When do you abandon the NSX?? Help me decide, please....may sell it.

1 May 2001
Point of No Return
Okay...I never thought I would be typing this email, but I have really been considering selling the NSX and moving on to something else, but I feel very torn about the decision. Here is where I am at.

I have been adding parts to the NSX trying to add to the enjoyment of driving it because for some odd reason I just have not been feeling as excited lately about driving it. I still enjoy it but I fear that the electricity is fading after almost 10 years of NSX ownership. When I drive cars like the Ferrari F355 or F360 I feel like I just got hit with an adrenaline shot. The cars are like rolling art sculptures, and the sound is out of this world. Trying to get that excitement I even added a Taitec exhaust and a Cantrell intake, but it is not working to restart my enthusiasm. Not working.

Heck, even cars like the Porsche 993 Twin Turbo have me excited!! The speed and drivability of the cars and the more hulking looks they have seem to smile and say, 'Okay....lets go kick some serious a$$'. I really do not know why this is happening but it is bothering me since I still feel the NSX is the best car I have ever owned. Can anyone help me? Who else has been in a spot like this, and what did you do? :(
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Here's you problem Mitch, you've become complacent with owning the NSX. Why? Well you drive it so much that it's no longer a novel item to you. Furthermore, you have two NSX's so you have no diversity. I don't have the right answer for you, but I found that when I was in the same position as you, I delegated my NSX for weekend use only and bought a daily driver. Suffice to say, I'm on my third daily driver in four years and my NSX sits happily waiting in my garage for the weekends.

Good luck buddy.
I totally agree with DocL. You drive the cars so often that they are no longer special to you. I suspect the same thing would happen with the Ferrari or Porsche. -- faster with the porsche though.

There is only one reason I can think of to sell a NSX -- and unfortunetly I found it.
You are having a marital problem with your NSX.Go for a Ferrari and when it breaks down on you, or when you get your bill for an oil change, then you will appreciate and go back to the NSX.
10 years IS a long time with any car. You have the right to move on if you feel like it. Life is to be experienced. To me, that includes driving different cars. I have only been an owner 3 years and I don't drive it that often so I am fine at the moment. When I decided on the NSX, I was on a search for "my last great sports car" - which it may well be.

But you are much younger and have the right to try different cars.
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Buy a Ford Probe GT for your daily driver and you'll appreciate the NSX more. :tongue:

Or if ya got the money, get a Ferrari and enjoy something diff for a while. :smile:
The way you wrote it, sounds like you are ready to move on. If you still like hardcore cars with personality. Go check out the 911 GT3.
NetViper said:
I totally agree with DocL. You drive the cars so often that they are no longer special to you. I suspect the same thing would happen with the Ferrari or Porsche. -- faster with the porsche though.

There is only one reason I can think of to sell a NSX -- and unfortunetly I found it.

What was your reason to sell?
Silver F16 said:
The way you wrote it, sounds like you are ready to move on. If you still like hardcore cars with personality. Go check out the 911 GT3.

Oddly enough, that is also on my list of possible cars. It is a raw sports car and I like that. Edgy, fast, and simple. Low on extra useless crap like GPS and the electric nanny devices. Kind of what a sports car should be.
OLDE GUY said:
10 years IS a long time with any car. You have the right to move on if you feel like it. Life is to be experienced. To me, that includes driving different cars. I have only been an owner 3 years and I don't drive it that often so I am fine at the moment. When I decided on the NSX, I was on my search for "my last great sports car" - which it may well be.

But you are much younger and have the right to try different cars.

The NSX is pretty much all I have ever known. I got exposed to it in high school when I started driving them and have had them ever since. I was talking to some friends recently and said I do not remember the world of driving before the NSX.
Aero said:
Buy a Ford Probe GT for your daily driver and you'll appreciate the NSX more. :tongue:

Or if ya got the money, get a Ferrari and enjoy something diff for a while. :smile:

To get the F355 would not be very hard, just sell off my NSX's and that would be about all I needed to do. I am slightly concerned about the ability of the car to not fall apart or leave me stranded when I take a long 2,000 mile trip for no reason at all.
why don't you just keep the nsx and buy another car to add? If you have two then sell one of them. What's so hard about that? If you want to hear a bad ass motor then you need to look at the 3.8L stroker motor from Jon Martin.

There are a lot of NSX owners who own other cars such as Ferraris, Porsche and various other cars. However most of them are closet owners, meaning that if they are on here they are not going to mention they own a Ferrari due to guys here not liking them and vice versa on the F-chat forum. Good luck on whatever you decide but as for me I will keep my nsx when I start looking for my F-car.

Or like Drew says you can find another hobby and get into kart racing or sponsor a kid.
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911 reliability is better than italian machines. It is a worthy consideration

The GT3 is done in the same spirit as the Type R NSX. With a lot more power of course, probably better handling, at about the same weight and just a tad more $$.
The problem with the F cars is that they have love/hate name recognition and cause problems dealing with friends and business contacts.

Having one for special events is fine...daily driving is a No-No just for the social costs. (BTW: Having a daily driver P car just says "idiot" out here in California. It may be different in your part of the world, but P Car is just the snobby version of a Corvette out here.)

So what happens is that you end up rarely driving the F car and it does not get used. You end up driving it alone because the girlfriend/Wife/SO get tired of the bumpy ride, unwanted attention and poor reliability. Which is another reason why you see so many low mileage F cars: the social cost is *much* higher than the financial cost.

At least with the Acura you can just say "its an Acura" or as you are doing make it a "Honda". I find that the Honda badges take a lot of the snob factor out and you can enjoy the car in peace.

A buddy of mine has several hundred thousand in a contemporary car collection (extremely nice stuff!): he drives his Mini 99.8% of the time around because it is "fun" and he can drive around without issue.

Nothing wrong with driving a car for 20 years. There are other experiences to be had rather than move a notch up on a car.

You can spend you time, money and intellect on something else, knowing that your car experience is set for life. Figure out how to save the polar bears, use alternative fuels and take trips to interesting places to help solve issues. You would not believe the sense of accomplishment you get from sponsoring a school so extremely poor kids can learn English and figure out make their own country a better place; rather than causing "brain drain" and fleeing to the EU/US.

/polar bears are in trouble!
I think it is common to lose excitement about any cars as time passes. We work hard for our money and life is just too short. Do what makes you happy & enjoy life to the fullness.

However, keep dumping money into the 'old love' is only an expensive short term solution.

just my 2 cents. :wink:
If that is how you feel, get rid of the nsx and satisfy your thirst. You only live once and life is full of choices. do it!!! do it!! you can do it!! :D
drew said:
The problem with the F cars is that they have love/hate name recognition and cause problems dealing with friends and business contacts.

Having one for special events is fine...daily driving is a No-No just for the social costs. (BTW: Having a daily driver P car just says "idiot" out here in California. It may be different in your part of the world, but P Car is just the snobby version of a Corvette out here.)

So what happens is that you end up rarely driving the F car and it does not get used. You end up driving it alone because the girlfriend/Wife/SO get tired of the bumpy ride, unwanted attention and poor reliability. Which is another reason why you see so many low mileage F cars: the social cost is *much* higher than the financial cost.

At least with the Acura you can just say "its an Acura" or as you are doing make it a "Honda". I find that the Honda badges take a lot of the snob factor out and you can enjoy the car in peace.

A buddy of mine has several hundred thousand in a contemporary car collection (extremely nice stuff!): he drives his Mini 99.8% of the time around because it is "fun" and he can drive around without issue.

Nothing wrong with driving a car for 20 years. There are other experiences to be had rather than move a notch up on a car.

You can spend you time, money and intellect on something else, knowing that your car experience is set for life. Figure out how to save the polar bears, use alternative fuels and take trips to interesting places to help solve issues. You would not believe the sense of accomplishment you get from sponsoring a school so extremely poor kids can learn English and figure out make their own country a better place; rather than causing "brain drain" and fleeing to the EU/US.

/polar bears are in trouble!

Your points are well stated. Luckily for me, I rarely care what people think of my cars in a social setting. I just never really gave a hoot about it. Luckily for my job my customers never see my car, so I do not have to worry about that. As far as friends and people I meet, if they are so closed minded to have an issue with me because of my car, I do not need to know them anyway. My wife is a car nut, so she thinks buying a GT3 or F355 is a great idea, but agrees that driving an F355 everyday is a bad idea. I already give to various charities, so I have that covered. Pretty much I want something that when I want to escape I can go to my car and make that happen. Kind of like the NSX through my first decade of ownership. :(
PoohBEAR said:
If that is how you feel, get rid of the nsx and satisfy your thirst. You only live once and life is full of choices. do it!!! do it!! you can do it!! :D

Hehe....thanks. I just have never been one to sell my cars. I still have about 95% of the cars I have owned in my life, eventhough some rarely ever get driven. I dunno. I may just store the NSX for a while and then get something else.
You should talk to some seasoned owners of F cars, not the NSX folks.

The is a *reason* the cars just don't get driven... There is no shortage of them where I live, they just sit in the garages. (Especially the F355's!)

Even "Flamemobile" Doug Hayashi doesn't drive his F355 anymore: too much of a PITA, unreliable and the social issues. He drives an S2000 and likes it better overall.


The F355 is a justified excuse for a Ferrari when compared to a F360 or F430. While the price entry is higher, it it like comparing a NSX to a Corvette. The 360/430 is so much better built, much lower maintenance costs and drive-ability.

I do not recommend an F355 for the price difference to a F360. What is an F355 $70K now?? You will match the cost in maintenance in < 30K miles compared to a F360. If you are going to do it: do it right or you will just wish you purchased a 360/430 regardless.

The other really neat thing about Ferrari's is that if you service them outside of the dealer network, they are black balled from consignment and (I believe) trade-in allowance. The $1200 oil change is not so bad, but the $9 charge for topping off evaporated windshield wiper fluid was the comical part.

I say DO IT too! If you have the money, then just get it. It sounds like you'll be happy with a new change in car... You only live once...and why not own a Ferarri or a nice GT3?

Show us a pictures of your new car soon okay....
ol' bag of trickz...

Meeyatch1/Mitch, I think you have the resources/know-how to manage a pre-owned F-car (ie. 355 F1, 360 Modena, etc') through your past and current contacts. Since you are not just an enthusiast, but also a practical person... you'll actually drive the car as well as do justice to it's maint'/service & upkeep. From all or most of the individuals I have known to have F-cars and drove them moderately and regularly, very few had issues outside the quasi' Italian-motorcar bugs (ie. electric/fitment-finish). Mechanically & technically, they never experienced the nightmares often heard.

However, before you make such a decision... you need to sit down w/ a notepad & pen: list on one side what you want & list on the other side what mod'/part for the NSX can fullfill that...

Intoxicating Sound.........GT-One F1 Exhaust + Aftermarket-headers/Exhaust-manifolds + Dali AI/F
Litheful Handling/Feel..........Comptech-Pro Suspension + Track Swaybars + NSX-R chassis-bars + Ultra High-performance -or- R-Compound Tires
Solid/Enhanced Brake Feel........(F) & (R) BBK + Ceramic/Composite Pads + SS-Lines + Premium Fluid
Butt-Dyno........NSX-R NA1 C30A ECU-Chip + Ultra-lightweight Flywheel + WEIGHT REDUCTION + JDM Short-gears & R-&-P
Aesthetics........'02-'05 OEM Rear Valance + DF CF License Plate Holder + '02 NSX-R CF Rear Valance DIFFUSER + CF RWG + CF-Lexane Engine Cover + NSX-R Hood OR '02-'05 Update!

You just have to identify what the NSX is in your own realm. For myself if I didn't have a NSX, I'd have one of the following: Lexus SC300/SC400, Porsche 996 911 Carrera_S, BMW 850i, Aston Martin DB7... so the NSX is subjectively the over-achiever for my needs in such a niche`. But the point is, I have an appetite for something that I can digest. If I ever hunger for something beyond, I will have to be able to deal w/ the compromises w/o reproach!
DocL said:
I don't have the right answer for you, but I found that when I was in the same position as you, I delegated my NSX for weekend use only and bought a daily driver. Suffice to say, I'm on my third daily driver in four years and my NSX sits happily waiting in my garage for the weekends.

Good luck buddy.

That is exactly what I did. I only use it on weekends or so and I enjoy it that much more when I do.
I like driving it but really think it would get 'old' after doing so day in and day out.