Why are Norcal NSX'ers so inactive?

4 June 2008
Monterey, CA
With all the NSX's in the Bay Area, can anyone take a stab at why we're so disorganized and inactive? I'd expect to see multiple things going on during most summer weekends. Please don't flame the crap outta me, I'm really asking....

We're lazy.

Seriously, when you say the Bay Area, you're talking about a huge area. I live in San Francisco, which I think is one of the best places in the world, not to mention the United States. No one with a NSX wants to come here because they are concerned about hills, parking, et. al. (Which actually isn't true.) You live in Monterey. Well that would take what, a two or three hour drive to get to your location...one way. Do I really want to drive out to Pleasanton? No offence, but I really don't think so.

Ken (Chopsjazz), Hal (Queenlives) and I have lunch together about every other week. We always invite other NSX guys (gals) to join us. Only one person has taken up our invitation? Hal lives in Campbell, Ken lives in Half Moon Bay and I live in San Francisco. That's a lot of driving.

May I suggest we talk about a quarterly, semi-annual or annual meeting of NSX owners. I think a lot of owners might be open to that.

Comments are welcome.
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All points taken. I live in Monterey, and it's amazing that people act like driving here is a big deal. I drive often to SJ, SF, East Bay, etc. I agree that SF itself is not somewhere I've come other than the Lombard street thing since parking is so tough, and I don't know anyone that'll let me hide my NSX in their garage.

I'm still hoping for a more active group. Weekends seem to make the most sense since those like me that have a bit of a drive can just get up early and make it. Night time weekday stuff doesn't work out well unless you live around the corner (just my opinion).

I do appreciate your invite to lunch and will take you up on it if I can solve the parking thing.

I've only had mine for a year, so I still usually like to be able to see it when I'm eating or whatever unless it's in a private garage - so call me paranoid. :smile:

Thanks - hope there will be more replies and ppl realize that this group is what we make of it. Sorta like prime itself - lots of lurkers, but that's fine if that's what ppl wanna do.


(and no, avatar is not photoshopped)
All points taken. I live in Monterey, and it's amazing that people act like driving here is a big deal. I drive often to SJ, SF, East Bay, etc. I agree that SF itself is not somewhere I've come other than the Lombard street thing since parking is so tough, and I don't know anyone that'll let me hide my NSX in their garage.

I'm still hoping for a more active group. Weekends seem to make the most sense since those like me that have a bit of a drive can just get up early and make it. Night time weekday stuff doesn't work out well unless you live around the corner (just my opinion).

I do appreciate your invite to lunch and will take you up on it if I can solve the parking thing.

I've only had mine for a year, so I still usually like to be able to see it when I'm eating or whatever unless it's in a private garage - so call me paranoid. :smile:

Thanks - hope there will be more replies and ppl realize that this group is what we make of it. Sorta like prime itself - lots of lurkers, but that's fine if that's what ppl wanna do.


(and no, avatar is not photoshopped)
i'm not sure that norcal nsx'er are inactive. i think it's important to recognize & differentiate between prime and nsxca.

it seems to me the nsxca has an activities calendar that has them meeting / doing things on a fairly routine basis and people who want to participate in those activities do and those who don't, don't.

~10 days ago was @ driving ambition / shads
~ 1 month ago (?) was the lombard street drive (i don't believe it was nsxca)
drives / activities on a near-monthly basis prior to those

in my 9 years of owning an nsx i've only participated in maybe a handful of organized activities but in the past 6 months or so have gotten together with a couple of the guys as doug mentioned and that's worked fine for me. (i woulda made it to shad's but my new tires hadn't been installed yet and old ones may not have been up to safety standards).

when we get together for lunch, we usually meet outside of SF for the reasons doug cited. hope to see you sometime in the future.
All points taken. I live in Monterey, and it's amazing that people act like driving here is a big deal. I drive often to SJ, SF, East Bay, etc. I agree that SF itself is not somewhere I've come other than the Lombard street thing since parking is so tough, and I don't know anyone that'll let me hide my NSX in their garage.

I'm still hoping for a more active group. Weekends seem to make the most sense since those like me that have a bit of a drive can just get up early and make it. Night time weekday stuff doesn't work out well unless you live around the corner (just my opinion).

I do appreciate your invite to lunch and will take you up on it if I can solve the parking thing.

I've only had mine for a year, so I still usually like to be able to see it when I'm eating or whatever unless it's in a private garage - so call me paranoid. :smile:

Thanks - hope there will be more replies and ppl realize that this group is what we make of it. Sorta like prime itself - lots of lurkers, but that's fine if that's what ppl wanna do.


(and no, avatar is not photoshopped)

LOL That blimp was flying around San Francisco today.:biggrin:

If you're coming to San Francisco, you're always welcomed to park in my garage.

When Ken, Hal and I have lunch we usually meet in some place like Mountain View or some other central location. Parking is never a problem and you're always welcomed to join us.

Hal has owned a few NSX'es, his current one has a Comptech supercharger, I've also owned a few and I think Ken has had his current one for about 10 years. Ken has forgotten more than I will ever know about a NSX. I should tell you in advance, when we get together we seldom talk about cars. That's not the purpose of our lunches. We get together because we really like each other and we laugh out butts off. Hal and Ken are extremely funny guys.
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sounds good - I just tried to login to the NSX-CA Bay Area Yahoo group, but must've somehow been deactivated - I'm sure that may be a better place to look than just on prime. Lunch in Mtn View or wherever sounds good, and stuff besides car talk also sounds good. Thanks also for the invite to park in your garage - I might really take you up on that since I do like to come to SF.

P.S. Blimp pic was taken at Marina Airport. I had gone there to check out BMW club doing an autocross event when all of the sudden - what the !@$!@ - the thing was right there and semi-floating (tethered), so I took a bunch of pix next to the tarmac.
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LOL That blimp was flying around San Francisco today.:biggrin:

As a point of order, it's a zeppelin, not a blimp. There's a difference.

As for inactivity, I usually make it to only two or three group events per year. Why so few? It can be summed up in one word: kids. There are many weekends where I'd like nothing better than to hang out with the guys and go on a drive. But with two kids, it seems like every weekend they got to be somewhere, and dad's got take them around, or stay with the other one. The rare occasion where an activity coincides with a day where I have no kid or other familial duties, I'm there.
Family priorities. This is Summer, and people do take Summer vacations. We just came back from a 2 week vacation. 24/7 for 2 weeks with 4 kids takes a lot out of me.:wink: I am now recovering from our vacation.
I was in SF all day in the NSX and it's just fine (I wanted to second what Doug said about driving in the City).

As far as inactivity... I still have bad memories of the last event I planned so I don't think I'll be taking a lead role in planning anything for a while longer. But I'm open to HELPING someone else plan something. And I'll also be participating in events that interest me and do not have scheduling conflicts.

This is not a new topic. I suggest that everyone participate in the planning of events that they want to do. I wanted to do a Lombard photo shoot so I planned it. Others should do the same.

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Dan... I think the better question is... Why don't you post/schedule an event yourself? If you have plans to come up on a weekend, post up when and where and whether you want to meet for coffee or to grab some food and hang out. Scheduling an "event" is open to anyone in the Bay Area to post. It is not exclusive to the Event Coordinator or any officer or regional representative of the NSXCA Bay Area Chapter.

I think its great that Hal, Doug and Ken meet up with some frequency discussing all kinds of topics and laughing and having a great time. I hope to join them some day soon as it sounds like a

BTW Doug, I've read some of your replies to some posts on NSXPrime and I was

So, I firmly believe that Doug can hold his own and is just as funny as Hal and Ken.

You guys eat in Mountain View? I live here! Next time you guys are in this neck of the woods grabbing a bite give me a holler.

Ditto, I'm really close to Mountain View.
So, I firmly believe that Doug can hold his own and is just as funny as Hal and Ken.


doug is easily one of the brightest and wittiest people i've met in my entire life... and his delivery style is along the lines of a perfect martini. doug is among the rare people that, as i've gotten to know him, i've wished i could have worked with him. in sum, that's because he has a great deal of knowledge and perspective, combined with an approach that makes learning interesting. i'm feelin' a group hug coming on ;)

we post our lunches in this forum, so if you're interested in joining, just keep your eyes peeled.
If you guys dont mind I like to add what I think goes on in the bay.Its the GRIND.Most people here have so much going on family,friends, working trying to pay for every thing that cost so much to live here and alwas on the run.Other regions I would think might be a lil less busy. less going on in there area so you make ur fun happen.
I would love to meet up sometime for a drive.I drive my NSX about 3 times a week.I work on saturday so its hard for me to meet with others.I like going on Sundays for drives up 9 to 35 and stop at Alices for lunch.Its a fun drive just gotta watch out for the cops.
For me, it seems like most stuff is in the South Bay (I'm in Southern Marin). Had lunch with Vytas and a few others yesterday, but it required a 75 minute drive each way -- and along the dreaded 880 to boot.

We'll try to but a Marin drive together for August, but I understand those who will balk at driving from far away.
Lazy and inactive ~ speak for yourself....haha :wink:

I'm active on 15 car forums and frequently attend the Friday night car meets in Milpitas with the s2ki guys....(time permitting of course)

I think most nsxprime guys are a bit "older" thus just have more commitments, family, etc.

For me, I don't like to waste gas nor put added miles on my baby unless it's a special occasion or the need arises. I do take trips up Hwy 9 to Alice, Santa Cruz, Big Sur, with my girl but each trip is planned as I never let the car out of my sight if possible.

Lazy and inactive ~ speak for yourself....haha :wink:

I'm active on 15 car forums and frequently attend the Friday night car meets in Milpitas with the s2ki guys....(time permitting of course)

I think most nsxprime guys are a bit "older" thus just have more commitments, family, etc.

For me, I don't like to waste gas nor put added miles on my baby unless it's a special occasion or the need arises. I do take trips up Hwy 9 to Alice, Santa Cruz, Big Sur, with my girl but each trip is planned as I never let the car out of my sight if possible." end of quote

Funny, I thought it was the younger guys who had all the commitments. Like having delicate women who hate cars and NSXs in particular, or having to work Saturdays [ or Sundays], not being able to endure any NSX gathering lasting more than a couple hours and finally, doing an overnighter or sharing an event with another car club. NOT!
Being a member of three other active car clubs I've observed the NSX owners just don't have what it takes to do the things that need to be done to have even a remote possibility to thrive. Come to think of it, most of the old guys ain't got it either! There is somthing to do with Zs and vettes almost every single weekend. Sadly, my NSX just sits there! What a waste of money and what a waste of owning a great car!

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I say we get something big going before summer ends. I'm up for a drive out to the bay to meet up with everyone if we can get a big gathering going. A cruise and some quick lunch would be nice. Any suggestions:cool: anyone? my car just sits there also. She can use a lil exercise
I say we get something big going before summer ends. I'm up for a drive out to the bay to meet up with everyone if we can get a big gathering going. A cruise and some quick lunch would be nice. Any suggestions:cool: anyone? my car just sits there also. She can use a lil exercise

The S2K group did a drive out to Big Sur a month back. They had lunch at this nice restaurant with tremendous scenery. PLenty of parking spaces. A great time was had by all. They are a younger group but they enjoy driving their cars.

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Jack: I think you are right actually I was thinking from a different point of view but in reality I think you are right. Older guys usually spend more time with the car meet but I think the NSX guys are not young, but not old enough either since we have so many events and other commitments. I love to hang out but always something is popping up.

The s2ki guys are younger in demographics and have a really good core group who organizes events and does a great job promoting.

I know there is this big Acura event coming up but it's all the way out in Fresno so not sure if anyone would attend. It's sponsored by Acurazine which actually has an NSX section. I know a few Prime members post there but none locally.

I've observed the NSX owners just don't have what it takes to do the things that need to be done to have even a remote possibility to thrive.

What a waste of money and what a waste of owning a great car!


I hear you Jack......and am in complete agreement with you.

Like you, I've organized a few events in the past and participated in several others. I won't do it anymore.

I laugh every time I read someone asking for "someone" to organize a gathering or activity. No one ever wants to take on the onus. Leave it to someone else...I just want to show up.... well.... and have others look at my car and me theirs nothing more than that.

It's sad to see the need for that events coordinator no longer exists. Since so few know how to put one together nowadays.

That position was so useful in the past....just a shame...
The s2ki guys are younger in demographics and have a really good core group who organizes events and does a great job promoting.

Could it be simply that there are more s2000's in this world. Hence more of the masses they can market activities towards.

I tried to organize a local chapter last year and said from day one this club belonged to everyone that wanted it. The participation dropped off horribly. No one wants to take the onus on. I guess no one wants a car club about NSX's around these parts.

Rick any suggestions for an exclusive local NSX event. Care to organize it? I don't mean a meet, car show or BBQ.