Would/when will you desert the U.S.A.??

I'm a natural born U.S. citizen and I...

  • ...would never, ever leave the U.S. permanently.

    Votes: 43 45.3%
  • ...might leave the U.S. if things got bad enough (but think that's unlikely)

    Votes: 28 29.5%
  • ...kind of expect to leave in the next 10-20 years (taxes!)

    Votes: 9 9.5%
  • ...kind of expect to leave in the next 1-10 years b/c the U.S. is crumbling

    Votes: 15 15.8%

  • Total voters
A society built on debt can not sustain itself indefinitely.
How do you figure.

China might be coming to collect one of these days... and it may not be in a very nice way either.:redface: I'm not sure if I want to be here when their 2 million man army (or however many) comes knocking on our door. :eek:
Why in the world would China come after us like that? From a threat standpoint, they are the least of our worries. From an economic standpoint, they will rule the 21st century (think US of the 20th century)... which is fine by me. But they will not call their debt due, that would be economic suicide for everybody.
How do you figure.


Why in the world would China come after us like that? From a threat standpoint, they are the least of our worries. From an economic standpoint, they will rule the 21st century (think US of the 20th century)... which is fine by me. But they will not call their debt due, that would be economic suicide for everybody.

Think about it dude..... I'm not saying China will attack us, but if we continue to borrow Billions of $ from them and show no intent to pay it back, then we could be in serious trouble.

If you loaned your sibling $1000 every week for 30 years wouldn't you be pissed if he/she never paid you back and just went on their marry way?

I know I would be. There has to be a reason China is amassing such a huge military.

China is beginning to have one of the worlds largest economies... Just about to over-shadow the states... The States are already crumbling... banks forced to shut down, millions of homes foreclosed. "It has begun" as they say.

Anyways not trying to start a huge debate.... just saying we can't continue to spend Billions of $ a day on war and other things and think we're not in the red... who's writing the checks? and who's spending them? :frown:
Yes my family and I are prepared to bail out the moment we see that theres no turning back... hopefully the recession is just temporary but theres always that inkling that the American economy is just due for a collapse. A society built on debt can not sustain itself indefinitely. Especially with poor leadership that continues to spend borrowed money. China might be coming to collect one of these days... and it may not be in a very nice way either.:redface: I'm not sure if I want to be here when their 2 million man army (or however many) comes knocking on our door. :eek:

New Zealand! :biggrin:

You have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about do you? Zero...it's simply amazing you'd make such a bold statement without any understanding of the subject...
Ski - if you're feeling disillusioned about the US, come move to Australia. We have one of the best lifestyles in the world. And our ladies aren't too shabby either. :D

Actually, my wife and I have talked about the possibility of Australia. I, like Ski, am fearful of where this country is heading. To think of how far we have fallen from the days just post the Cold War. But I must admit, for right now no place seems better than the USA. I just don't know how long it will stay that way.

On the other hand, living my entire life in Ohio hasn't been my idea of a good time!
After going to Russia, Belgium and The Netherland's I want to live abroad for atleast a few year's. I'm hardcore American/Texan though and being born on the 4th of July and a descendant of Colonel William Travis, my last name is also Travis, the USA will alway's be my true home.
I was a Boy Scout (Life rank). I pledged allegiance. I'd don't even remotely mind doing the same in school or at a sports match. I'm white and Anglo, for what that's worth.

But... I don't think I'll be a U.S. citizen for my entire life. (I know what, even writing that, means...). I'll pursue my career, globally, wherever people need help and I feel like moving/living.

I'm a U.S. citizen. A Boy Scout. A person with utmost integrity. I took care of my dying mother, with cancer, and gave up a year's Wall Street bonus/salary/career progression. The chair of [top 5 wall st bank] couldn't even believe I was leaving just to take car of my mother...

Anyway, I'm going to move wherever makes the most sense globally for me/family/friends, which is most likely NOT the U.S. of A. I hate to think that Rome fell, but it did..........

it sounds like you've made a decision that's good for all concerned.
I was a Boy Scout (Life rank). I pledged allegiance. I'd don't even remotely mind doing the same in school or at a sports match. I'm white and Anglo, for what that's worth.

But... I don't think I'll be a U.S. citizen for my entire life. (I know what, even writing that, means...). I'll pursue my career, globally, wherever people need help and I feel like moving/living.

I'm a U.S. citizen. A Boy Scout. A person with utmost integrity. I took care of my dying mother, with cancer, and gave up a year's Wall Street bonus/salary/career progression. The chair of [top 5 wall st bank] couldn't even believe I was leaving just to take car of my mother...

Anyway, I'm going to move wherever makes the most sense globally for me/family/friends, which is most likely NOT the U.S. of A. I hate to think that Rome fell, but it did..........


if you have a lot of money the USA is the best place to live.
if you do not have a lot of money and no plans to make a lot of money the UN says the best places to live are
1. iceland
2. norway
3. australia
4. canada
5. ireland
the USA comes in #12.
BTW the worst place to live is sierra leone #177.

so practically speaking you would want to be moving to australia or canada.
i have heard that in canada after you have been there a few years you automatically qualify for free health insurance.
the problem is that if social security and medicare goes bankrupt in the USA almost everyone who is middle class or lower will want to move to Canada. at that point the Canadians will probably stop allowing immigration. unless you have a lot of money. but then why leave?
How about Italy? My wife think's thats the most romantic place on earth. She'd pull up roots today if we could. I'm just a homeboy. I rather like living here in Texas.:smile:
Give me a friggin' break.

I've been lucky enough to travel abroad and live abroad. Moreover, my mother legally immigrated to the US and my father's father also legally immigrated. So I am truly a product of immigrants.

I am proud of my heritage, proud of being American but have travelled enough to know that we aren't perfect. We don't do everything right and we could stand to learn from other countries and other cultures.

But this is still the best damned country that the world has ever seen. Period.
It's sad that you say that because America cares for its people more than anyplace else in the world. Ever heard of individual rights? Do you know of anyplace who upholds them better than America? I didn't think so.

Don't get me wrong, I love our country.
But I think bush has turned me into the most USA loving person there was to someone who's just a little jaded.

I don't think we're nearly as free as most other developed countries. We're called the land of the free, but what country isn't free??? There are but a few who aren't.
Whats more, you really think Bush won the last elections????? I don't. And if it was rigged, that's the farthest thing from free there is.
I know for a FACT, that there were more ballots cased in some counties in virginia a few weeks ago than there were people registered to vote!!!! This never made the news...

If our country cared, they wouldn't be screwing my generation with the social security bill. They wouldn't be ignoring the problem.
Don't know if you would call it desert. But I always figured I would retire outside the US where the dollar would go much farther. More likely the Philippines where I was born or some other South Pacific locale. Since my income will be zero except for my retirement benefits and accounts. That money will allow me to lead a much more confortable life there, than it would here. It has nothing to do with hate, I appreciate what becoming a US citizen has meant to me. I appreciate what opportunities that the country has given me, as opposed to if I had grown up in the Philippines. Just a matter of getting the most out of your buck.

Financial prosperity, Brunei owns the world. Its poverty level is N/A :biggrin:
Crime is unheared of as is Viruses Gov pretty much takes care of its citizens.

Poverty level income per year is 100K yes folk:eek:

USA has alot to offer for everyone and if you have extra cash its a dam good place. :)
"Most people (I know) who was born here and never experienced life outside the US will never appreciate what they have."

The United States may not always be perfect but this is the place that nurtured me and I'm proud to call it "HOME" ...GOD BLESS AMERICA

I was a Boy Scout (Life rank). I pledged allegiance. I'd don't even remotely mind doing the same in school or at a sports match. I'm white and Anglo, for what that's worth.

But... I don't think I'll be a U.S. citizen for my entire life. (I know what, even writing that, means...). I'll pursue my career, globally, wherever people need help and I feel like moving/living.

I'm a U.S. citizen. A Boy Scout. A person with utmost integrity. I took care of my dying mother, with cancer, and gave up a year's Wall Street bonus/salary/career progression. The chair of [top 5 wall st bank] couldn't even believe I was leaving just to take car of my mother...

Anyway, I'm going to move wherever makes the most sense globally for me/family/friends, which is most likely NOT the U.S. of A. I hate to think that Rome fell, but it did..........

LOL....you guys are idiots.....:cool:

the grass is always greener....

everywhere has issues and drawbacks...sometimes they bother you, cometimes they dont.
seems like a post like this is really meant to "stir the pot" more than offer constructive debate.
It seems as most of your posts have this intention SKI.

Ski good luck with what ever you do...........

I will stay here, no reason not to...
I love the US. Eagle scout here. The USA is home and I think that it has the most opportunities of anywhere on earth. I'll never give up my citizenship or stop caring what happens to it. That said, I don't like the direction we are going and I can envision a set of circumstances that would cause me to leave. I already think the quality of life / societal philosophies are better some other places.

A generation or two ago, people fully expected to work their whole lives with one company. Since then, corporations became much more competitive and blatantly self serving. The only pushback that employees have is that it is a global marketplace and they are free to seek employment elsewhere. I think the same thing will eventually happen with countries on a smaller scale. If you think about it, countries are competing businesses. Where are my tax dollars going to give me the maximum amount of enjoyment, security and the best future for my kids?

What happens if I get tired of higher and higher taxes to fund yet another war, or orwellian invasion of my privacy? I feel like our ideals are sliding. I'm more of a Ben Frankin guy myself: "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." I am willing to stay and put up the best fight I can, but I am NOT willing to go down with the ship.

I'm in my early 30s. I expect to retire in Italy, Belize or the US.
I don't think we're nearly as free as most other developed countries. We're called the land of the free, but what country isn't free???
Most countries aren't free... and what is freedom to you? BTW, democracy does not equal liberty as you've implied with the elections. Freedom is each persons individual right to purse any path they choose so much as it does not infringe on anybody else's life or freedom. America is closer to that model and anybody else, by far.

If our country cared, they wouldn't be screwing my generation with the social security bill. They wouldn't be ignoring the problem.
If our country cared, we wouldn't have enacted social security in the first place. But we messed up, my generation won't get what we paid either, but I don't consider myself a victim. I will/have made my own path and I don't plan to rely on an anti-capitalist social safety net. I let the "collective" sacrifice me for mistakes of the past, but I know that no other idealogical environment in the world gives me the ability to achieve as much as I plan to achieve - there simply is no better alternative. Side note: Take a look at Greenspan's book, he gives a very interesting proposal for a solution to the problem.

A_J, are you kidding me? What does this have to do with individual rights? This is g-damn socialism... geez, please leave our country if you're here and you're a socialist... it is not the place for you. I personally like to be rewarded for my abilities and I don't believe in the sacrificial individual.

enkrypt3d said:
Think about it dude..... I'm not saying China will attack us, but if we continue to borrow Billions of $ from them and show no intent to pay it back, then we could be in serious trouble.

If you loaned your sibling $1000 every week for 30 years wouldn't you be pissed if he/she never paid you back and just went on their marry way?

I know I would be. There has to be a reason China is amassing such a huge military.

China is beginning to have one of the worlds largest economies... Just about to over-shadow the states... The States are already crumbling... banks forced to shut down, millions of homes foreclosed. "It has begun" as they say.

Anyways not trying to start a huge debate.... just saying we can't continue to spend Billions of $ a day on war and other things and think we're not in the red... who's writing the checks? and who's spending them?
Ummmm... do you think China wants us to pay us back???? I don't mean to be condescending, but your comments are very naive. The global economy and the debt mechanism are much more complex than your analogy.

It also sounds as though you've not considered that we service our debt. Let me ask you what you'd do with $100M dollars? You would probably loan it out (buy treasuries and muni bonds) and earn a nice interest income indefinitely ($5M/year @ 5%)... you wouldn't care if it was paid back, just as long as it was serviced.
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I'm with Ski on this one... As soon as I can afford too I plan on moving outside of the U.S.

Australia, southern italy, france, somewhere coastal and warm. I just see things going on in this country and the actions of our government and I personally don't support them or want to be associated with them. Just my humble opinion.

Can that change in the future? Yup. And I hope to hell that it does. I think this is a great nation, but the path we are on right now needs to switch in my opinion.

NAU, Trans Texas Corridor, Real ID RFID chips in your license plates, RFID'ed drivers licenses. As far as i'm concerned there isn't much of the original intent of our founding fathers left in this country. America wasn't founded on a police state ideology and I feel thats exactly where we are going.

Great discussion on here guys. Lets keep the bashing to a minimum and discuss the issues like adults.
My wife is hoping I will switch to contract work so that we can travel more often outside the USA. About the only place I'd consider living aside from the USA is Canada (I'm Canadian) or Mexico (the dollar goes a long way there - I can easily support myself on $25K a year).

That said, if I do go into self employment/contracts, we will travel quite a bit between contracts. That's the plan, at least. We'd like to take our daughter to Europe and South America especially, since my side is European and her side is Hispanic.
I'm 30 and will retire to Brazil when my children finish college in 20 years :smile:

I don't think I'll bring the NSX though since most of the roads suck.
If our country cared, we wouldn't have enacted social security in the first place. But we messed up, my generation won't get what we paid either, but I don't consider myself a victim. I will/have made my own path and I don't plan to rely on an anti-capitalist social safety net. I let the "collective" sacrifice me for mistakes of the past, but I know that no other idealogical environment in the world gives me the ability to achieve as much as I plan to achieve - there simply is no better alternative. Side note: Take a look at Greenspan's book, he gives a very interesting proposal for a solution to the problem.

Yeah, maybe so. Again, I'm not anti-USA, I'm just jadded right now. Maybe the next president can turn us around.