Whats the funniest thing anyone's said about your car?

Reading some of these stories reminds me of sometimes what a pain in the butt it is sometimes to just go out and enjoy these cars for what they are and not have to field a dozen questions or semi-ignorant comments. That's one thing I'll miss about my old S2K.
Yeah, I know it's a cliche here on Prime, but it's still funny.

Today I filled up. While at the pumps a store clerk came outside and wanted to know "Is that the new . . . . "

Wait for it . . . .

". . . . Corvette?"

Um, no, it's a 1991 Acura. Still funny.
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I don't get stupid questions or comments... but I do a lot of people coming over to admire!
After a little over a month ownership on my 04, I have been told,

"Is that a corvette?" -- I get this A LOT
"Is that the new 2016 model?" -- seriously?
"Looks similar to a ferrari" -- OK maybe at first glance but see the Acura badge?

Then the ones that really know:
"Oh man haven't seen one of these in a long time" or similar.

Definately makes for a fun cruise around car when you get the normal or funny comments likes this.
I had a guy in a pickup pull up next to me at a light last weekend and yell "big f-ing deal you have a Lamborghini". I reinforced his thinking when the twins kicked in after the light changed. Ferrari or Corvette I can sort of see. But, Lambo, it doesn't even look close....idiot.
I took mine to get the state inspection (in Texas). I was watching the tech as he was going over the car. He first opens the hood, looks at it, then closes it. He then goes to open the trunk, opens it, the closes it. He goes back to the cabin and hits the release for the glass hatch. He opens it, then lifts up the engine cover and goes "Ohhh... Thats where it is!" Gave me a little chuckle. :)
Some jack ass the other day told me I had one bad ass civic. It has Honda badges but damn....
A guy pulled up to me last week while I was waiting to turn, rolled his window down, gave me a thumbs up and yelled "NO FUCKIN WAY, MAN!" and then sped away.
A guy lastnight drove by me looking and said "heck ya man!" and then almost hit the car in front of him about to turn right. Ha
Some jack ass the other day told me I had one bad ass civic. It has Honda badges but damn....

I had a guy in a Porsche 911 say nice civic. To which I replied nice beetle.
I saw that comment on Top Gear and it was the perfect time to use it.
So... This past weekend we had the Mid East Meet in Raleigh NC. The last night about 10 of us decided to go down the street with all the bars and clubs on our way back to the hotel. Most of the yelling was OOHHHH what are those?! I am sure there were a few vette comments. Most people just loved it and smiled and took pictures. The very last bar on the road was the one that stuck out to me. This rather large woman with a THICK "redneck" accent screams out "I HATE CARS WITH TWO DOORS....... HOW ARE SUPPOSED TO TAKE YER KIDS TO THA ZOO." I should have replied asking how she got OUT of the zoo! I suppose the concept of someone owning multiple running vehicles never crossed her mind.

I was on my way home one evening when an accident literally shut down the freeway. So I rolled my window down to bide my time. In the lane next to me were a group of six seemingly college-age kids piled into a Subaru from the early 90s. Quickly a debate arose as to what kind of car was next to them. I was positioned just right that no one could see the badging and traffic literally was not moving for at least 30 minutes. I enjoyed hearing them banter back and forth from "its a Ferrari" to "it's a Lambo" and even an occasional "no, its a Lotus or a Corvette". Then as traffic began to move and I pulled forward I heard the girl in the back yell, "HOLY S&%T, ITS A F&%#ING ACURA!"
I was on my way home one evening when an accident literally shut down the freeway. So I rolled my window down to bide my time. In the lane next to me were a group of six seemingly college-age kids piled into a Subaru from the early 90s. Quickly a debate arose as to what kind of car was next to them. I was positioned just right that no one could see the badging and traffic literally was not moving for at least 30 minutes. I enjoyed hearing them banter back and forth from "its a Ferrari" to "it's a Lambo" and even an occasional "no, its a Lotus or a Corvette". Then as traffic began to move and I pulled forward I heard the girl in the back yell, "HOLY S&%T, ITS A F&%#ING ACURA!"

That's my nickname for my car, lol.

lol well take a pit stop at walmart and you may b as lucky to have someone call urs by its nickname
Haven't hardly had in a month and a fella at a show was asking me "Is this a real one, or a kit one??"
I asked him what he meant by a 'kit one', and he explained to me "Yea! For like $4k you can get a full kit to turn a Civic into one, motor placement in the back, body panels, and all that."
Oh.. well.. nope, I guess this isn't one of those.
Gee, I wish I knew I could get a 'fake' one for $4k + a Civic, what a bargain. :redface:

One of my favorites was sitting in my driveway working on it an Accord with some people in it drove past and the driver yelled out the window "woooooo, daaaamn", like he just saw a sexy girl (hope he was hollarin at the car and not me??).
Ah, life is good.
There a very similar thread to this over on FerrarChat. This post was too funny not to share...I'm gonna have to try this. :D

"Last year at a car show, I had my Lamborghini Countach there. Some guy in his 40's comes up with his wife and is just gushing about how it was his dream car and he has always lusted after one and he's never seen a silver one, etc.

He's a bigger guy but I said, "you know, why don't you sit in it? You never know when you'll get another chance." So I watch this guy who was probably 5'10" and 200lbs or so very carefully wedge himself in the drivers seat. Once he was situated I asked him how did it feel, how was the view, etc. Then after he answered, I said, "well you'd better get out now because if the owner comes back and sees you in his car, he's going to be super mad." It was like this guy turned into a performer from cirque du Soleil in half a second because he rotated one seat perfectly and had his legs out, while instantly kicking off a massive sweat.

He was already out of the car when I said that I was only kidding and it really was my car."


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