"I think the idea is - if it's opened up to everyone you might get someone to show". Quote: Jack Atkinson
If one wants to kill something permanently, the elitist attitude of " if you don't pay to join our click you won't benefit from our effort", is a direct slap in the face of the majority who could give a damn about rules, authority, politics and other bull. Like it or not, that's just the way it is with the young guns or anybody else who is fed up with regulations and wasteful spending.The NSX DRIVER MAGAZINE is a perfect example of where all the money goes. Your paying for a few ring leaders to have a ball putting together their NSX propaganda and what else does ones 40 bucks get you. $5 bucks returned back to a chapter. Boy, a club could really kick ass with that kind of money! I'd call that terrible investing.
So to call some still hard working, educated and accountable persons inmature, unaccountable and parasites with repulsive thinking just because they don't drink your koolaid, is the exact formula that will turn the ones your trying to enlist, away. DAA!
You've also got a lot of nerve calling out club officers for not acting like the Gestopo and imposing responsibilities as you see them. It's elitist thinking like this that makes owning an NSX almost embarrassing.
The thing I seemed to have learned the most is, informal, unplanned and spur of the moment get togethers for anybody who wants to show (free of charge) is what the NSX owner desires and enjoys. If there is gambling, eating or just plain staring at their cars in a parking lot, thats even better. The idea of paying a fee to do the things just described is by most a joke.
Your attitude just plain sucks and if the NSXCA club is ending up in the red then you only have to read your own ramblings in part to know why!
Get a grip before you ruin it for everyone! Your posts and your reference to qualility couldn't be farther apart!
Are we talking about the NSXCA or just your informal gatherings? If you are talking about the Club, then you are just clueless about what a club is all about. It is about people who have a common interest and members help out and contribute to various causes. No one said you have to be paying to engaged in any NSX related activities. As far as I am concerned, you do whatever you feel like. So do you think it is "elitist" attitude to pay a membership to join a gym, a tennis club, volleyball league, or whatever club? Then again if your attitude is inline with "who could give a damn about rules, authority, politics and other bull" kind of thinking, then perhaps it is extremely imposing to ask you to pay for a membership for the privileges of a Club event. Afterall, if you don't respect rules and do feel that you don't need to have any obligations to receive any privileges, then we are just back to your sucking sense of entitlement. Well, you drive yours and I drive mine. We don't have to agree with anything. Maybe we are arguing on totally different things.
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