Would/when will you desert the U.S.A.??

I'm a natural born U.S. citizen and I...

  • ...would never, ever leave the U.S. permanently.

    Votes: 43 45.3%
  • ...might leave the U.S. if things got bad enough (but think that's unlikely)

    Votes: 28 29.5%
  • ...kind of expect to leave in the next 10-20 years (taxes!)

    Votes: 9 9.5%
  • ...kind of expect to leave in the next 1-10 years b/c the U.S. is crumbling

    Votes: 15 15.8%

  • Total voters
I was a Boy Scout (Life rank). I pledged allegiance. I'd don't even remotely mind doing the same in school or at a sports match. I'm white and Anglo, for what that's worth.

But... I don't think I'll be a U.S. citizen for my entire life. (I know what, even writing that, means...). I'll pursue my career, globally, wherever people need help and I feel like moving/living.

I'm a U.S. citizen. A Boy Scout. A person with utmost integrity. I took care of my dying mother, with cancer, and gave up a year's Wall Street bonus/salary/career progression. The chair of [top 5 wall st bank] couldn't even believe I was leaving just to take car of my mother...

Anyway, I'm going to move wherever makes the most sense globally for me/family/friends, which is most likely NOT the U.S. of A. I hate to think that Rome fell, but it did..........


I need a bit more information to reply to your initial statements. Would you tell us where you have lived outside of the USA for more than 1 year? If you haven't lived outside of the USA, what countries have you conducted business or other activity for more than 30 days? If you can't respond to that, where have you visited for more than 2 weeks outside the USA?
Yeah, maybe so. Again, I'm not anti-USA, I'm just jadded right now. Maybe the next president can turn us around.

You have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about do you? Zero...it's simply amazing you'd make such a bold statement without any understanding of the subject...

Its funny how you can judge me by just reading a few lines of text.

I can say whatever I want. I'm not trying to sum up the global economy in just a short paragraph. I'm no economist and nor do I claim to be. I'm just telling it how I see it. I really don't care if anyone agrees with me or not.

Its obvious to me that more ppl feel the same way that I do. I'm sorry if that makes you feel uneasy. Its just the way it is. I'm not Anti-American, I just think this country is going to be in deep trouble if things continue. Anyone can see that we're not in the best shape we've ever been. Don't take it so personally dude.
I like Norway/Finland/Sweden a lot for a number of years. But to have a murderer that cut 2 people up and server 1/2 of a 4 year sentence living on an island like Kings!? WTF!
It looks like they've come quite far from the Vikin/Barbarians ancestors that killed every man, woman and child pillaging and plungering Europe..:tongue:

To me, America... it's home.
I need a bit more information to reply to your initial statements. Would you tell us where you have lived outside of the USA for more than 1 year? If you haven't lived outside of the USA, what countries have you conducted business or other activity for more than 30 days? If you can't respond to that, where have you visited for more than 2 weeks outside the USA?

I'll save you the suspense:

You've traveled a lot more than me. Therefore, your perspective is better than mine, and I am wrong.

Did I miss anything? :rolleyes:
Is someone trying to tell us something?
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vTOuq4pY10o&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vTOuq4pY10o&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/W5oKqQmGYHQ&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/W5oKqQmGYHQ&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
seems like a post like this is really meant to "stir the pot" more than offer constructive debate.
It seems as most of your posts have this intention SKI.

Apologies for stirring your pot. You must really hate that some folks are agreeing with me... ouch!

(the ignore feature works well for avoiding the excess stimulation brought forth by thought provoking commentary)
Apologies for stirring your pot. You must really hate that some folks are agreeing with me... ouch!

(the ignore feature works well for avoiding the excess stimulation brought forth by thought provoking commentary)

LOL :biggrin:
Correction - the USA is still THE best place to live.

I politely disagree. This comes across as arrogance. The attitude of we are number one, gives a negative light to a country which is supposedly a beacon for western culture, ideals and equality for all.

Pop around to some other countries and see what they are saying about the 'BEST' country in the world. Thankfully there are many wonderfully open minded people working in countries to get rid of elitist attitudes.

I was told the 'America is No.1' train of thought is actually taught/encouraged in the education system, it would be sad if it were true.
Give me a friggin' break.

I've been lucky enough to travel abroad and live abroad. Moreover, my mother legally immigrated to the US and my father's father also legally immigrated. So I am truly a product of immigrants.

I am proud of my heritage, proud of being American but have travelled enough to know that we aren't perfect. We don't do everything right and we could stand to learn from other countries and other cultures.

But this is still the best damned country that the world has ever seen. Period.


My father is an immigrant as well. I am very proud to be American and am very proud of my heritage.
No matter where I travel, I am always more than happy, and more than a bit relieved to be back home in the U.S.
I politely disagree. This comes across as arrogance. The attitude of we are number one, gives a negative light to a country which is supposedly a beacon for western culture, ideals and equality for all.

Pop around to some other countries and see what they are saying about the 'BEST' country in the world. Thankfully there are many wonderfully open minded people working in countries to get rid of elitist attitudes.

I was told the 'America is No.1' train of thought is actually taught/encouraged in the education system, it would be sad if it were true.

It's funny, many have a lot to say about "ugly americans" but many are falling all over themselves to get here.
worthless read of the day: read at your own risk

I think it is funny how different people view things. Some are jaded because of Bush and can't wait for the next president to turn things around. And my fear comes from what "turning this country around" means. Healthcare for everybody, more government handouts, increased taxation for the sake of those unwilling to hold a job, and the general communization of America through government enforced equality as opposed to capitalistic freedom.

Yesterday I was confronted by 2 different people at my place of work who were both on Medicaid. One was there in a mink coat with her designer purse and shoes getting a salve to treat her infant’s ear infection. Because she had pierced her infants ears with new diamond earrings. Again. At least she was nice to me when I spoke with her.

The other was a foreign immigrant who didn't speak English well, but well enough to tell me it was my job to get her medications to be covered by Medicaid. If I was unable to persuade Medicaid to cover her chewable vitamins, then it was my job to contact her doctor to negotiate a new prescription that would be covered. We are talking about 4 hours worth of work so that this unpleasant person would not have to pay $4. Because that is the working/tax paying person's responsibility. Not hers.

I see these situations day in and day out. It is shoved in my face because of the work I do. My tax dollars go towards people who choose not to work, abuse the system, are drug addicts, treat others despicably, feel entitled, and are otherwise just undeserving. Yet we want politicians who promise to raise our taxes even more because we just aren't doing enough for these individuals. I can hardly wait.

America is the greatest nation on this planet, but I see change in the air. From the possibility of a president with direct ties to Louis Farrakhan to the concept of the Amero currency structure. We have a secretary of state who, by visiting foreign diplomats on her own terms, is allowed to commit what used to be considered treason. We now make cartoons mocking our Leader and Commander and it is acceptable. Free Speech has turned into the right to betray your country. Lawmakers believe halting the legal sale of guns will stop the illegal usage of illegally obtained guns. Bla, bla, bla… yet, this is the “change” that people are trying to justify. Scary.

Funny thing is, I’ll be 80 years old and I’m sure my kids will be worried over the same crap that I’m worried over now. Or at least I hope that it will stay only as a worry, and not become a reality.
Re: worthless read of the day: read at your own risk

I think it is funny how different people view things. Some are jaded because of Bush and can't wait for the next president to turn things around. And my fear comes from what "turning this country around" means. Healthcare for everybody, more government handouts, increased taxation for the sake of those unwilling to hold a job, and the general communization of America through government enforced equality as opposed to capitalistic freedom.

Yesterday I was confronted by 2 different people at my place of work who were both on Medicaid. One was there in a mink coat with her designer purse and shoes getting a salve to treat her infant’s ear infection. Because she had pierced her infants ears with new diamond earrings. Again. At least she was nice to me when I spoke with her.

The other was a foreign immigrant who didn't speak English well, but well enough to tell me it was my job to get her medications to be covered by Medicaid. If I was unable to persuade Medicaid to cover her chewable vitamins, then it was my job to contact her doctor to negotiate a new prescription that would be covered. We are talking about 4 hours worth of work so that this unpleasant person would not have to pay $4. Because that is the working/tax paying person's responsibility. Not hers.

I see these situations day in and day out. It is shoved in my face because of the work I do. My tax dollars go towards people who choose not to work, abuse the system, are drug addicts, treat others despicably, feel entitled, and are otherwise just undeserving. Yet we want politicians who promise to raise our taxes even more because we just aren't doing enough for these individuals. I can hardly wait.

America is the greatest nation on this planet, but I see change in the air. From the possibility of a president with direct ties to Louis Farrakhan to the concept of the Amero currency structure. We have a secretary of state who, by visiting foreign diplomats on her own terms, is allowed to commit what used to be considered treason. We now make cartoons mocking our Leader and Commander and it is acceptable. Free Speech has turned into the right to betray your country. Lawmakers believe halting the legal sale of guns will stop the illegal usage of illegally obtained guns. Bla, bla, bla… yet, this is the “change” that people are trying to justify. Scary.

Funny thing is, I’ll be 80 years old and I’m sure my kids will be worried over the same crap that I’m worried over now. Or at least I hope that it will stay only as a worry, and not become a reality.

the highest income tax rate in the 1960's in the USA was 90%. it was reduced by john kennedy. history does tend to repeat itelf. obama or clinton it won't matter. they have to get the money from somewhere...
It's funny, many have a lot to say about "ugly americans" but many are falling all over themselves to get here.

Same for my country, doesn't make mine 'better'. There are just as 'many', maybe more, who are quite happy not to be there. Many demographics to consider too. Government policies, proximity, health care, treaties, personal wealth, gender, skilled labour, family, et al. An off hand remark doesn't strengthen a point, rather highlights ignorance to a larger macrocosm. There is no 'best' country or race. Hitler once thought so, didn't turn out so well. Arrogance.

I never said ugly americans either, that came from your psyche. Same as being brought up in a religion, 'many' people are unable to see outside their belief, vested interest is a powerful reason to stick to one side of an argument. Too much to lose. My religion is 'best', insert war here.

Get me data on all facets of each country in the world, spend time there, bring back empirical research and maybe you have an argument. The world is a battle of opinions.:smile:
Got my paperwork to expatriate right here ready to go. I can't wait to get away from all these little ants.

Check for my annual subscription to Escape From America Magazine is in the mail... so just about ready to go... :smile:

If you don't like America then you can just.....get out

its not a matter of liking it. I love living here. Its a matter of quality of life, and safety from our own government and others.

It shouldn't be hard to see that our country is doing worse and worse... Of course not everyone will agree with that and thats fine. I'm just saying how I feel which fortunately everyone in this country is free to do so as long as its within the law.
lol Ski, I think RE / Banks / Stocks kicked his ass now he's all butt sore and hates the US, if you want to move do it man, dont come back we have lots of people that want in. I work with people in 190 countries and guess what? They ALL want to come here, kinda strange but it's true. Yes we have some things that suck but so does everywhere else. Enjoy that weather and also they will only let you stay 5 years if I remember right, but that may have changed. Also as someone has posted grass is ALWAYS greener.
No worries...It won't hurt.
(Red... I'll buy ya some some tax free smokes if I can crash at ur place for a spell, and as long as your hot young daughter stays away this time)! hehe

Cigars Please! (Only Cuban) They're cheaper in Spain if you're flying over from Europe anyway.

My Daughter turns 9 in May - Is that why you posted supporting Sitko?:wink: (she is gonna be HOT like her Momma, and speak 4 or 5 languages (3 already) but she's into this boy down the street)

It's sad that you say that because America cares for its people more than anyplace else in the world. Ever heard of individual rights? Do you know of anyplace who upholds them better than America? I didn't think so.

You Freakin' joking? Your subjective opinion is NOT backed up by facts:
1) America leads the world by having the largest percentage of its population incarcerated - check that fact - I'm right!
2) Gay rights? I'd say gay people don't have freedoms appreciated by others - but they do in Canada!
3) Abortion - not as available in the USA - some states have actually taken HUGE steps to make it illegal - isn't the choice to abort a baby an "individual right?" Why is George Bush quashing it?
4) Wire tapping? don't get me started!!!!
5) The basic human right to healthcare - shouldn't people have the right to medical attention - not just those who can afford it? (Oh, yeah, I'm a stupid socialist, I should agree with you instead - the poor should die:rolleyes: )

You have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about do you? Zero...it's simply amazing you'd make such a bold statement without any understanding of the subject...

How about a group buy for one way tickets out?

You can stay at my place until you get settled - all those NSXs in the driveway will be cool!

Seriously, Its happened "en mass" before, the United Empire Loyalists left the USA for Canada, as was there a large influx during the Vietnam war, as is there a hefty number of Americans coming now - American history glosses over these facts.

if you have a lot of money the USA is the best place to live.
if you do not have a lot of money and no plans to make a lot of money the UN says the best places to live are
1. iceland
2. norway
3. australia
4. canada
5. ireland
the USA comes in #12.
BTW the worst place to live is sierra leone #177.

so practically speaking you would want to be moving to australia or canada.
i have heard that in canada after you have been there a few years you automatically qualify for free health insurance.
the problem is that if social security and medicare goes bankrupt in the USA almost everyone who is middle class or lower will want to move to Canada. at that point the Canadians will probably stop allowing immigration. unless you have a lot of money. but then why leave?

Its true Canada has a high standard of living and less stress - Toronto, a city of 5.5 Million, had 98 murders last year - many were wife kills husband type of things.

Most countries aren't free... and what is freedom to you? BTW, democracy does not equal liberty as you've implied with the elections. Freedom is each persons individual right to purse any path they choose so much as it does not infringe on anybody else's life or freedom. America is closer to that model and anybody else, by far..

Again with the repeated but un fact checked facts!
Bush won the election based on the whole gay rights thing - people in America (the Christian Right) wants to infringe on other people's rights and freedoms - then he decided to arrest people (even American citizens) and hold them without trials, next it was wiretapping - the public seem to think its necessary, but when you start down the slippery slope its hard to turn back - and as long as you keep regurgitating the Mantra without monitoring the facts you are at risk of truly losing those Freedoms you cherish (I cherish them too, and I'm not USA bashing, I'm just upset when I hear so many Americans reciting the Mantra as the situation changes around them and they ignore the change because they believe the Mantra)

If our country cared, we wouldn't have enacted social security in the first place. But we messed up, my generation won't get what we paid either, but I don't consider myself a victim. .

I disagree, we have less crime in Canada partially because we have less desperate people - had each slave been given their acreage and a mule there would have a community of people who could have sustained themselves and lived rurally - reducing desperation makes society safer for the common people - look at how the three strikes laws have endangered common people as criminals fight to stay out of jail at all costs.

A_J, are you kidding me? What does this have to do with individual rights? This is g-damn socialism... geez, please leave our country if you're here and you're a socialist... it is not the place for you. I personally like to be rewarded for my abilities and I don't believe in the sacrificial individual..

Isn't tolerance the hallmark of a truly free society? It seems you're not so good at the practice, but not too bad at the preach!:wink:

I politely disagree. This comes across as arrogance. The attitude of we are number one, gives a negative light to a country which is supposedly a beacon for western culture, ideals and equality for all.

Pop around to some other countries and see what they are saying about the 'BEST' country in the world. Thankfully there are many wonderfully open minded people working in countries to get rid of elitist attitudes.

I was told the 'America is No.1' train of thought is actually taught/encouraged in the education system, it would be sad if it were true.

(another non-American chipping in - we didn't drink the cool aid)
Its a HUGE issue - when people believe ANYTHING unquestionably, the opportunity to change the agenda and have everyone follow, unquestioning, is there - the Big Three Car makers have been saying "we're number one" for years (Ford was a client so I witnessed it) when confronted with reality they always had their take, "cheaper to make in Japan" "we know what Americans want" "our stuff is safer" you guys know where they are now - and they still think their shit doesn't stink "Ford, Quality is Job 1" but their quality sucks compared to a Honda - so why the Quality Mantra? If they were like the Japanese, they would reverse engineer the best examples and start from there to improve things.

I want all of you to STAY in America and stop accepting what the Government and special interests are doing to America (don't say totally crazy sh!t can't happen - remember the McCarthy era?) Fix it so your America lives up to the standard you seem to believe you're already at. (of course that means letting go of bigotry, xenophobia and small thinking and testing everything against the phrase, "Is this limiting anyone's true personal freedom?)
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I think that the origin of SkiBanker's original thread query is this:

He recently moved to London, where (among lots of other places), gossip about the perceived impending fall/economic crash/destruction/disintegration of the US is rampant.
If America "Falls" just like the Soviet Union "fell" then all it means is the Rich will get richer and the poor will stay about the same

"Communism" never existed in the USSR - it was just an excuse to sell the masses central control by a group of cronies - Now, as much as ever, the Russia is ruled by an iron fist and "corruption" reigns supreme - a friend of mine was told to "sell"/hand over his business (35 Gas Stations and a fuel transfer station) or it wouldn't be good for him - as he spoke to his friends, similar things were happening to them. The "State" (Putin) is taking over the oil and gas industry - but claiming he's running a Democracy, so the people shouldn't complain about their poverty.

Could it happen here?