Whats the funniest thing anyone's said about your car?

About two weeks ago at NSXPO. We were at the "NSX DAY" celebration in Marysville, OH with about 80 of you Primers and this guy comes up to me and asks " are all of these cars the new Corvette". I politely said no they are NSXs and we're here for NSX day. And he replied "Damn I like Corvettes". And he and I proceded to have a somewhat incoherent conversation about the new Corvette.
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I will never undersatnd how people can claim to "like" something but know nothing about it... even if i dislike something its becuase I know something i don't like about it
Last week I went to buy new wipers for the nsx at what is proving to be the worst auto parts store, Pep Boys... When looking up the size wipers, the guy assisting me insisted that he could see the car after learning it was an nsx. Went outside talked about it for a little, went back in got the rainx latitude or wtf ever the most expensive ones were. After putting them on when I got back it was easy to see they didn't work, so I take them back not even a week later to exchange for the Bosch Icons (after reading on here that they work, still at least seem to have same problem visually but hasn't rained to test yet, mayb im retarded?). Anyway, I get the EXACT SAME sales guy who has to see what the problem is before he can exchange. Its clear he hasn't recognized me yet or the car while standing next to it... once inside, looking up the wipers to replace he asks what year my corvette is......
Last week I went to buy new wipers for the nsx at what is proving to be the worst auto parts store, Pep Boys... When looking up the size wipers, the guy assisting me insisted that he could see the car after learning it was an nsx. Went outside talked about it for a little, went back in got the rainx latitude or wtf ever the most expensive ones were. After putting them on when I got back it was easy to see they didn't work, so I take them back not even a week later to exchange for the Bosch Icons (after reading on here that they work, still at least seem to have same problem visually but hasn't rained to test yet, mayb im retarded?). Anyway, I get the EXACT SAME sales guy who has to see what the problem is before he can exchange. Its clear he hasn't recognized me yet or the car while standing next to it... once inside, looking up the wipers to replace he asks what year my corvette is......

while looking up your wipers did he ask you if it was an automatic or manual transmission? :biggrin:
So, today was the first time I've driven the NSX in 2 months. This chick follows me home and starts asking about what I do and if I'm married and do I have kids then starts pitching her business ideas to me for 20 minutes thinking I can help her out. That's when I realized I need to start driving the NSX at night.
So, today was the first time I've driven the NSX in 2 months. This chick follows me home and starts asking about what I do and if I'm married and do I have kids then starts pitching her business ideas to me for 20 minutes thinking I can help her out. That's when I realized I need to start driving the NSX at night.

You forgot the best part...what she hot, cute, etc...???

This post is useless without pictures! :D
So, today was the first time I've driven the NSX in 2 months. This chick follows me home and starts asking about what I do and if I'm married and do I have kids then starts pitching her business ideas to me for 20 minutes thinking I can help her out. That's when I realized I need to start driving the NSX at night.

On a rare opportunity that I actually parked my car somewhere..... HOT.... YOUNG... Chick.... (did I mention Hot and young 22ish).... see's me get out of the car.... she's in little white shorts and yellow Bikini top..."wow.. I just love your car!!!" in the same breath she says "but I bet you hear that all the time"
My quick reply " yes, but it's always nice to hear, thank you" (thought bubble saying "but extra nice coming from a hottie like you!!...but I hold that back so as not to creep her out!!)


On the very first time I ever drove the car... before I even got it home... a guy yelled from the sidewalk in a small town.. "hey.. will you pull over so I can take your picture!!"... my reply "of course I will!!!"..... then I drive around the block... and the same thing happens with another guy!!!.. this is on my very first drive... I think to myself "this is money well spent"
Last night on my way home I was gaining on some tail lights that i thought to myself was some tuner miata as the roof line was very low and I was passing a well known decent size tuner meet on this road, but it happend to be a beautiful example of a Lotus Esprit. As I am passing him I tried to give him a thumbs up and I quickly realize he wouldn't look at me. Tried honking the horn but quickly thought that doing so would imply that i was trying to race him so i end up nicely speeding up and crossing into the lane on the other side of him, before we made it to the light he already had his window down and said to me, "man i thought you were some dodge stealth trying to race me"... guess thats what i get for assuming his was a miata
"man i thought you were some dodge stealth trying to race me"

When I first saw the fixed headlight NSX in 2002, I ALWAYS thought, "Is Dodge / Mitsubishi aware that Honda raided their parts department for headlights?"

Never liked the fixed headlights for this reason...
The fixed headlights on the Lamborghini Diablo come from my 300ZX (90-96)...and that made me like the car even more.

Lamborghini DID use Nissan's 300ZX headlights "off-the-shelf for the Diablo...100% true.
Going through downtown yesterday w/the windows down (it was a beautiful 57 degrees) so I could hear that awesome music from the pride v2/header combo and got the usual head turners/thumb uppers/yellers and noticed one guy jumping to his feet as I went by. After finishing the loop I like to take around the area, I headed back through downtown and hit a light where low and behold the same guy was now standing on the corner on my passenger's side. He said (maybe a little drunk), "That IS a real NSS(XX) man, I thought that was a kit car! I chuckled and thought to myself, did anyone ever make an NSX kit car???
When I first saw the fixed headlight NSX in 2002, I ALWAYS thought, "Is Dodge / Mitsubishi aware that Honda raided their parts department for headlights?"

Never liked the fixed headlights for this reason...

Sorry it's a slow day and I just saw this quote. And your quote is why you'll never get my business.....just kidding. I've bought a few items from you anyway. But that quote could lose you 860 customers. And that's not counting the 02 conversions. That said your service was excellent BTW.

Back to the subject of this thread; Several months ago I was at a light and some old guy on the street corner yells at me "so you drive a Lamborghini! Well La-de-da!". To which I replied F-you very much.
Originally Posted by GBL1
When I first saw the fixed headlight NSX in 2002, I ALWAYS thought, "Is Dodge / Mitsubishi aware that Honda raided their parts department for headlights?"

Never liked the fixed headlights for this reason...

Sorry it's a slow day and I just saw this quote. And your quote is why you'll never get my business.....just kidding. I've bought a few items from you anyway. But that quote could lose you 860 customers. And that's not counting the 02 conversions. That said your service was excellent BTW.

The "raided" comment was intended in jest and should be understood by anyone who has ever seen "The Breakfast Club" movie. Jud Nelson asked the Principal. "Is Barry Manilow aware that you raided his wardrobe closet?"

No, I do not like the fixed headlight NSX look, but everybody has an opinion about which looks best on the car...and I cannot believe that anyone would be so shallow as to get their panties in a wad over my personal opinion that they would refuse to buy Top Speed products...because I differ from their opinion.

ALL the NSXs are great cars, but we are ALL entitled to our personal opinion of which look we like best. ;)
Originally Posted by GBL1
ALL the NSXs are great cars, but we are ALL entitled to our personal opinion of which look we like best. ;)


I have actually had some interesting conversations 3 weekends in a row...

1. My girl and I are sitting outside a Marble Slab eating ice cream where I have parked next to a Dodge Charger. Someone then proceeds to back out of their space across from us and well you know when you just sense something is wrong and going to happen? Well I start to get up to protect my baby and as luck would have it the charger was sticking out more than my car and the guy hits him instead. I could not be more relieved. The Charger guy saw it happen as well and apparently he didn't care or they couldn't notice any damage. Sheesh close one.

1a. About 5 min after that incident. I guy rolls up in a Ferrari Berlinetta with the temporary plates still on and parks in the previous parking spot across from me. While walking proceeds to stop in middle of parking lot and just stares at the NSX for a solid minute as he mumbles to himself. I proceed to walk up and compliment his car and asks if he likes mine and knows what it is. He was grinning and actually new a little bit about the NSX and that he always liked them. I got the feeling he was kicking himself partially for getting just another Ferrari instead of having something unique.

2. At a stereo/alarm place getting a quote for a new alarm and back up camera/rearview mirror, when I hear this crazy loud engine fire up. Turn around and driving up is this absolutely gorgeous blue with white stripes SS Chevelle. He stops and rolls down his window. I tell him how much I love the car and that I love American muscle cars. He responds saying he owned a 91 NSX for several years. Apparently, he had a 911 and then the NSX came out. He promply traded in 911 and paid an insane price to get one of the early 91 NSXs.

3. At home depot and while walking back to car in the farthest space next to a curb and a guy and his girl roll up in a 911 and he parks away from everyone too and starts to walk towards my car. I walk up and say hello and he proceeds to say how much he loves the car and if it is for sale. I politely say no, but proceed to have the usual conversation that he rode in one once and loved it and always wanted one. So I ask him why he just didn't get one instead of the 911? He just stares and mumbles that his girlfriend didn't really like the NSX so he got a 911. I tell him good luck in making his dream happen...but secretly we both know that will never happen...just another guy that buys things to impress other people instead of doing/getting what he really wants.

So what have I learned...Ferrari and 911 guys LOVE our cars and wish they had been more original or smarter about their car purchase. I look forward to next weekend. Ha.

I have actually had some interesting conversations 3 weekends in a row...

1. My girl and I are sitting outside a Marble Slab eating ice cream where I have parked next to a Dodge Charger. Someone then proceeds to back out of their space across from us and well you know when you just sense something is wrong and going to happen? Well I start to get up to protect my baby and as luck would have it the charger was sticking out more than my car and the guy hits him instead. I could not be more relieved. The Charger guy saw it happen as well and apparently he didn't care or they couldn't notice any damage. Sheesh close one.

1a. About 5 min after that incident. I guy rolls up in a Ferrari Berlinetta with the temporary plates still on and parks in the previous parking spot across from me. While walking proceeds to stop in middle of parking lot and just stares at the NSX for a solid minute as he mumbles to himself. I proceed to walk up and compliment his car and asks if he likes mine and knows what it is. He was grinning and actually new a little bit about the NSX and that he always liked them. I got the feeling he was kicking himself partially for getting just another Ferrari instead of having something unique.

2. At a stereo/alarm place getting a quote for a new alarm and back up camera/rearview mirror, when I hear this crazy loud engine fire up. Turn around and driving up is this absolutely gorgeous blue with white stripes SS Chevelle. He stops and rolls down his window. I tell him how much I love the car and that I love American muscle cars. He responds saying he owned a 91 NSX for several years. Apparently, he had a 911 and then the NSX came out. He promply traded in 911 and paid an insane price to get one of the early 91 NSXs.

3. At home depot and while walking back to car in the farthest space next to a curb and a guy and his girl roll up in a 911 and he parks away from everyone too and starts to walk towards my car. I walk up and say hello and he proceeds to say how much he loves the car and if it is for sale. I politely say no, but proceed to have the usual conversation that he rode in one once and loved it and always wanted one. So I ask him why he just didn't get one instead of the 911? He just stares and mumbles that his girlfriend didn't really like the NSX so he got a 911. I tell him good luck in making his dream happen...but secretly we both know that will never happen...just another guy that buys things to impress other people instead of doing/getting what he really wants.

So what have I learned...Ferrari and 911 guys LOVE our cars and wish they had been more original or smarter about their car purchase. I look forward to next weekend. Ha.

GREAT anecdotes!

I especially love:

...kicking himself partially for getting just another Ferrari instead of having something unique.

...I ask him why he just didn't get one instead of the 911? He just stares and mumbles that his girlfriend didn't really like the NSX so he got a 911. I tell him good luck in making his dream happen...but secretly we both know that will never happen...just another guy that buys things to impress other people instead of doing/getting what he really wants.

...Ferrari and 911 guys LOVE our cars and wish they had been more original or smarter about their car purchase.
Originally Posted by GBL1
When I first saw the fixed headlight NSX in 2002, I ALWAYS thought, "Is Dodge / Mitsubishi aware that Honda raided their parts department for headlights?"

Never liked the fixed headlights for this reason...

The "raided" comment was intended in jest and should be understood by anyone who has ever seen "The Breakfast Club" movie. Jud Nelson asked the Principal. "Is Barry Manilow aware that you raided his wardrobe closet?"

No, I do not like the fixed headlight NSX look, but everybody has an opinion about which looks best on the car...and I cannot believe that anyone would be so shallow as to get their panties in a wad over my personal opinion that they would refuse to buy Top Speed products...because I differ from their opinion.

ALL the NSXs are great cars, but we are ALL entitled to our personal opinion of which look we like best. ;)

My post was meant to be in humor however poor it was. I actually like both versions of head lights. And have owned them.
Dude walks around my car studying it, (roof off too) takes one second and says "nice delorean man" :confused:
Guy pulls next to me at a stop light in an Audi. I have JDM Honda badges. He asks if it is a real nsx or a Honda with a body kit. I reply, is that a real Audi or is it just another Volkswagen that has leather and a moonroof as I speed off under VTEC.
Well played, sir.

I keep hoping someone down here in godforsaken Mississippi will say something funny about my car that I can post here. But pretty much all anybody says is "nice car" and "You are so lucky" and such.

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