Whats the funniest thing anyone's said about your car?

was in New Jersey yesterday stopped in for some gas, another car park behind me and walks up to my window and ask if this is a Prelude (i change my front and rear emblems to Honda) i point my finger to the door emblem, and he says Prelude Nsx? i'm like yes sir. i gave up explaining to people what a nsx is i just agrees with whatever they saying.
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Was walking back to my car after some shopping, and a guy is leaning against a wall ~15 ft away smoking a cigarette. As I walk up and unlock the car he says Nice car man, bet you feel real awesome." I was caught a bit off guard by the last bit so I said "yeah, it's allright."

He got into his blinged out 300c as I drove away. People are weird.
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This summer I was in Jasper AB. A Tour bus pulled up to the hotel we were at and a Japanese tourist came out of the bus and bowed to my car. I gave him a thumbs up.

I had another incedent like this in Yellowstone two years ago. When I came out to my car in the morning a Japanese tourist was looking at my car. He didn't speak English, but I totally understand what he was thinking. He loved the car..
Last cars and coffee I overheard these clowns talking about my car. He was convinced it was an 85. He told his buddy they stopped making them in 87. Idiot.
This summer I was in Jasper AB. A Tour bus pulled up to the hotel we were at and a Japanese tourist came out of the bus and bowed to my car. I gave him a thumbs up.

I had another incedent like this in Yellowstone two years ago. When I came out to my car in the morning a Japanese tourist was looking at my car. He didn't speak English, but I totally understand what he was thinking. He loved the car..
I can totally envision that happening. Awesome.
Reading these again reminded me of all the "how much did you pay for it" questions that I expected before I bought mine 3 months ago. ...

In anticipation, I bought a plate with the characters "1YEN" ... every few weeks I find myself directing people to the plate.
... confused looks normally ensue.
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Was stopped at a red light, hot day, windows rolled down. Guy in an Eclipse pulls up next to me on the left.

"Hey man...is that a Porsche?" I was speechless.

During our bay-to-bay run (13 NSXs), we surrounded a Chevy Cruze (I think) for a group shot. She and her friend got in the car shortly after and said something like it was refreshing to see Corvettes get together instead of Camaros since she saw a Camaro cruise the week before. She thought we were Corvettes!!!

Dhalsim just politely nodded and slowly walked away.

During our bay-to-bay run (13 NSXs), we surrounded a Chevy Cruze (I think) for a group shot. She and her friend got in the car shortly after and said something like it was refreshing to see Corvettes get together instead of Camaros since she saw a Camaro cruise the week before. She thought we were Corvettes!!!

Dhalsim just politely nodded and slowly walked away.

Ha ha...........true story :smile:
Just yesterday, I walked out to the parking garage at work and 2 guys were looking at my car and trying to figure out what it was. One guy says "Well it's got Acura wheels but that ain't no Acura" to which I replied "Why yes it is an Acura...an Acura NSX". He said "No shit!" They were really surprised when I told the it was 13 years old. LOL! :biggrin:
Walking to the car mall parking lot guy comes flying up in a van with his gf as I was getting in I'm thinking wtf.. Young guy gets walks over and says " what yr is that and where did you go to get that imported here " told him it's a 91 acura and was sold in the states .. Gave me that confused look .. Lol gotta love the priceless look on these kids that have little knowledge of Japanese sports cars.. Everyone seems to knoe gtr's and surpas but the nsx I guess it's the unicorn in this era
Add another NJ story to the mix… Decided to go for some highway therapy today since the weather was gorgeous. I pull into the Sunoco in Ft. Lee and as I am filling up, a guy walks out of an automobile customization type store. He proceeds to tell me and I quote "What year is this? This is my all time favorite car!" I respond, it's a 2000, thanks.. His response, "Sweet! Just the year they started making them!" I could not believe my ears. Needless to say I didn't tell him that they started being made in 1991. I just left after filling up in amazement. You just cannot make this s@$% up!
My "new" NSX arrived the other day, but it only came with one key, so I went to my local Ace Hardware to have them cut and program two new keys. After the first copy was made, I wanted to test it to make sure it would start the motor. So the key-cutter, a young 20-something, and I went out to the parking lot to give it a try.

When he saw the NSX, he couldn't believe it, "Aaawww man, what a sweet ride" and so on... He was knowledgeable enough to know it wasn't a Ferrari or Corvette, but as you'll see later, he didn't quite nail the manufacturer. Anyway, he immediately pulled out his iPhone and started taking pictures and gawking at the car. When he saw some of his co-workers coming back from lunch, he yelled to them, "Hey look at my new ride!!"

The key worked, so we went inside to make a second copy. This time his manager was there, so he tried to convince him to join in on the next key test, "You gotta come out and test the key with us. You just gotta come out! We gotta test this key and you need to be there. You've never seen a Nissan like this!" :)

The manager joined us, begrudgingly. However, when he saw the NSX, his attitude instantly changed, and he became like a kid at Christmas, circling around the car, looking at it from all angles, and firing a million questions at me. Finally he stepped back to admire the car and declared, "Man, that's a real low rider." To which the key-cutter immediately responded, "No man, that ain't no low rider, that's a SPORTS car!"
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Yesterday, a guy yelled over three lanes of traffic asking if it was a Ferrari.
I told him no, it's an acura.
He said, Oh...it's still a nice car.
Not that funny possibly to others but personally funny to me and it wasn't said but something that happened today:

On my way to school, I pulled up behind a Shelby AC427 Cobra (one of the few cars that can see us in the rearview mirror) at a light. The guy driving it notices the nsx and proceeds to stare long enough that he misses the light turning green. Horns honk and he had a jumpy reaction and stalls the cobra. Then once we're moving I guess he was still looking and almost misses his exit, tries to make it last minute, goes off into the grass barely, comes back onto the shoulder and pops his tire.

This was particularly hilarious to me as for all but one person Ive met with AC427s are clowns to put it nicely
Spoken by a repair tech who discovered an aftermarket part I'd used in doing my own maintenance:
"You put a NAPA hose in the car" -- said in a tone to suggest that Mr. Honda would turn over in his grave if he knew.

(For those who must know, it was a length of straight hose instead of OEM part 79726-SL0-A00. It fit just fine.)
I had my NSX at a local weekly car meet and was parked next to an off duty cop and his family. We talked about each other's car and then I excused myself to go look at the other cars at the meet. When I got back to my car, the cop said "man your car is popular." He said "people kept coming up and started asking me questions so I answered for you. Some of them knew what it was already but there are a few that asked if it was a Ferrari so I said why yes it is as if it was my car. There are also a few more people that think it's the 2015 ZR1 Corvette." I thanked him for doing what I would have done and shared a drink with him.

During our bay-to-bay run (13 NSXs), we surrounded a Chevy Cruze (I think) for a group shot. She and her friend got in the car shortly after and said something like it was refreshing to see Corvettes get together instead of Camaros since she saw a Camaro cruise the week before. She thought we were Corvettes!!!

Dhalsim just politely nodded and slowly walked away.

Hahaha, I was about to post this when I was reading through this thread ^___^.
Weird happening today, and out of all the cars I've had, I've never had anyone do this but this is what happened
One other fact for the story, my car is de-badged (bought it that way), the rear center light piece too

Walking out of grocery store i spy a couple maybe late 40s walking around my car,
Also behind me is another couple that had walked out and were discussing my car, I figured this would be interesting...
I was excited to atleast hear that the male of the couple behind me knew it was an NSX so i wouldnt have to talk to them
As i reach the car, the redneck woman of the first mentioned couple didnt seem to care about letting me in my car as she was basically still leaning on the door
So i go ahead and acknowledge her with a "how are you doing today?"
Her - "what typuh a car is dis"
Me - "would you believe me if i told you it was a honda?"
Before she can respond, the man from the other couple interjects with - "its an acura"
Completely caught off guard i reply - "well yes, its sold as an acura in the US but its still all honda"
Genius car guy - "no, its an ACURA nsx"
In probably her most brilliant moment of her life, she responds before i can - "then why dus it say honda right heer on the winder?" while pointing at it
I applauded her and the guy just says "whatever", walks off like he was defeated and his wife was just smiling

I have never had someone try to correct me on something with my car, especially something that simple and pointless
a few weeks ago i was washing the car in my driveway. A neighbor of mine was walking his dog and walked up to chat. We were shooting the shit for awhile about the car... I told him i bought it from the original owner in Pennsylvania who wanted to get a Porsche. he replied " What a dumbass".
Funny conversation at the track last weekend:

Him: You're driving the NSX?
Me: Yes! What are you driving?
Him: The poor man's NSX.
Me: What's that?
Him: Cayman S

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