Carlos, I'm glad you came on and told us and me in particular how you see it. Staying serious, I have to agree with your take, but something happened when we missed a couple of meetings in a row at the beginning of the year when they overl apped multible day runs we had with other clubs. We come back and everybody is pissed. Was there some kind of beef at a meeting or was there all of a sudden an exodus of attendees?
I can only compare this club to other successful clubs to gauge what may or may not be happening.
You can say what you want about the viability of a team, business or car club and the players, workers and members that give it life. However (and I include myself), to truely be successful it starts at the top and you can't aurgue with that. Therefore it is us, you as acting president, the board members and anyone else that volunteered to do something no matter how small it may have been. We've got nobody to blame but ourselves, the ones that members look up too. When things got a little edgy we all bailed with our tail between our legs. We couldn't finish what we started. It ain't the members fault.
How do I know this, I know because winners don't give up when losing gets tough, or when business slows down or when members don't get involved.
So ultimately, thats why other clubs that I'm part of thrive. It's all about a half dozen winners working together thru everything that our NSX club has experiencd and has yet to experience.
If those leaders work and stick together without becomming discouraged their efforts will be rewarded. If the members see strong leaders they will come!
Now I dare somebody out there tell me I'm wrong and that Carlos' original push for a local NSX club can't succeed!
There is no reason why we can't try again. Everything is in place we just need a new attitude!