I'm bummed!!! I can't find the youtube video of when Best Motoring (Japanese Top Gear sort of) visited the Willow Springs Horse Thief Mile and put on a tuner competition. Shad and the DA (Comptech back then?) team killed it. This was back in the early 2000's I believe. Someone find that video!
What an OG NSX thread we have going here! RYU has indeed brought "sexy back". We have docjohn, TigerNSX, The Kid, stuntman, Honcho, MJK, others here – unbelievable.
Loved hearing the sentiments shared here. Obviously my answer is no. Perhaps when it is no longer enjoyable, feasible, or legal to drive, I think I'd still like to keep it as a piece of art – an homage to my personal golden age of motoring.
There's a magical quality about the NSX. The story of Soichiro Honda always struck me as absolutely remarkable and has been a source of inspiration to me – The NSX represents the manifestation of the Dream. "The value of life can be measured by how many times your soul has been deeply stirred." There's a special, timeless, ineffable way the NSX stirs the soul.
It goes without saying the community is without equal. Lifelong friendships formed here. Real friend – the ones who celebrate your accomplishments and who pick you up when you've been knocked down. Countless shared peak experiences. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to ever top the experience of attending NSX Fiesta (20th anniversary).
There have certainly been times when life throws a curve ball and presents a very compelling, rational case to reallocate resources / sell. But there's that inner voice - or for you lucky ones: a spouse - who is the true voice of reason - the one who says "there's a way to get through this, but not this way". In my own experience and the stories others tell, it's quite amazing how an unlikely way presents itself.
There are plenty of newer things (it's still astonishing to me how good modern supercars are) and I've had the very good fortune adding another Japanese masterpiece in the fleet which is absolutely as exquisite as it is bonkers. They are both keepers, but if I had to choose, I'd keep the NSX.
[MENTION=3739]Ojas[/MENTION] if I was allowed another "fun" car, it would be an LFA. So completely under-rated by the magazine racers and internet trolls. One of the best cars ever made, if you ask me. Great choice!
I am the biggest tool! Yet another video I can't locate. This time Bob can't help me on this one. I remember taking a short clip of your LFA when you visited. F0rkin Awwwwwsum.
There are too many reasons why I would never sell my NSX...driving her off the dealership showroom was not just a childhood dream realized, ownership has been far more than a reward for my first decade of hard work.
I purchased my NSX-T new in the middle of what I now look back upon as the best years of my career. The adventures I have had with my NSX provided desperately needed life to balance long hours at work. Ownership introduced me to new experiences including car meets, spirited drives, club events, motorsports and, of course, this forum.
It's true I don't drive my NSX as much as I used to (even less thanks to COVID), but every time I look at her, I remember all of the reasons why I wanted her in the first place. Every time I sit behind the wheel and start her engine, I first take a spirited trip down memory lane before I even put her into gear. No car I have owned since (or will eventually own) can possibly compete with 20+ years of NSXperiences, so I can't possibly replace her. I just hope I can keep her running for as long as I am physically capable of driving her.
That said, that latter detail wasn't even a slight concern until last summer...when my NSX spent over a month with her engine removed.
[MENTION=3826]akira3d[/MENTION] I still vividly remember reading your NSX purchase story back in 2000 (or was it 2001?). I was on the fence about getting an NSX at that time because it was an expensive, non-essential purchase for me. However, after reading your story, I was like... you know what, I am going to do it. I was so inspired!