isn't Est fest an opportunity for the Americans to Invade???:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

I work with a few people from Canada, You guys get screwed on health care and taxes. I can see a doc in 3 hours from when I am sick you have to wait weeks most of the time. I can spend the money and get good care if I need too. Also he said he goes to the US for care because it's so slow in Canada. Ever place has problem but things we dont have or that are new are always better. I wish everyone that did not like the US would leave, maybe that will help with this traffic :) I will buy anyone a 1 way ticket.

Lets not over dramatize it - We don't wait for days to see a Doc if we're sick - We even have house call docs who will come in a few hours - its always same day, even if you go to the Hospital Emergency. We do wait longer for operations and tests like MRIs - and it sucks and I want to the right the pay extra and have access to private MRIs, etc. - Its hotly debated. We also complain our taxes are higher, and they are - Canada is far from perfect - but what I like about it nobody is telling me how to live my life, or telling others who to live theirs - I'm not gay, or Muslim, or from the Mid Est or Pakistani or Black but when I hear about certain groups suffering from reduced civil liberties it scares the crap out of me - because the likelihood that I'm next has just increased.

3000 people were killed in 9/11 - but there are 300 Million Americans - many of whom now live under different levels of scrutiny, bigotry, and are subject to reduced or infringed rights. You can't let the injury to a small percentage effect how you treat a way larger percentage - how many Iraqi's have died because of the USA? I think I don't need to argue the point that they were not complicit in 9/11 do I?

Sometimes societal change is wanted (Regan wanted to curtail cilvil liberties, like wiretapping) and an "excuse" is all that is sought to bring it in.

why can't we work on fixing things?
i see that a lot of people just accept what's given to them, thinking "that's how it is...."
well, then, you go against what this country was started on.... and you can just.... get out.

people who don't question are the ones who get taken advantage of. unfortunately, there are so many of them, that those who do question are considered to be out of order and can't get much done. after all, it's OUR duty to make changes.... especially when our "representatives" are doing an absolutely terrible job.

those of us who are ready to leave this place are disappointed in the way things are right now, what this country has become (from what good standing we actually had before), and you should be too. if you're not.... please educate yourself before you engage in another ignorant cheer for the status quo.

The problem is that "Patriots" see what I'm saying as "USA BASHING" - just like "if you're against the war you don't support our troops"

I support the troops so much that I don't want them to die needlessly fighting in a conflict of our own making that will not be resolved by their presence there and certainly has existed since the crusades - and has and will never been resolved.

I support America - I want people to go back to first principals and insist that the Politicians - who are more corrupt than ever in the history of the USA - stop their crap, their earmarks, their lip service, the false sense of fear they create to control the USA - if they were really worried about National Security they'd have more than 750 men to guard 8800 buildings - the terror alert levels disappeared after Bush was re-elected. (Oh yeah, that was because once he was re-elected the terror was sooo afraid it stopped):rolleyes:

Stop saying you already live in the greatest country on earth (especially ignoring the facts) and start insisting that the People in Power do everything they can to make it the greatest country on earth - you are either pushing to stay ahead or you're falling behind.
Did I miss something? I don't like gay's, and if you can't afford health care, tough shit. If you can't afford food you don't eat.

Well I agree with two out of the three anyways. :rolleyes: I am defiantly tired of paying for other peoples health care and food but I can't ever remember someone getting my tax dollars because they are gay?:confused:
Did I miss something? I don't like gay's, and if you can't afford health care, tough shit. If you can't afford food you don't eat.

Let me explain - and I don't want to sound preachy but here are the issues with your comments:

You don't need to like gays - I find the thought of sex with a man revolting - but I believe that its not up to me and my opinions to dictate laws that reduce their ability to do what they want to do as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. ie. sex in their bedroom isn't my problem, sex in the street is already illegal, so its no different homo or heterosexual. You need to tolerate people who are different from you - I'm sure I can find something about you that is different from other people, and you wouldn't want to be judged by people who don't even know you for something innate about yourself that you can't or don't want to change.

If you can't afford food you don't eat - if that was true it would be a different situation, but it simply isn't reality. If you can't afford food you do things that people who can afford food generally wouldn't consider doing to stay alive, like robbing people, prostitution, selling drugs, stealing cars, vandalizing things associated with wealth you are jealous of. I've spoken to really poor people (destitute, people who know that that they will not eat three squares a day everyday) and they are angry at others for their situation, and they are frustrated, and desperate - they are one of the reasons why the USA has such a high crime rate compared to most developed countries - desperate people do desperate things. Give people self respect and they create a society.

If you want to live your life in peace, you need to create a situation where people around you aren't desperate, otherwise they'll carjack you, kill you for $20, etc. Its not about them alone, its about how you and they can live together.

Children (and I have two) tend to think simplistically, cause and immediate expected effect - adults should be able to see the bigger picture. In this case a just society were people are allowed to live and self actualize is best for all.
Let me explain - and I don't want to sound preachy but here are the issues with your comments:

You don't need to like gays - I find the thought of sex with a man revolting - but I believe that its not up to me and my opinions to dictate laws that reduce their ability to do what they want to do as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. ie. sex in their bedroom isn't my problem, sex in the street is already illegal, so its no different homo or heterosexual. You need to tolerate people who are different from you - I'm sure I can find something about you that is different from other people, and you wouldn't want to be judged by people who don't even know you for something innate about yourself that you can't or don't want to change.

If you can't afford food you don't eat - if that was true it would be a different situation, but it simply isn't reality. If you can't afford food you do things that people who can afford food generally wouldn't consider doing to stay alive, like robbing people, prostitution, selling drugs, stealing cars, vandalizing things associated with wealth you are jealous of. I've spoken to really poor people (destitute, people who know that that they will not eat three squares a day everyday) and they are angry at others for their situation, and they are frustrated, and desperate - they are one of the reasons why the USA has such a high crime rate compared to most developed countries - desperate people do desperate things. Give people self respect and they create a society.

If you want to live your life in peace, you need to create a situation where people around you aren't desperate, otherwise they'll carjack you, kill you for $20, etc. Its not about them alone, its about how you and they can live together.

Children (and I have two) tend to think simplistically, cause and immediate expected effect - adults should be able to see the bigger picture. In this case a just society were people are allowed to live and self actualize is best for all.

We will just have to disagree. This is a huge divide for many people. I do feel gays are hurting society....all of a sudden they are everywhere...17 year old boy down the road told his mother he is gay...he saw two guys kissing and it made him curious. WTF? Whether he is or not, this same sex PROBLEM is getting out of hand. You think people are born this way? When I was a freshman in college, a female friend called crying because she had been hit on by a gay female in the soccer room. She was furious, and her space had been invaded. Four years later, she calls to tell me something exciting?...she now had a girlfriend. She was 'converted' by being subjected to it. It is morally wrong, and I don't support it, nor do I think gay people should have 'GAY RIGHTS'. There are so many reasons our country is going to hell, and this is one of them.

As for food, people are poor for a reason. I do believe disabled people should receive assistance; however, if you live in a trailer with a 60" tv, but can't eat, and your kids are on welfare.....NO. There are sympathy stories everywhere, but unfortunately, the few good suffer when the majority are lazy, greedy, and want hand outs all day. No money? No food. If we would penalize people like they should be when a crime is commited, a lot of our problems would be fixed......but that goes on to the discussion of our weak legal system.....weaked by 'human rights'.
It is our duty to be informed. It is our duty to participate in the process, hopefully be informed and have clear course before making CHANGES.

Change for the sake of change is good when it involves your underwear.

Change in government MUST be more than new faces, platitudes, sound bites and slogans. We need more than candidates with good script writers and makeup artists.

"it's our duty to participate in the process".... so you agree.
now ask yourself this question: do you honestly think that voting once every four years is participating in the process? no. it's picking the best of the worst, and letting them do whatever the hell they want to do afterwards. that's what it's become. politicians take bribes out in the open.... nobody says anything..... think about it, why is lobbying even legal? :confused: things like that go completely against the grain of democracy.

in a day and age when there are so many people.... it's hard to get any meaningful input from anybody. i honestly think there should be some sort of election on ALL important / controversial issues. only problem is, i still don't think there will be much change, because people are so close-minded and will believe the bs that the politicians speak. i still will never understand how many times it will take for you people to openly see politicians get caught up in straight-up lies, before you at least start questioning some things. maybe you just don't remember those situations; it might just be that you can't recall.:tongue:

i'm not asking for change for the sake of change.
your problem is that you don't realize that there needs to be change.
wait, but you "patriots" bitch about everything too (border control, paying for welfare of immigrants, too much tax, patriot act.... well some of you are crazy enough to support that even.) our government currently runs way out of the boundaries of the constitution, and we don't need change?

who do you think is calling the shots on the policies and enforcement of the problems you see with our current situation? the same people who you think are fine in the office. oh, by the way, the slogans, sound bites, and scripts are always in place in washington.... new election or not. and THAT IS THE PROBLEM.

we don't need change? you just need perspective beyond CNN. (heh, even they call out legitimate problems from time to time....)
We will just have to disagree. This is a huge divide for many people. I do feel gays are hurting society....all of a sudden they are everywhere...17 year old boy down the road told his mother he is gay...he saw two guys kissing and it made him curious. WTF? Whether he is or not, this same sex PROBLEM is getting out of hand. You think people are born this way? When I was a freshman in college, a female friend called crying because she had been hit on by a gay female in the soccer room. She was furious, and her space had been invaded. Four years later, she calls to tell me something exciting?...she now had a girlfriend. She was 'converted' by being subjected to it. It is morally wrong, and I don't support it, nor do I think gay people should have 'GAY RIGHTS'. There are so many reasons our country is going to hell, and this is one of them.

As for food, people are poor for a reason. I do believe disabled people should receive assistance; however, if you live in a trailer with a 60" tv, but can't eat, and your kids are on welfare.....NO. There are sympathy stories everywhere, but unfortunately, the few good suffer when the majority are lazy, greedy, and want hand outs all day. No money? No food.

"it's our duty to participate in the process".... so you agree.
now ask yourself this question: do you honestly think that voting once every four years is participating in the process? no. it's picking the best of the worst, and letting them do whatever the hell they want to do afterwards. that's what it's become. politicians take bribes out in the open.... nobody says anything..... think about it, why is lobbying even legal? :confused: things like that go completely against the grain of democracy.

in a day and age when there are so many people.... it's hard to get any meaningful input from anybody. i honestly think there should be some sort of election on ALL important / controversial issues. only problem is, i still don't think there will be much change, because people are so close-minded and will believe the bs that the politicians speak. i still will never understand how many times it will take for you people to openly see politicians get caught up in straight-up lies, before you at least start questioning some things. maybe you just don't remember those situations; it might just be that you can't recall.:tongue:

i'm not asking for change for the sake of change.
your problem is that you don't realize that there needs to be change.
wait, but you "patriots" bitch about everything too (border control, paying for welfare of immigrants, too much tax, patriot act.... well some of you are crazy enough to support that even.) our government currently runs way out of the boundaries of the constitution, and we don't need change?

who do you think is calling the shots on the policies and enforcement of the problems you see with our current situation? the same people who you think are fine in the office. oh, by the way, the slogans, sound bites, and scripts are always in place in washington.... new election or not. and THAT IS THE PROBLEM.

we don't need change? you just need perspective beyond CNN. (heh, even they call out legitimate problems from time to time....)

Wow. Decided all these things about me just from three sentences huh? Right off the deep end.

Come clean, you're really Yaynsx. Right?

BTW you are the same fellow that posted this not too long ago, right?

i'd leave and start my own country, but i'd probably get shot in the back on the way out. what a piece of shit country.

That was a beaut.:rolleyes:
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We will just have to disagree. This is a huge divide for many people. I do feel gays are hurting society....all of a sudden they are everywhere...17 year old boy down the road told his mother he is gay...he saw two guys kissing and it made him curious. WTF? Whether he is or not, this same sex PROBLEM is getting out of hand.

You seriously don't know much about homosexuality - I can tell based on your statements. Animals are being born homosexual in increasing numbers due, supposedly to toxicity in our environment - and people are a type of animal, in case you somehow put humans on a higher plain, we are a type of animal, period - just like cancer rates are increasing, homosexuality rates may be increasing from toxicity - however, all studies done demonstrate that children's behavior can predict their sexuality - any gay person I have ever spoken to has said the same thing, "Why would I CHOOSE a course that makes me hated and is more difficult?"

You think people are born this way?

YES! and you must have some problems if you're worried someone is going to "convert you":rolleyes: I'm VERY comfortable in my sexuality - I'll never $%#@ a man, but I wouldn't mind fining out my wife is Bi!:biggrin: (wouldn't you?):wink:

When I was a freshman in college, a female friend called crying because she had been hit on by a gay female in the soccer room. She was furious, and her space had been invaded. Four years later, she calls to tell me something exciting?...she now had a girlfriend. She was 'converted' by being subjected to it.

Obviously she was having issues with her sexuality and this "come on" felt like she was being "outed" - I feel bad that society put so much pressure on her that she felt she couldn't experiment and find what made her happy - she;s your friend, don't you want her to be happy?

It is morally wrong, and I don't support it, nor do I think gay people should have 'GAY RIGHTS'. There are so many reasons our country is going to hell, and this is one of them.

Morally Wrong? Now you've got a problem - MORALS ARE SUBJECTIVE - its MORALLY WRONG TO YOU!!! I hate the whole American Right "Morals" thing - Going into a Sovereign country and replacing its government and reducing the country to chaos is Morally Wrong - lots of people (innocent people and soldiers) are dying in Iraq - why aren't you on that moral bandwagon - Oh yeah, you "support the troops" ie. accept rhetoric and don't question things - how many people have died from being gay? (Don't quote me aids since millions of straights have died of it in Africa - you're not saving anyone from aids)

Country going to hell? Then get out there and reverse the divorce stats, get Britney and her Sister off the TV - they are Morally wrong, and setting examples that are taking us to hell.

In Canada the Gay Marriage failure rate is only 20% - Straight in the USA is 54% - Must be the Gay's fault converting all those straights with Queer Eye on TV!

As for food, people are poor for a reason. I do believe disabled people should receive assistance; however, if you live in a trailer with a 60" tv, but can't eat, and your kids are on welfare.....NO.

Their choices come from a place of ignorance, if they were better educated and had better role models they would have a chance to be different - also the TV may be the one Nice Thing in their life - I wish everyone a happy life, even poor people!

There are sympathy stories everywhere, but unfortunately, the few good suffer when the majority are lazy, greedy, and want hand outs all day.

Guys like you want to abandon them - instead what about HELPING THEM????
Too busy waxing your car?

No money? No food. If we would penalize people like they should be when a crime is commited, a lot of our problems would be fixed......but that goes on to the discussion of our weak legal system.....weaked by 'human rights'.

Yeah, the USA has the largest % of its population behind bars - and a high crime rate - that doesn't work - and arresting people for being poor will cost you more than teaching them at better schools and providing them opportunities to work.

I'm not surprised you have a punitive nature, its common with bigots, and people who believe dogma and don't challenge - (thats you) - but ask yourself: "Would you treat your own children this way?" - I bet you don't have kids, but if you did, you'd be an indulgent dad and give your children every opportunity to succeed, not say to them, "If you don't cut the lawn you're not eating tomorrow."
There's a lot about the USA I'm proud of and there are some things I'm disappointed with. I don't have much control over what other people do, so to make the country a better place I start by doing my best to lead a good life myself.

That said, I am 48 years old and have never been as disappointed with things that Americans have done as I am now. The USA went to war against Iraq with about half the population believing Iraq was connected to the 9/11 attacks. That level of ignorance is shameful.
you don't say more than a few sentences, so the only thing i "decide" about you is that you don't know how to communicate a legitimate argument.

Syntax! It's not what Spitzer paid the prostitute.:rolleyes:

I think you meant "formulate" not "communicate".

Legitimate? I don't think you know the meaning of the word.

"Legitimate" is what you would be if you knew who both your parents were.:biggrin:

When you're sober read my post again. I was not disagreeing with you.
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Actually, India has the largest Middle Class on earth - they have 350 Million people that are classified as Middle Class - I understand though - when you call people who win a National sports series "World Champions" you you can make mistakes like this :wink: :biggrin:

LOL!! I have to agree. I find it quite ironic when a baseball team wins the "world" series.:wink:

Btw, IMHO - USA is transitioning from is a great country to was a great country. The combination of large land mass(compared to european countries), diverse population(unlike sweden/iceland), fairly large population(compared to canada), financially motivated gov't policies(lobbyists/PAC's - eg. the prescription drug plan) and racial/religous/cultural intolerance leading to Xenophobia(highlighted on T.V. talk shows daily) has lead to a steady decline in our society. Things will probably get worse before they better. This might sound harsh but it is quite common for a civilization to rise and subsequently fall. Since the world is a global economy - the fall/rise of a country is very subtle.

USA has many many problems that need to be addressed. Then again - so do most other countries. But I still prefer to live in the USA. It is and will always be my home.

Btw, my parents are from India. I moved here when I was 11.
"Oh reaaaallllyyyyy?? Hope you aren't a Bear (or other Financial stock) shareholder."

Yes I am down about 10% YTD (last years gains)
But am well diversified & do not try to time the market
I look at times like these as opportunities to add beat up sectors at a discount.
Starting this year I am adding Financial's , Real Estate, Tech funds & Health care. Sink about 30k a year in mutual funds on a monthly basis.
How do you think I will do dollar cost averaging financial's with a starting point of 1/1/08? Plan to retire in 8 yrs Thoughts?

Oh, but thats not what this threads about.............
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Syntax! It's not what Spitzer paid the prostitute.:rolleyes:

I think you meant "formulate" not "communicate".

Legitimate? I don't think you know the meaning of the word.

"Legitimate" is what you would be if you knew who both your parents were.:biggrin:

When you're sober read my post again. I was not disagreeing with you.

nope, i meant communicate; it carries more than the one meaning you know of.

... and your insults would be funnier if you knew anything about me.

still waiting for you to say something meaningful :rolleyes:
We will just have to disagree. This is a huge divide for many people. I do feel gays are hurting society....all of a sudden they are everywhere...17 year old boy down the road told his mother he is gay...he saw two guys kissing and it made him curious. WTF? Whether he is or not, this same sex PROBLEM is getting out of hand. You think people are born this way? When I was a freshman in college, a female friend called crying because she had been hit on by a gay female in the soccer room. She was furious, and her space had been invaded. Four years later, she calls to tell me something exciting?...she now had a girlfriend. She was 'converted' by being subjected to it. It is morally wrong, and I don't support it, nor do I think gay people should have 'GAY RIGHTS'. There are so many reasons our country is going to hell, and this is one of them.

As for food, people are poor for a reason. I do believe disabled people should receive assistance; however, if you live in a trailer with a 60" tv, but can't eat, and your kids are on welfare.....NO. There are sympathy stories everywhere, but unfortunately, the few good suffer when the majority are lazy, greedy, and want hand outs all day. No money? No food. If we would penalize people like they should be when a crime is commited, a lot of our problems would be fixed......but that goes on to the discussion of our weak legal system.....weaked by 'human rights'.

This planet is far too populated to be worrying about gays and what they do behind closed doors. Find something worth being concerned about. Who cares what they do behind closed doors? Who cares if they get married? Who are you to deny anyone the pursuit of happiness?

If anything, I'd encourage anyone to stop making babies... this world can barely support the sheer amount of humans it has on its surface as it is... :rolleyes:

Find a more meaningful cause and go after that with the same conviction rather than worrying yourself to death about being converted. :tongue:
nope, i meant communicate; it carries more than the one meaning you know of.

... and your insults would be funnier if you knew anything about me.

still waiting for you to say something meaningful :rolleyes:

we have the fewest average vacation days at our jobs (10 days starting, vs. 25 in most other places). i don't know about you, but i feel free when i'm on vacation.... not at work :tongue:

Want something meaningful? Ok.

Earlier in this thread you said you were looking for a new job. I hope that you're looking to make a change and not currently unemployed, that would suck. Either case, consider this; develop a skill that you have talent and passion for. One that people will always need, pay for and appreciate. One that allows you to meet your customers face to face, shake their hands, know their names and see them smile as they gladly pay you.
Everyday will be like a vacation, and your vacations will be to enjoy your family, not escape work.
Want something meaningful? Ok.

Earlier in this thread you said you were looking for a new job. I hope that you're looking to make a change and not currently unemployed, that would suck. Either case, consider this; develop a skill that you have talent and passion for. One that people will always need, pay for and appreciate. One that allows you to meet your customers face to face, shake their hands, know their names and see them smile as they gladly pay you.
Everyday will be like a vacation, and your vacations will be to enjoy your family, not escape work.

thanks for the insight. :smile:
i agree; i would love to be able to take time out and develop some of my interests into something more. i think that, little-by-little, i will be able to do that. (haha, i hope.)

as for the job situation - i have a great job right now, but i'm definitely looking for something more.... not necessarily a total turn-around, but shifting my efforts to something where i will continue to learn more, and maybe work on something a little more interesting :tongue:

don't get me wrong, as much as i complain about the US, i could see myself being here too. (after all, the closest i've ever really got to living elsewhere was a 3-month stretch in japan for work...)
i think it's just in my nature to never be satisfied with the current state. some things seem to have gone out of control around here, but no place is perfect, by any stretch of the imagination (no matter how good it seems to be). i still think we need to make a lot of changes; i'm just afraid that we'll never be able to make them unless we do a lot of whatever it takes!

also, i think another driving factor in my wanting to leave the US is my need to travel. i get bored when i stay in one place too long. i always thought it to be ironic that, with the advent of all the technology that makes transportation so easy, most people still stay in such a small area all the time. i just love finding myself in a random corner of the world - it just brings all sorts of different thoughts and feelings that i couldn't live without. (i know not everybody feels the same way..... but just another reason why i, personally, could see myself in a different place altogether.)

anyway, thanks again for the wise words. sorry for jumping on your last response - i misinterpreted; i read it once then just continued my rant. :redface: my bad - i'm not trying to start a fight.
(just be warned that i get frustrated/worked up about stuff i don't like! :eek: but i don't mean any offense...)