which year NSX is best, in your opinion?

'91 or '92... then they started adding crap.
'91 or '92... then they started adding crap.

Like what? Power steering?

If you compare apples to apples, coupe to coupe, I cant imagine how anyone can say that the 91-92 would be preferable to the later models if they're being unbiased.

The NA2 has a bigger engine, better brakes, better headers a better transmission and the benefit of additional years to work out minor bugs.
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the one you have.they're all great,and not all that different.
The NA2 is absolutely faster. You can feel it SOTP and it was proven out in magazine tests. An NA2 coupe, rare of course, is *significantly* faster. NA1s tested from 5.1-5.4 0-60 at the time. NA2s tested from 4.8-5.0. NA2 coupes got as low as 4.7 0-60 when they were tested. The stock NA2 was Corvette C5 territory performance wise and felt it. This was the direct move I made. The NA1 was definitely not Corvette C5 territory and you could feel it. I test drove them before I realized I'd need to go NA2 to preserve the level of performance I wanted and was used to from the C5.

Actually NA2 coupes got as low as 4.5 and 12.9 1/4

This may not matter to some, but the difference really is not minor although it is often made out to be on the forums. At the time it was enough to keep the NSX from being just utterly obliterated by the F355. In the NSX vs F348 battles the NSX was coming out on top consistently. The F355 was a massive improvement. The NA2 allowed the NSX to at least put up respectable numbers, although the tables clearly turned and the nod started going consistently to Ferrari.

Another thing people don't realize is the NA2 NSX was a few tenths behind the the F360 which was clocking in the mid fours but for pretty much double the price. If they'd imported the real Type S ( they were lighter than the Zanardis ) we'd have even faster

From the Ferrari 360 wiki

The Ferrari 360 is a mid-engine midsize two-seater sports car produced from late 1999 until 2005. The 360 replaced the Ferrari F355 and was itself replaced by the fairly similar Ferrari F430. For the 360, Ferrari partnered with Alcoa to produce an entirely new all-aluminum space-frame chassis that was 40% stiffer than the F355, yet 28% lighter despite a 10% increase in overall dimensions. Along with the new frame was a new Pininfarina body styling that broke ranks with the last decade's sharp angles and flip-up headlights, replacing them with a rounded appearance that harkened to the 1960s. The new V8 engine, common to all versions, was only slightly larger and more powerful than the F355's at 3.6 litres and 400 bhp (300 kW) of power, but the lighter frame and added stiffness improved performance; the 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) acceleration performance improved from 4.6 to 4.4 seconds.

Plus the NA2 had as mentioned better ( lighter , stronger ) aluminum , bigger brakes , six speed plus and larger wheels. If you can live with the flip up headlights the Zanardi is the best NSX you can get.
2005, then 2000, then 1994.

Oh wait...those are the years of NSXs I have owned.

What a coincidence!

Cast Iron Sleeves>FRM
OBDI>OBDII (except for FIC)
I would probably do an 01. It has the better engine, 6 speed, can get it in blue, and still has the pop up lights. The problem is this is just "cool" stuff I like. With this car its in the eyes of the beholder whats the best one.
I would probably do an 01. It has the better engine, 6 speed, can get it in blue, and still has the pop up lights. The problem is this is just "cool" stuff I like. With this car its in the eyes of the beholder whats the best one.

+1 ......... Did just that. Last year I upgraded from a '96 to an '01 because it was an NA2 and the last year with the pop-up lights, which I prefer.
'91 or '92... then they started adding crap.

I like the hideaway lights best so its 1991-2001
Don't like the extra money for a 3.0 v 3.2
Extra HP is nice but not necessary, tall 2nd is okay
Targa is a must, love the air breeze
1995 or 1996...........go for it
It's funny how these threads always pop up and we all just can't resist chiming in again! :)
thanx folks, i've been leaning towards a '91. it's not in the snap ring range, and all the necessaries have already been taken care of. i know they're light and stiff.

i'd love a Zanardi (who wouldn't?!), but can't recall the last time i saw one of those for sale. i'd also love an '05 car, i actually prefer the look of them, but they're slightly out of my price range.

i was also considering a '95 or '96 model NSX-T. just wondering if the driving experience was greatly diminished with the lift out roof? that was actually what i most wanted to know. thanx for your answers and opinions...

So you started a thread asking for the best year and you received some very logical responses in the first 5 posts. Then you disregarded everyone's 2 cents and somehow settled on a 91. Why didn't you just ask "which year NSX is cheapest"? The answer is a 91, followed by a 92, then 93 etc.
So you started a thread asking for the best year and you received some very logical responses in the first 5 posts. Then you disregarded everyone's 2 cents and somehow settled on a 91. Why didn't you just ask "which year NSX is cheapest"? The answer is a 91, followed by a 92, then 93 etc.
Easy, man! So he sincerely asked everyone's input and concluded that a 1991
would fit his needs the best. So what is wrong with a 1991? In my book, the 1991 hands down was the best supercar produced that year beating the Porsche 911, Espirit, ZR-1, 348 in overall rating by Car and Driver. The NSX was surely not as quick as the 1991 ZR-1 but simply beat it as a whole package. Just because he chose a 1991 does not mean he disregarded anything. In fact it showed that he probably took notes and smartly avoided the heavier, slower, and limber NSX-T. All NSXs are great cars led by the oldest 1991. He made a great choice.
Easy, man! So he sincerely asked everyone's input and concluded that a 1991
would fit his needs the best. So what is wrong with a 1991? In my book, the 1991 hands down was the best supercar produced that year beating the Porsche 911, Espirit, ZR-1, 348 in overall rating by Car and Driver. The NSX was surely not as quick as the 1991 ZR-1 but simply beat it as a whole package. Just because he chose a 1991 does not mean he disregarded anything. In fact it showed that he probably took notes and smartly avoided the heavier, slower, and limber NSX-T. All NSXs are great cars led by the oldest 1991. He made a great choice.

Ha, I knew I would get heat from the 1991 defenders club. Where did I say that the 1991 was not a great year? I also believe a 1991 is the right choice for the OP. However, he concluded after 5 posts that 1991 was his pick and newer models were out of his price range. Did you guys notice that none of those first 5 posts put in a vote for the 91? For a topic that comes up once a week you guys sure give a lot of leeway. Where are the search police when you need them?

And yes, my NSX-T is very heavy and slow compared to your rocketship. :wink:
2005 because it's the last year and the newer look.

Then any NA2 because of the bigger engine and the 6 speed, these do make a noticeable difference after driven both NA1 and NA2.
Isn't an 01 coupe better than a 91 in every way? And if you really want to get nit picky, isn't a Zanardi even better still?

Sure, I do believe the 2001 coupe is better than a 1991 because I wanted the power steering and 6 speed. I even think the 2001 coupe is better than the Zanardi but others will disagree. The word "led" did not mean the 1991 being the best but just a chronologic "lead'. For the OP's purpose and budget, a 1991 might just be the perfect choice. I believe the NA2 coupe is not within his budget.
I have had almost all mechanical/structural variations of manual NSXs. My first one was a 1992 5 speed coupe which left a very bitter taste due to a failed snapring. My second one was a 1997 NSX-T which was very fast but it lacks the rigidity of what I feel a quality product. I then bought a 1994 NSX and shortly later sold the 1997 T. I love the handling and rigidity of the coupe but missed the power steering of the T. I finally bought the 2001 coupe which I think is the ultimate NSX. It has the reinforcements of the T on top of being a coupe. It has the power, 6 speed, and most importantly, to me, the power steering. I love both my 1994 and 2001 coupes but I decided to let go of the 1994 due to running out of garage spaces. I regret selling the 1994 coupe which I drove almost daily. I rarely drive the 2001 coupe which has only 12k miles in fear of something happening to it. I now drive my 928 as a DD but that car really gives me a lot of headaches.
I would rather drive the 94 coupe which was truly a trouble-free supercar.
If I were the OP, I probably would choose the 1991 too.
thanx again guys for all of your input. i do appreciate your responses. obviously they're all fantastic cars, hence why there's a forum for them with no end of subscribers.

the last several replies may have answered my questions best, and thanx for the defense also fellas.

if i may, i have not yet "settled" on any year or model NSX. i believe i said i was "leaning towards" a very well kept '91 model, which had a lot to do with the state and history of the car, not the price. it also seems from some of the posts i've read on this site that there's a certain amount of prestige to go along with the '91's, as they were the first of the breed. seems logical the last models would be the best performing from an evolutionary standpoint. i guess if we were all looking for the latest and fastest car on the planet we'd be on the Bugatti forum? personally, i've just always loved NSXs from '91 until now and was interested in what you boys thought of them through the years. a Zanardi would be absolute tops in my book, as he was also my favourite of all Indy car drivers. but i haven't seen one for sale in quite some time. i'm still checking out several, but am now much more educated. thanx heaps again for the thoughts and opinions...
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