Whats the funniest thing anyone's said about your car?

:facepalm: People who speak with authority on things they know little, or nothing, about really upset me... far more than it probably should.
Had a Ford Explorer loaded with people pull up next to me the other day. Before we stopped I heard a guy in the back yell "That's an Acura NSX!!". They got next to me and the guy in the back, this long-haired hippy-looking adult sitting in the middle between two teenage girls yells at me "Awesome fucking car!" I reply "Thanks". Then the young guy (late-teen to maybe 20-year-old) in the front passenger says to me with a dead-pan straight-face "Nice car, is that a Corvette". I start to reply "no it's a NSX" before the guy in the back corrects him "That's a NSX, an Acura NSX!"

Needless to say I was a little confused.

They went straight and I ended up turning right (this Explorer had a super gangster lean to the back right too, lol). Shortly after, crossed paths with them again on the other side of town. Guess the shortcut isn't so short after all, lol. That or they were just weighed down.
I was pulling into a gas station with my new to me NSX, and a guy pulling out looked at me and said "That Sh*t is Filthy" and drove away, when i parked, i looked around but the car was clean as a whistle. :confused2: so i googled it just now. here is the definition. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=filthy LOL

I was at a supermarket a few weeks ago, and the cart guy walked by on his phone and started screaming 'holy shit an nsx damn hold on the engines in the back this car is sick nsx bro its here!'

So I asked him if he wanted to hear it... got back in and revved it up for him. He just walked away and kept saying "holy fuck that's so dirty. So dirty."

Made my day.
An older couple pulled up next to me at a light in their SUV and the woman asked me what type of car I was driving with a giddy smile on her face. I told her it was an Acura and her face went straight and she replied "oh" and looked away.....lol
this happened yesterday, I was directly next to the new 2014 Vette, a car in front of him and a car in front of me, the car in front of him, passenger got out at stop light and stood in front of the vette and took a couple pics of my car, smiled and thumbs up at me, the vette guy looks over at me with the Sheep confused look on his face of " why didn't they take a pic of my new vette"
I was laughing cuz it is a sheep car.
Guy passing by me two lanes over to the left of me in a Corolla, leaned over from the driver side over his passenger and said "I would have sex with your car........ Like, for real."
Sitting at a traffic light on the 4th. Drunk redneck yells out the window... "you should do a burn out in that thang" :rolleyes:
Redneck at the gas station: "Ah TOLD mah boy that was a Honda Acura!"
Me: "It's an Acura NSX."
Redneck: "Yeah, a Honda, th' Acura model!"
Me: "Well, in the US they were sold as Acuras, and it's an NSX."
Redneck: "Yeah, a Honda Acura lahk ah says."
Me: "Honda, Acura, same thing but it's an NSX."
Redneck: "Naw, says Acura right there on th' tail."
Me: "OK, I guess I should check the title because I sure thought it was an NSX."
Redneck: "Nope, Honda Acura lahk ah tol' mah boy."
(To myself: You sure know a lot for a dumb m*#h@r#&c%er).
Got to love the "NSX EXPERTS" RBilder's car and mine were parked next to each other at a show. Couple guys came up..."This is the Acura RX7s...these are rare." Another guy said Rod's car('91) was a 6 speed with 420 hp.

I have also had someone point to the battery up front and say "What a waste...Good looking car that is Electric"
Never ceases to amaze me what I hear at car shows and cruise-ins, stunningly incorrect statements made with absolute authority, about just about any car at a show. Fun to walk around and listen to comments.
I was stopped at a red light when I look over to my left and an excited middle aged couple in a Camry are motioning for me to roll my window down. When I do so, the lady in the passenger seat says "Is that really an Acura?" to which I say "Yes it is! It's an Acura NSX". She then says "Well it's just as beautiful as a Corvette!" to which I sheepishly replied "Well, I like it a lot better than a Corvette". Sheesh - I know that she meant it as a compliment but it was hard to accept :frown:
I just drove 18 hrs from toronto-nj-toronto this week.
At every rest stop, someone came up to me to talk about the car.

The best was this middle aged black dude... he was just chatting with some other guy about it, and was super polite.

"excuse me sir, im sure you get this all the time, but what kind of car is that? I said it's a lamborgini, that guy said its a ferrari, his kid thinks its a corvette..."

"it's an acura nsx"

"HOOOOLEEEEE shit. Acura makes that car?"

"it's over 20 years old... they stopped making them"

then he ran back to the other dude to tell him it's a 20 year old Acura. Excited people are awesome.
I was waiting in line to pay for gas. The guy next to me asked me what year my car was and I told him that it was a '97. He then asked if it was 80-90? I said "no, a '97". He then said, "no, how much is it worth? $80,000-90,000?"

LOL, I wish :)

Well, mine finally happened. I took my son out for some ice cream tonight and I had the top off since it was a great sunny evening here today in NJ. It wasn't funny, but I got the horn honk and thumbs up from a middle aged soccer mom in a Mazda who mouthed "I love it!" Wish I could've told a better story.. lol. :smile:
Not really something said that was funny but went with my GF to get some ice cream puffs. It was the grand opening of a new place so they had a bunch of staff there. Someone noticed my car outside and told the other guys working there that there was an NSX outside. They got super excited and started running around and going outside to take pictures of it. Then one of the guys stood at the door when I left just to watch me pull away.
Country guy at the stop light , "Hey" (heavy country accent voice)


After all these months, I keep thinking about the ANUS X whenever I see this thread.
Drove to Middlesboro KY, stopped at a gas station and walked in.

Guy: "Hey buddy, what kind of car is the that?"
Me: "An NSX"
Guy: to friends "I told you it wasn't a Lamborgini...it's a Nissan like I said"

Other Guy: on the way out "I bet no one else around here knows what that car is, nice NSX"

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