Windows 7...

27 November 2002
So I've been playing with Windows 7 for a while. I've come to the conclusion that it's a high maintenance bitch that you're attracted to initially because of the looks, but you kick to the curb after you find out how much maintenance it needs.

I hate the freaking windows explorer. Looks pretty but so much less user friendly. The virtual library, meh, a rehash of the short cuts just prettied up. The taskbar, a veritable mess of random collections of short-cuts and open windows sessions thrown together.

So bottom line is it's a pretty OS, but it's a pretty kludgy interface.

I'm kicking this bitch of an OS to the curb shortly. Sent Microsoft a bunch of feedback on the OS, hope they vastly improve it before releasing it publicly.
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A bad O/S from Microsoft? Say it isn't so! :biggrin:

Maybe thats why they gave up on Vista.......
Isn't is just a Vista re-hash? I've had Vista for almost two years now and I love it.
Uh oh, I sure hope John@Microsoft doesn't see this. Else, you're in for a 30 page cranky tirade about how the only reason you don't like it is because you aren't technical enough to understand it. :tongue:
Uh oh, I sure hope John@Microsoft doesn't see this. Else, you're in for a 30 page cranky tirade about how the only reason you don't like it is because you aren't technical enough to understand it. :tongue:

That is most certainly the case!
Uh oh, I sure hope John@Microsoft doesn't see this. Else, you're in for a 30 page cranky tirade about how the only reason you don't like it is because you aren't technical enough to understand it. :tongue:


I hope John wasn't affected by the RIF at MS. :tongue:
I will admit the User Interface is .. something that is undergoing serious review right now.

The real features of Windows 7 though are performance increase, stability and security. Remember too, it's still in Beta and you're using it with the expectation that it was RTM. Compared to Vista Beta, XP Beta etc.. it rocks. There is still some ways to go and once it hits RTM, I think you'll really like it.
I will admit the User Interface is .. something that is undergoing serious review right now.

The real features of Windows 7 though are performance increase, stability and security. Remember too, it's still in Beta and you're using it with the expectation that it was RTM. Compared to Vista Beta, XP Beta etc.. it rocks. There is still some ways to go and once it hits RTM, I think you'll really like it.

Cool. I hope the UI goes serious improvements.
I LOVE the new UI. Every bit of it.

Although I do have 2 gripes with Windows Explorer.... when you first open it, the scroll wheel controls the right box and not the left tree menu... and the Folder Options -> View -> Apply to Folders never works... its always disabled.

I must say, that in beta form, this is the best operating system I have seen from windows. My computer isn't the fastest (1.6ghz), but it would lag vista even with Aero turned off.... but Windows 7 runs BEAUTIFULLY and I still have all the sexy window effects turned on.

And they finally updated Wordpad/Paint/Calculator. I know I should be using Office/Photoshop (which I do use), but sometimes I love using paint. I Guess the Wordpad update isn't really worth much to me. And they left Notepad the same, as they should have!

The Homegroups of windows 7, another great new feature.

It's what Vista wishes it was!

And it boots faster and shuts down more instantly than XP SP3 and Vista.
I've got no gripes yet. I really like it.

I did submit a request to make IE trusted sites easier to add. There needs to be a way for IE to auto-detect all the links on a page and allow you to add all links on a page to the trusted sites list.
I've got no gripes yet. I really like it.

I did submit a request to make IE trusted sites easier to add. There needs to be a way for IE to auto-detect all the links on a page and allow you to add all links on a page to the trusted sites list.

Oh wow, I've been using windows 7 longer than we've been in 2009, and I have never opened IE!! Maybe I'll check it out
Uh oh, I sure hope John@Microsoft doesn't see this. Else, you're in for a 30 page cranky tirade about how the only reason you don't like it is because you aren't technical enough to understand it. :tongue:

Not so, I've been working really hard on Windows 7 so that it will be just what you guys need.

i have an msi wind netbook with xp and i put 7 on it about a month and a half ago. i have yet to find a reason to even boot xp again since. every driver worked fine and the windows wireless config is better than it was in xp. faster boot/shutdown times as well as a much slicker interface that doesnt bog down too bad on a netbook with an atom processor.
Not really a fanboy but I have bought Windows from 98 on up to XP. Hats off to MS:smile:, at least they seem to have listened to what turned most off about Vista. Out of the box (and it isn't even printed yet) Se7en is solid. I was so impressed I bought a new HP Tablet with Vista anticipating a discount when the final product comes out. Already Se7en on my tablet is amazing and every driver I need is available so the industry is already preparing for the WOW that should have been. I just hope all my games work better than they did on Vista. DX10 was no fun with lower frame rates on my main machine:

Q6600 (OC'd to 3.10Ghz)
4GB RAM (Cheap ones...)
8800GT Ultras (SLI)
Too many hard drives to remember...

I'm fairly impressed with windows7. I have yet to find a box of mine it wont run on. Quick install, reboots in under a min. Runs damn near anything. I am quite disappointed in the 6 sku's again. But oh well can't everything.

I do hope the multi-touch is as good as the iphones MT tech.
I really don't understand why anyone would use Windows machines. I have been an Apple fan and user for years and only use Windows when completely necessary. I have a new MacBook Pro 15" and love it. If I need any Windows only applications, I just run them on my MacBook using VMWare Fusion.

Apple is far superior to Windows in stability, ease of use, maintenance, virus protection. Apple has so many built in conveniences like iChat... video chat... screen sharing... iTunes, iWeb, iMovie, Time Machine Back-up....etc.

I'm sure my post will upset many PC users, but sometimes the truth hurts! :biggrin:

Lastly, I run a company of 11 employees all using Macs.
I really don't understand why anyone would use Windows machines. I have been an Apple fan and user for years and only use Windows when completely necessary. I have a new MacBook Pro 15" and love it. If I need any Windows only applications, I just run them on my MacBook using VMWare Fusion.

I really don't understand why anyone would use Mac OS machines. I have been an Windows fan and user for years and only use Macs when completely necessary. I have a new Dell and love it. If I need any Mac only applications ... well, there aren't really any I need, so I just run the Windows versions.
I really don't understand why anyone would use Windows machines. I have been an Apple fan and user for years and only use Windows when completely necessary. I have a new MacBook Pro 15" and love it. If I need any Windows only applications, I just run them on my MacBook using VMWare Fusion.

Apple is far superior to Windows in stability, ease of use, maintenance, virus protection. Apple has so many built in conveniences like iChat... video chat... screen sharing... iTunes, iWeb, iMovie, Time Machine Back-up....etc.

I'm sure my post will upset many PC users, but sometimes the truth hurts! :biggrin:

Lastly, I run a company of 11 employees all using Macs.

Main reason why i dont use macs, too damn expensive.

No offense to mac fans or anything, but of course Mac's are going to be 1000x times more stable and virus free. Mac's have 7% of the market (and thats as of last year) when macs get to be as prolific as windows based machines you'll be dealing with the same virus and trojan headaches as the rest of us.

Stability, well Apple makes all its own hardware, so of course its going to work like a charm. Windows machines have to work with millions of different hardware configurations, built by 1000's of different manufacturers.

Its apples and oranges, to each their own. I like macs, they have a pretty straight forward interface and very easy to use. But my bread and butter is windows/dos/unix platforms. Always will be.
i have an msi wind netbook with xp and i put 7 on it about a month and a half ago. i have yet to find a reason to even boot xp again since. every driver worked fine and the windows wireless config is better than it was in xp. faster boot/shutdown times as well as a much slicker interface that doesnt bog down too bad on a netbook with an atom processor.

HAHA Me too. I dual booted my system with XP when I installed 7, and still haven't even booted in XP for the last 2 months! 7 is just that good =]

Apple is far superior to Windows in stability, ease of use, maintenance, virus protection. Apple has so many built in conveniences like iChat... video chat... screen sharing... iTunes, iWeb, iMovie, Time Machine Back-up....etc.

Just give it time.. OS X has a lot more security flaws than windows machines do. So just give it time for people to even care enough about macs to make viruses for them.

<3 7

Just give it time.. OS X has a lot more security flaws than windows machines do. So just give it time for people to even care enough about macs to make viruses for them.

I've been saying this for years -- with Macs, it's mostly security through obscurity. If your intent is to have your virus spread to the most number of machines the fastest, you'll develop for the platform with the greatest installed base. It's that simple. You don't see many viruses for AmigaOS or BeOS, either.

If anything, the Windows OSs are inherently more secure than Mac OS (and Linux, for that matter) because legions of hackers are constantly attacking it, forcing the endless security updates that haters love to rail on. Every Patch Tuesday Windows becomes more secure.
Windows 7 + IE 8 = disaster.

My IE 8 crashed / hung for the 3rd time today. Guess I'll go back to Chrome.

My Windows 7 can't see my NAS thanks to the new hair-brained networking scheme.

I couldn't get the LAN / ethernet connection to get dynamic DHCP IP addresses, and instead had to hard code fixed IP addresses on various LANs to be able to work. It always seemed to prefer some esoteric IP address that never works. I use the same machine with XP pro and never a problem in LANs.

Explorer is really a pain. When I have a folder full of documents, it's really hard to paste new docs in there or create new folders. In XP it was simple to just click on an empty space in the folder, right click, and have my options to "paste or create new folder / documents". In Windows 7 the terrible explorer always assumes I want to right click on an item (I use detailed view) and only gives me the right click options for the item in that row even though I clicked on an empty space in the folder.

Bottom line I am so much more productive and happier with XP than I am with Windows 7.
Windows 7 + IE 8 = disaster.

My IE 8 crashed / hung for the 3rd time today. Guess I'll go back to Chrome.

My Windows 7 can't see my NAS thanks to the new hair-brained networking scheme.

I couldn't get the LAN / ethernet connection to get dynamic DHCP IP addresses, and instead had to hard code fixed IP addresses on various LANs to be able to work. It always seemed to prefer some esoteric IP address that never works. I use the same machine with XP pro and never a problem in LANs.

Explorer is really a pain. When I have a folder full of documents, it's really hard to paste new docs in there or create new folders. In XP it was simple to just click on an empty space in the folder, right click, and have my options to "paste or create new folder / documents". In Windows 7 the terrible explorer always assumes I want to right click on an item (I use detailed view) and only gives me the right click options for the item in that row even though I clicked on an empty space in the folder.

Bottom line I am so much more productive and happier with XP than I am with Windows 7.

I have experienced the Iexplorer bugs myself, they get annoying. But I havent had any of the other problems you've described. I dual booted xp and 7 on my xps m1710 laptop and didnt even need to install drivers. It just picked it up and ran with it. I'm running wireless inet thru a linksys g router and its set to dhcp and i get a new ip everytime i turn it on (testing features for a project involving the router). No hitches. I have had it not be able to connect to my router a few times, but i just had to reboot the actual router to clear the problem not windows.
I LOVE the new UI. Every bit of it.

I must say, that in beta form, this is the best operating system I have seen from windows.

I'm fairly impressed with windows7.

Windows 7 runs BEAUTIFULLY and I still have all the sexy window effects turned on.

another great new feature.

it boots faster and shuts down more instantly than XP SP3 and Vista.

It's what Vista wishes it was!

I really like it.

i put 7 on it about a month and a half ago. i have yet to find a reason to even boot xp again since.

Takes big BOW.

Thanks all. Yeah. I did all that.


Although I do have 2 gripes with Windows Explorer.... when you first open it, the scroll wheel controls the right box and not the left tree menu... and the Folder Options -> View -> Apply to Folders never works... its always disabled.

explorer always assumes I want to right click on an item (I use detailed view) and only gives me the right click options for the item in that row even though I clicked on an empty space in the folder.

I did submit a request to make IE trusted sites easier to add. There needs to be a way for IE to auto-detect all the links on a page and allow you to add all links on a page to the trusted sites list.

If any of you guys are running the official Windows 7 Beta build, and would like to roll-up your top couple of bugs that you would like to see get fixed; please post them up with repro steps and I will get them filed. Now is the time.
I really don't understand why anyone would use Mac OS machines. I have been an Windows fan and user for years and only use Macs when completely necessary. I have a new Dell and love it. If I need any Mac only applications ... well, there aren't really any I need, so I just run the Windows versions.

Ditto. I'm sure some have already seen my thread on that 15" Macbook Pro my GF has that is in the crapper now. I've got it taken apart now and have salvaged the data. That thing has been a lemon from day one. Numerous issues like bad power connector, corrupted partition, stuck cds, applications crashing all the time. We ordered a Dell to replace it but then an awesome deal came up on a 16" HP dual core, 3 GB mem, 320 GB hard drive for under $500. She couldn't be happier, runs faster, more stable even on Vista, bigger screen, better speakers... Could have bought 5 of these for the price of her Macbook Pro. It even costs less than the logicboard to repair her broken Macbook Pro lemon.

Back on topic, I've been running Windows 7 on one of my main laptops for several weeks now, it's quite nice and stable. Love the Windows management, it's leaps and bounds better than Vista, still a few quirks but overall very nice!