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Whats Up With Dali Racing???

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pimp42 said:

I welcome YOUR difference of opinion. I welcome YOUR insight.
BUT - you completely misrepresented my comment. Thanks, but next time - I'll speak for myself. Your assistance is not necessary.

I don't think he was talking to you personally pimp42. He simply means when there are threads like this where people are having problems, there are always those that say "i have never had an issue... he was great... etc...etc..".. Well, that doesn't really help anyone. The fact is we have a bunch of people on this thread that are having problems.

If you get your products, great... that is how it is supposed to work. It is the MANY people that don't seem to get them that cause worry.

I haven't ordered anything from Dali personally so I have no personal experience with this issue. I met mark at NSXPO 2002 and he seemed like a great guy. It just troubles me that there are so many people that are not having a good experience.

My thought again is to get a person that lives by mark that can physically pick things up and pay him.. We pay that person a small fee to do it... Solves everyones problem. Costs more though :( and it really should not be neccessary.
Pimp42, thank you for your input. I am glad your product was sent to you, however can you help us out and not support a vendor that screws your fellow forum members.

I am sure you would not do business with any company that would take advantage of your family as we have been taken advantage of.

I would ask you and others to think about shopping your business elsewhere the next time you need a part for the X.

Thank you for your help everyone.
It just troubles me that there are so many people that are not having a good experience.


Without some serious change in his selling tactics (e.g. resolution to the huge list of issues here and elsewhere), it'd be tough for me to continue giving him business. I'm not willing to run the risk of paying money for things I will never get.

Well, that doesn't really help anyone. The fact is we have a bunch of people on this thread that are having problems.

I disagree. There are two sides to every story. It certainly doesn't help you or anyone else get their parts, but in some respect, I think it signifies "hope." Yeah, yeah. Blah, blah. You can't put "hope" in the bank (or on your car, for that matter). I think that you've got to believe that there's gonna be some sort of resolution here. You know - goodwill towards men, and all that sh*t? I have to admit though, I'm certainly in the minority here...

Now'd be a great time for Mark to jump in and do a little relationship marketing...

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Please come and explain Mark

The thread that I started "Fraud!" was emailed to Mark directly and I sent him a PM. I asked him to come forward and defend himself and that was several days ago. I imagine he has read it but he might out of town on his other part time job.

I encourage him to come forward and explain.
Re: Please come and explain Mark

Dash Rip Rock said:
The thread that I started "Fraud!" was emailed to Mark directly and I sent him a PM. I asked him to come forward and defend himself and that was several days ago. I imagine he has read it but he might out of town on his other part time job.

I encourage him to come forward and explain.

You can track you PM's using the Message Tracker.

Has he read it?
I did not realize there was a tracking feature. The private message he has not read yet, however I did send the exact same message to his personal email as well. I am not sure if he knows my user name, if he does he would probably never read it.
Here is a thought.........how about we put up a web page with some head stones on it, for each member that feals he/she has been riped off by Dali. :eek:
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Love your idea, I asked a firend a week ago if he would host a web page for me. He is not the fastest moving person but he will eventually do it.

Let me know what you want your head stone to say.
And I have heard of people inferring that they will call the authorities. Two questions.....have you and if so what is the outcome?

Well, where are these folks?
prova4re said:

Just make sure that if you do- keep it honest. Half of those headstones are either outright lies, engines used for testing to the limit and expected to die, or had years of someone elses forced induction in place before a much more powerfull unit (BBSC)
was installed.

What a joke, except for the financial losses of the poor trusting customers out their money.

NSXTech said:
Half of those headstones are either outright lies, engines used for testing to the limit and expected to die, or had years of someone elses forced induction in place before a much more powerfull unit (BBSC)
was installed.
And, just to be fair... one of them has not been torn down as yet. While symptoms and leak-down results match others who had a failure related to a BBSC problem, this one has yet to be verified.

edit: Just to be clear, I'm not siding either way with the MJ v MB stuff. That's their business. And while I appreciate the conversations (well, with MJ make that e-mails ;)) that I have had with both, I would rather any "public" statements attributed to me be born of fact(s).
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Honestly I wouldn't go there. I don't think mud slinging looks good for either side. While I think you have a right to stick up for yourself and tell you side of the story, I think it just perpetuates the mud slinging.

Reputations are built on a track record of service not just one event. Be it negative or positive one event will not effect that track record.
It seems like most of the complaints deal with parts that Mark doesn't have in stock and is having trouble getting. Why he doesn't communicate this better to his customers is beyond me and I'm certainly not defending such behavior. Obviously, from all the negative comments here, there is a problem with Dali that I hope Mark will work to address.

However I will say I have personally had nothing but good experences dealing with Mark. He has responded quickly (often within minutes) to every e-mail I've sent him. He has never lied and told me something was "in stock" when it actually wasn't. And he has always done something no other vendor has EVER done for me: Shippment of items before even receiving payment.

The first time I had ever ordered from him, I was shocked to receive my GruppeM intake before even sending him my payment! That was an $800 item. I was astonished that a vendor would be so trusting with a new customer.

Then I ordered a set of sway bars about a year later. They arrived quickly, again before I had even gotten around to send him a check. When I had concerns about the effect the sway bars had on handling, Mark even took the time to read and respond to my many lengthy e-mails and questions.

Most recently, I ordered a '91 keyless entry from him. Even though I suspecified COD, he just sent it anyway (non-COD). Again I received the item before even sending him the check!

Basically, I use the same rule with Dali that I would with most other vendors: I always contact them first to inquire if the item is "in stock". If it's not, I usually will not order the item. I have simply had too many bad experiences dealling waiting for out-of-stock items to come in at various companies over the years. Many of them will string you on for months and often become very unwilling to release your money.
BB, I realize Mark does not treat all his customers with the same level of disrespect as I have experienced, however for every story you have about Mark being a great guy there are others that have the exact opposit experience. Many stories are not about parts that are not in stock. That is a poor explanation and bad way to minize their frustration.

Let me put it in a different light. Would you take your car to a garage who improperly installed your buddies supercharger and he blew up his engine because of it. Maybe this garage has a 85% success ratio of instauling superchargers. Do you focus on the 85% success ratio or the 15% failure ratio?
i paid for koni adjustables in june and i was told they were in stock.i have sent mark numerous emails enquiring about them,never once being rude or impolite,and i recieved NO response off him at all.
at the end of the day he has been paid for these goods,so dont you think that he should show a little bit of decency and respond to those people who are at the end of the day putting money in his pocket.

The month June may have been a bad month for Dali, that seems to be the same month I ordered my mats. Maybe Mark was a bit cash strapped and couldn't afford to send the products. Hope you are doing better Mark and don't need anymore online donations.
KGP said:
Which of the 35+ posts are you referring to?

I was referring to MB post. I think Mark has every right to defend himself, but going back and fourth on this forum has never seamed to accomplish much but rustle a few feather and make both parties look bad. I think there may be more constructive ways to go about it. Possibly disclosing what engines have failed and for what reasons on his own site. Most people on this forum know of at least one motor that has needed rebuilt. What a lot don't know is why and what type of service they received. The not knowing IMO is what causes doubt. Let the customers themselves decide what to believe but give them enough information to make an informed decision. You will never be able to please everyone. So thinking someone should have a 100% satisfaction rate isn't even conceivable IMO. (my last statement had nothing to do with what the original topic is about).
nsxxtreme said:
I was referring to MB post.
OK, I totaly agree. Also agree 100% with the rest of your above post.
So thinking someone should have a 100% satisfaction rate isn't even conceivable IMO. (my last statement had nothing to do with what the original topic is about).

No company will ever have a 100% success rate, however a consumer can expect a supplier to have a 100% "sent product" rate. This is not nearly as difficult to accomplish. Many of the people upset here are not upset because the product did not go the same week or the same month but because after 3+ months nothing has been sent.

To me sending what you were paid for is different than trying to please every persons demand of what a supplier should be.
I, too, have successfully ordered from Mark (once)...so I cannot speculate whether or not he's the devil incarnate as some would imply.

The curious thing to me, however, is...why doesn't a guy who obviously frequents this board (300+ posts) jump in to defend himself during these discussions?

I think it's beyond "no time"/"mercurial personality"/"just a hobby" and perhaps more in the "little weird" category. I think when most people are dissed unfairly the natural inclination is to set the record straight. No?

I still have hope that there is a logical explanation for all of this, but the longer it goes, the more it is looking like a duck. Mark was very responsive to me when I orderd a snap ring kit from him in November 02. He has a lot of great products at decent prices as well, so I hope this gets worked out soon.

On another note, Dali claims to make "0 profit" for any of their products and that it is just for fun. I can't imagine the amount of work that went behind all of these products and the website. That doesn't sound like fun to me, so I can't believe there isn't anything in it for them.
This drives me crazy cuz I have never ordered from Dali and now I likely never will. :confused:
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